Resident Evil 6 : Armageddon

Chapter 8

Umbrella's War - Part 1

Jill hears large doors closing as the car stops. She prepares herself to leap out and attack the men who took her. However, she hears a familiar voice coming from outside.

"I expect Miss Valentine has been treated with the best care," he says. Jill frowns. "Go get her," he orders. Jill readies herself. The boot door is swung open and Jill leaps and starts to pound and scream. She punches the guy in the nose sending a flurry of blood going down his face. She gets up and roundhouses him. "Be careful, she's highly dangerous," Wesker chuckles.

"After these guys, I'm all yours Albert," Jill hisses. A man wielding a knife lunges for the brunette. Jill throws herself onto the ground and twists her feet to make sure they grapple onto his. She then twists them forward and the guy drops the knife while his face impacts with the concrete. He grunts loudly as Jill jumps to her feet and sends a knee to the side of his head. Jill's grabbed from behind, her arms pulled behind her. She struggles and lifts herself up, her feet kicking the air. She sends her lower back slamming into the mans groin, he releases her and falls to the floor gasping. Jill jumps onto his back and positions a foot on the arch and the other onto his neck. She presses all of here body weight on her feet and the leg on the neck is flicked sending a crack down the spine. She flips off and dodges gunfire from a new participant.

"I see you haven't let yourself go," Wesker calls. Jill gets behind the four by four and catches her breathe.

"Your right, I haven't. Though, you have," she sniggers as she lifts herself up to the roof and runs and jumps onto the man sending his head to hit the concrete.

"Impressive," Wesker walks around inspecting Jill's work. "Perhaps you should of been used earlier," Jill scans her new environment. The four by four in the center of the big white ominous room. What she didn't notice earlier was...the massive Umbrella logo on the floor.

"No," Jill grabs her head. "No!" she yells.

"Yes. Jill you have been here longer than you think," Jill looks around. She doesn't understand. "You've been with Umbrella for just over three years,"

"Daddy...Daddy," a little girls voice chimes. Alice awakens to a dreary night. The stars are few and far between. The air's freezing cold, Alice is only wearing a tank top and jeans. She hauls herself up and sees Angie shaking her fathers dead body next to their get away helicopter. "Come on daddy," she moans pressing herself against his chest. Alice gets up and runs towards her as a sudden panic sets in.

"Get away!" Alice shrieks as Angie's father groans. His fingers begin moving, his teeth chattering and his skin becoming paler by the second. Alice yanks Angie up and moves her away. "He's turning," Alice explains. "He's not your father anymore," Angie turns her attention to Alice. Her eyes have suddenly got dark.

"No, he's not." she begins. "You did this. You killed daddy," Angie's mouth opens showing gigantic and sharp teeth. "Alice, you will meet your end!" she roars as she topples the woman over and begins her feast.

Alice feels a sharp sickening pain coming from her neck. She turns her head slightly to see she's being turned. Her eyes glow a milky white, her blood flowing three times the speed it should naturally. The undead disintegrates and Alice is healed. Her eyes stare at nothingness. What just happened? She begins to panic. What am I? What did Umbrella do to me? I killed Angie. I...killed her. Alice gets up and tugs at her hair. You killed her. Your evil...your just one of them. Alice begins to cry.

"No, I saw Carlos five days ago..." Jill insists. Wesker laughs.

"Did you now? Did he look like this?" Wesker pulls out a phone and throws it towards Jill. She catches it and looks at the screen. It shows an oil tank exploding. She watches a few times and manages to get a glimpse of the man in the drivers seat. Carlos. Jill throws her hand over her mouth.


no," she says.

"You'll never know who he met before," Wesker says. Jill looks up at him. Her face marked with tear stains.

"I have a good idea," she grunts. "Alice,"

Three Months Later

An overhead voice clearly speaks the words "Simulation commenced" Jill breaths slowly, her heart racing, adrenaline kicking in and that ruby spider flickering on her chest. Here we go. The white room is turned into a warzone with advanced technology only achieved by the likes of Umbrella. Jill finds herself behind a cracked wall. The air around her is stuffy. The war appears to be taking place at night...but there are no stars. Many Umbrella troops assemble around her, awaiting orders.

"We go around," she starts. "We should be able to infiltrate the bunker in the east from above, then kill her. Kill Alice," she smirks.

"Yes ma'am!" they chant as they slip round the wall and a frenzy of gunfire echoes in the distance. Jill tightens her grip on her two semi automatic pistols. This is it, lets kill that bitch. She departs from the wall, right into the fire. Her troops are battling civilians who fire in no clear direction. Easy work. Jill takes one out with a brief spray and moves onto the next. Childs play. That's when things start to heat up. A horde of half burnt undead emerge from nowhere. Their eyes burning bright like the flames that surround them.

"Undead incoming!" Jill yells. The troops turn their attention to the more dangerous threat Jill sprints over, firing in the process. She shoots one in the head, creating a large hole going straight through it's skull. Another staggers while a troop uppercuts it to perfection. More keep coming. "Grenade!" she shouts at a trooper.

"Set!" one says after throwing one amongst the walking dead. A vicious explosion enclaves them, but they keep coming. Jill grunts.

"Move on! Get to the objective!" she makes her way to the east. Dodging rapid fire from all directions, Jill sneaks behind various walls to go as undetected as possible. Troops of Umbrella plod on behind. Jill reloads her weapon and glances past the wall to the bunker entrance. Four guards, heavily loaded...are those grenade launchers? Yep. Great.

Authors Note: I decided to do this in 2 parts as I'm still thinking about what to do about the situation. I hope you like this chapter and please review.