I'm sorry to take a long time to updated.

My Internet connection has been disconnect and I lack of ideas.


Okay , in this chapter Shizuo is almost 9 month (that's mean the babies is already about to come out) ^-^

BETA: Shizaya4life

"Izaya , dinner is ready!" Shizuo shouted as he put the last dish on the table.

"I'm coming" Izaya answer.

Izaya sat in front of his wife; he then looked over to see how difficult it was for his wife to sit down with that big tummy.

"Nee~ Shizu-chan , have you thought about the baby's names?"

"Mmm... not yet , have you?"

"Of course I have!" Izaya said happily.

"really? then what is it?"

"Pysc- " Suddenly Izaya's phone rang. 'tch , this phone.. I'm going to step on it later because it interfered my chat with Shizu-chan' Izaya pout. "Are you going to answer that, flea?" Shizuo said pointing to the phone's direction.

"Yes I am. Wait for me kay , Shizu-can" Then he answer the call and walked out of the kitchen. He know that the phone ringing because of a work , he don't want Shizuo to get disturbed by his dangerous job.

-Several minute later-

"I'm sorry Shizu-chan!"

"Huh? For what?"

"It was about work , I need to go to Fukushima for 5 days." Izaya said sadly.

he felt a soft and gentle hand reach out and caress his face.

"It's your job right , there's no need for you to say sorry" Shizuo said in a very soft 'mother' voice.

"Well, what about if the babies come out before I get back?"

"Izaya, I'm sure I'll be okay"

Izaya hug his wife gently and kiss him on the lip passionately with love.

" when you'll be going?" Shizuo asked.

"Tomorrow morning. Mind to pack my belonging?"

"Okay" Shizuo answer with a warm smile.

Izaya has been gone for almost 4 day in Fukushima but Shizuo could not wait to meet his husband and tell him that the babies had already started kicking to get out. He was really excited to meet his husband tomorrow.

'I'm so happy to tell him that the babies are kicking my tummy , izaya must feel very happy to heard that..'

As the night came Shizuo was going to end up sleeping alone again but when he thought back to the fact that Izaya would be returning the very next day he felt so happy.

Suddenly Shizuo felt a sharp pain in his tummy. He looked down and panic; he had already broke his water. He was screaming in pain in a less-conscious state Shizuo reached out and grabbed his phone. He dialed Shinra's number.

"Shizu-can!" gasping loudly Izaya shouted his lover's name with panicked face.

Yesterday, Shinra had called Izaya and said that Shizuo had already given birth to the two healthy babies. He then immediately took the decision to go back to Shinjuku, he ignored his job and his client.

"Shut up Flea! The babies are sleeping!" Shizuo scold his husband and gently knock Izaya on the head. Shizuo was lying on the bed and beside him he had the very cute twin babies that sleeping soundly in their mothers comfort.

Izaya caressed the babies cheeks "They are so beautiful just like you, Shizu-chan". Shizuo blush and looked away. "Same as you too" Shizuo said shyly.

"Ah! Izaya what are you going to name them?" Shizuo said suddenly remembering their cut off conversation.

"Oh , how about Psyche and Tsugaru?"

"Sound nice" Shizuo said to his husband and kiss Izaya on the cheek.


I know the ending is pretty lame... but ENJOY!

And I'm gonna make another Izuo fanfic after this =u=b

If you not satisfied with the ending PM me!

That's all, hope see you next time.