Nico P.O.V.
I was curious as to when the best time to bring my question up. I was thinking of doing it during dinner at the pizza place, but I only needed to bring it up with Annabeth, Percy, and Thalia. I couldn't get my mind off of it and him while we were waiting to be seated. As the hostess led us to our table, she kept glancing back at me and fluttering her eyes.
As everyone filed into the booth I ended up being right next to the exact people I needed to talk to. Percy and Annabeth sat directly across from me with Thalia to my right. "Hey, I have a question I need to ask you guys," I said before I lost my nerve.
"Of course, Nico. What is it?" Annabeth replied.
"Well, I'm sure you guys know how me and Will have been dating for a while. Since he's eighteen and has graduated I was wondering if he could stay with us at the house while he saved for medical school. Would you guys be okay if he lived with us?" I asked, hesitantly. I was almost positive they'd all say no.
"Yeah, sure. I have no problem with it," Percy replied with a smile on his face. Thalia agreed right after him.
"Would he be staying in your room with you or would he be sleeping in one of the guests rooms? I'm cool with it if he stays with us, I'd just like to know where he'd be sleeping," Annabeth stated.
"Uh, he'd most likely be staying in my room with me. I'll Iris Message him tonight and ask."
"Cool," Percy smiled before getting involved in a conversation with Alex.
Yeah, cool, Nico thought. You're not the one who's inviting your lover to stay with you while they go to medical school.
"The hostess hasn't stopped looking at you," Jake told me. "She's kinda cute. Maybe you should ask her out."
"That'll never happen. She's not my type," I informed him.
"What? You mean to tell me tall, gorgeous girls aren't your type?"
"Then what is your type?"
"Tall, gorgeous men." The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. His face felt hotter than the sun. Oh no.
So if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm terrible at keeping promises. I'm sorry I've just been really busy and kinda losing interest in this story. I feel really bad about it. I just don't know what I'm going to do. If you want me to keep this story going I'll try to update when I can and If you want me to just stop writing, tell me. You won't hurt my feelings.
Sorry for the really short chapter.
p.s. if you have any pjo fanfictions you really like, tell me what they are. I need something to read.