New Host in the Club

by RavenExpert

A Hetalia x Ouran High School Host Club

Chapter 1: A Newcomer is Coming


Instead of doing something dark-themed, now I try to do something out of my comfort zone; a comedy. Hope this one went well. Practically, I'm practicing my sense of humor.


First-year classroom.

"Um, so everyone, this is Kiku Honda, the new transfer student. He got transferred here due to his parent's job. Everyone, please get along with him!"

The teacher introduced a bleak-looking student with black hair and plain eyes. However, he had a certain something that made few girls started to pay attention on him. He bowed down a bit as a sign of respect. "Pleased to meet you, everyone."

Kiku sighed softly a bit after the introduction, then the teacher told him to take an empty seat.


Japan, are you free for the next few months?

Um, not exactly sir. What is it?

Well, I'm planning to enroll you to a high school and let you have a holiday for once.

...Sir? Enrolling into a school cannot be consider as a holiday...

In a way, I want you to let go of the whole "country" business and be human for the next few months. Nations are always so busy with the government works, so I think this is a good chance to let you have fun, have friends, and go ease for a while.

Sir, I really appreciate your concern, but I will be fine. I still can hold out longer. In fact, if I take a rest, then what about the paper works?

Japan, the government is never alone. There are a lot of ministers and other workers here. We can cover it up for you. I just want you to take a nice holiday.


As I said before, you are always living your life as a nation in this quarters. Why don't you go outside and become "human" for a while? It's nice to have a breathing. Don't worry. I will find a suitable place for you.

I, uh... Thank you very much, sir...

Haha! Just have fun, Japan. Oh, and...


I'll try to ask another country to do this too. I think this will be good once in a while.

Oh, please do sir.



Kiku walked down the giant hallway as he was looking around when the school was over. Sure, his boss said that he should enjoy a life as a "human" while he was still enrolling in the school, but he didn't know an actual way to enjoy the human life. He only looked around to see something he could do. Becoming a transfer student in such a prestigious high school brought few things that made him worry. One of them was that would he be able to cover up all of his identities? No. One could say that he was not having a holiday, since he had to keep his identity a secret.

When he was passing through a hallway, he bumped into someone quite hard and thus fell to the floor. The other person seemed to hold a pile of books, and thus those too fell onto the floor. "I-I'm terribly sorry!" Kiku panicked a bit and helped to gather the books.

"Oh, no, no, it's okay." The person's voice was soft. It sounded girly, but at the same time, it sounded like a young boy. Kiku saw the person's face, and he couldn't really determine whether this was a boy or a girl. Though he pretty much got the idea.

"I'm really sorry. Let me help you."

"Oh, thank you! I'm on my way to the library to return these." The person stretched his hand. "My name is Haruhi Fujioka. What about you?"

Kiku went nervous for a second, before he shook hands with him. "My name is Kiku Honda. Pleased to meet you." He brought few books with him and walked towards the library with Haruhi.

They did few conversation as they walked. "By the way, are you the new transfer student?"

"Oh yes. I'm in the first year."

"Then we're in the same year. I'm a first year too." Haruhi gave a small smile. They arrived at the library and put down the books before exiting the room.

After they talked for a while, Kiku's question seemed to have come to light. He turned his face to see Haruhi. "Um, if I may ask something rude... Are you a girl?"

Haruhi fell silent for a moment and then chuckled before answering back. "Yes, actually I am. I don't mind being both though."

"Why are you wearing a boy's uniform?"

"A certain club I'm in forced me to wear this... I don't have money to buy uniforms to begin with. The president of that club gave me this uniform to wear..."

"I'm interested. What kind of club?"

"Um that's-" Before Haruhi continued, two other voices talking at the same time approached the two of them. They were coming from two male students who seemed to be twins. "Hey, Haruhi! The club's going to start soon!"

"Oh, right."

"You don't want to be late, right? Today's guests are special!"

"You guys said that every single day."

One of the twins seemed to notice Kiku. "Oh, Haruhi. Who's this guy?"

"Ah, he's Kiku Honda. A new transfer student first year, like us." The twins took a intense look towards him. They whispered for few seconds and then grabbed Haruhi's hand.

"Well, nice to meet you, Kiku! I'm Hikaru Hitachiin, and this is my younger twin, Kaoru."

"Nice to meet you too."

"Alright, we have to go now. Our club is about to open!"


"Hey, wait you two! Don't drag someone's hand like this!" Haruhi kept struggling, but it looked useless.

"We don't want to be late, right!?" The two ran by dragging Haruhi away. Kiku didn't quite understand what happened, but he just shrugged and left.


Host Club, Clubroom.

"Hey, lord! Come over here." The same twins called over a blonde student with a rather princely, yet stupid aura around him.

"Please wait for a minute, my princess." The said student left the female student before approaching Hikaru and Kaoru. "Alright, what's up you two?"

The twins whispered into his ears. The latter only widened his eyes a bit and then held his chin. "Hmm... I see, I see..."

"How about it, lord? Isn't this a good idea? Not a bad look either."

"Well then, this is certainly going to be interesting. Kyouya!" Another male student with glasses responded to that call. He was holding a file. He only turned to face the said student. "Find information about this new transfer student."

He only nodded a bit before typing few numbers on his cellphone. Then, a smaller student holding a rabbit doll approached the blonde. "Tama-chan! What are we going to do?" He said in total excitement.

"It will have to wait, Honey-senpai."


Time passed by until it was time to close the club's activity. Before they all went home, Tamaki stood up and stretched his arms. "Everyone! I got a beautiful news for us all!"

"What's this news, senpai?" Haruhi looked unamused. "I'd like to go home quickly though..."

He chuckled.

"We're going to get a new member of our Host Club!"


"...What?" Haruhi tilted her head.

The others in the room didn't look amused either. Excluding Honey-senpai.


A/N: As I said earlier, I had to go out of my comfort zone to do this. Hope you like this new X-over!