"Let's all go on a road trip", Tomoyo screamed in excitement that shocked the whole group. Eriol, Sakura, Syaoran, Chiharu and Yamazaki were all intrigued by the idea. After all after they graduated they didn't have much to do anyways.

"Not bad, for once you came up with a good idea", Chiharu stated as she opened her lunch box. They all looked at each other and decided why the hell not?

"Well we can leave for like a 4 week road trip around Europe. It will be really exciting and since none of us want to go to prom, why not leave on graduation day itself?", Eriol said while enjoying his turkey sandwich.

Tomoyo hugged in excitement and it made him spit out his sandwich. "Now, THAT'S why I love you" Tomoyo said kissing him all over his face. "Then it's decided then, Europe here we come", Sakura said making a scene in the cafeteria with one foot on the bench and her hands fisted in the air, striking a manly pose".

"And you wonder why no one hangs out with you", Syaoran muttered under his breath before leaving the table.

"Hey, I have a lot of friends who want to hang out with me.. right guys?", unfortunately, everyone from the table disappeared instantly when she turned her head around to look for them. She looked back at Syaoran who was holding in his laughter.

Sakura gave a loud huff and got her foot of the table. "It's alright, I will still be your friend" Syaoran said as he put his arm around Sakura. "You better be" Sakura said as she stomped couldn't help but giggle at how cute she is.

Tomoyo and Errol were watching the whole entire scene. "When the hell are they going to grow up and realize they like each other? For crying out loud", Tomoyo said squeezing Eriol's hand. They were the best of friends and they fight like cats and dogs but everyone can see how much chemistry they have for each other. They basically complete each other. Don't rush it Tomoyo " and then he smirked evilly.

Hey guys since there were some people saying i should make it into a story... Here you go. My first non one-shot. Hope you guys like it. Please review.

***************************GRADUATION DAY*****************************

Everyone was excited that finally school has ended. "Okay guys, lets meet at the penguin park at 7.30pm, then we can catch our flight to first stop, England" Chiharu said excitedly. All of them rushed home got their stuff and met at the park several hours later.

They all got into Eriol's limo and made their way to the airport. As they took their seating places. Syaoran and Sakura ended up sitting next to each other although Sakura wanted to sit with Tomoyo and Syaoran with Yamazaki, but the thing was that all their friends were a couple except them so they always ended up with each other. In that context they HAD to get along on some level.