/N: well this is the last chapter I will write for this story. hope you enjoyed it. c:
In the future I may write more oneshots about these couples and everyone in DMC though. If DMC5 from CAPCOM comes out in 2015, I may rewrite this story a bit.
DISCLAIMERS: Devil May Cry belongs to CAPCOM, Faith/OCs/plot belongs to me, Hope belongs to mintybat on deviantart . com
Nero saw Hope being grabbed by VILE and he reached for her hand. "Hope!" And then he saw Faith over his shoulder, too. Before he could touch her, he disappeared to who knows where. "D *nit!" The demon waited for everyone to be off their guard and attack. Coward!
The door was burst open and Dante came through. He brushed dirt and snow off of him. "You had to dump it on me."
"Pft. I thought you died, old man."
"Nope. Just thought I'd let him have his victory." He looked around and saw that VILE took a chance to get the girls. "He might've gotten away but... I know where to find him." Dante said. He could smell the foul stench of a power hungry demon. He took his time to get his weapons together again.
"If what Faith told me was true, then he's going to find hidden portal and open one of the gates of hell." he said to himself. Nero only stayed quiet. He was just waiting for the chance to beat the b $^*d up. Getting impatient with Dante very quickly Nero said,"Come on, hurry up. He could be hurting the girls." A pause. "Told you you was an old man." He was actually worried what VILE was going to do to them after shedding their blood.
Dante finally found the keys to Faith's car underneath the piles of paper on his desk and they drove off. Their senses bought them an abandoned house, about a day's drive from Devil May Cry. But Dante was driving 210 miles per hour to make it there. Even if he had to make this thing fly, he would make it to save the female devil hunters. The devil hunters were making their move. "Checkmate." Dante muttered.
Faith woke up tied at her ankles and wrists, hanging up against a wall. The place looked like a living room, and from the looks of the cobwebs, dust, and old furniture, they were in an old house. She moved her head to her left and saw Hope in the same state she was in.
"Ahh... you're awake. Good. I want to see your faces twisted in pain as I drain you of your life force. And with it I shall open the doors of Hell and regain my true power." He went on about Sparda locking his powers away.
Hope asked, annoyed,"Does Dante have to put up with you guys everytime he has to fight and save the world?" That was true, actually. VILE seethed and put a blade to her throat.
"You shall be the first to spill blood." He then cut her sleeve where her flesh was showing. He made a cut and her blood dripped out. She hissed and cried out as the blade sliced her smooth skin. "Virgin blood is the best kind to offer. And now..." he looked at Faith,"you're next."
Faith was going to keep this a secret between only her and Dante but...
"I'm... I'm not a virgin anymore." Her cheeks were burning. VILE still came close to her, tipping her face up to look into the molten eyes of hell and evil. His sulfur and brimstone breath fanned on her and she held her breath to try not to gag.
"No matter. Blood is blood." He cut her arm. She cries out as the blade dug into her skin. She thought to call out for Dante but then remembered that there was no way he survived. Tears fell from her tightly shut eyes. Below them a red glow and pentagram symbol appeared on the wooden floor. Then it created a black hole, red aura swirling around and inside it, and demon's howls could be heard, trying to get out. VILE reached in and grabbed a dark colored orb. He absorbed it by crushing it in his claws and second by second he started to look more like a human, but still had the teeth, eyes, claws and shape of a demon.
"Yes... I feel it..." He got the power he needed. He then laughed, the demonic laughter echoed throughout the room. He turned back to Hope and Faith. "Now what shall I do with you?" At Faith he brushed her cheek and smelled her neck. Faith let out a disgusted yelp, almost sounding helpless, as he touched her locks of hair. Was she and her sister to be defiled by this inhuman beast of the Underworld? Tears came hotly behind her eye lids.
VILE walked over to Hope, doing the same things. "Back off, pervert!" she yelled. He looked like he was going to kill her to silence her.
"NO!" Faith yelled at him.
The door exploded from multiple gunshots and VILE was on the floor, Nero on him and gripping his throat with his Devil Arm. "I. Said. Don't. Touch. Her." he growled angrily. Holding him down, Nero began punching him in the face to beat him into a pulp.
Dante shot at the demons that were climbing out of the hellgate. He saw the girls and ran to untie them, feet first. "You alright, babe?" he asked Faith. He swung his Rebellion and cut the ropes that bound their hands together. The girls undid the ropes and were free.
"Yeah. Besides the cut on the arm, we're both fine." Faith replied.
"Alright. Now go!" Dante yelled at them as he turned to fight back the hoards of demons that were still coming.
"No, we're not leaving you." Hope said. She had something up her sleeve.
Dante shrugged and said,"Your choice."
Nero was finishing VILE. His face was bleeding from the busted skin and cuts. Nero pulled out the Blue Rose and then shot him in the neck. He got up before VILE could stab him, and Dante finished the job by shooting him in midair and impaled him with Rebellion. The portal was getting bigger so they kicked VILE into the portal, and it closed after hearing his cries of defeat.
Hope pulled a bomb out and threw in the middle of the room. Everyone ran away from the house and heard the explosion. Dante and Nero covered the girls with their back toward the direction of the explosion. As soon as they made it to a hilltop, near a highway, they watched the fire and smoke rise. The house was condemned so it didn't matter the damage it took.
Dante had the car parked somewhere else, which was a good thing. The sun was rising, the cool morning breeze blew, bringing a hint of smoke with it. Dante held Faith to him and Nero held Hope by wrapping his hand around her shoulder.
Faith wasn't going to ask how he came back; 'He always does' would have been his answer. She enjoyed the feeling of his warm body against her. She layed her head against his arm and let a tear of happiness slip out and fly in the wind. She then thought of something. Demons will follow and kill Dante, like what had happened before but he would always come back because he was greater than any devil. He was also human, and that human side is what kept him alive.
"I'm going to protect you. This time, I swear." she said to herself.
"Well, I'm starved. Let's go." Dante said. Everyone walked to the car and then they drove off to go get breakfast.
"What do you want? I'm buying." Faith turned to the back to Nero and Hope. They asked for pancakes. "What about you, Dante? A full breakfast?" she asked him.
"Sure." he said. Faith side-smiled at him and tore the bottom hem of her shirt to wrap her wound. Hope did, too, with the help of Nero. He blushed when he saw a bit of her stomach as he wrapped the red cloth around her arm. While they were waiting to get to a restaurant, Nero told the story how fast Dante was going and how he almost killed them both when a big transfer truck was coming toward them on a tiny road.
When they made it back to the office, Dante ordered pizza for dinner. It was nice to have everyone together again. Nero and Hope was sitting on the couch, hands touching. They were about to kiss until Dante peeked from behind the couch and teased Nero about it. "Come on, do it already, kid."
"S-s-shut up!" Nero started fighting with Dante, rough housing with him. It's a good thing there wouldn't be no costumers no time soon.
~ The End? ~
Epilogue (DMC2)
July 15, 2016
Dear diary,
Dante went on a mission to South America. I hope he comes back soon. Last month I turned 24. Hope turned 21. I may have said this before but 3 really is the magic number. I met Dante when I was 19 and Hoe met Nero when she was 19. Something had us bound together, maybe fate. I must be writing nonsense, though, right?
Nero and Hope aren't officially married, but they are living together and are on their 'honeymoon.' Neither am I and Dante. I did want to marry him but I valued both mine and his freedom, and I told Hope the same thing, that is if she wanted to. She wanted to enjoy a few years with Nero with commitment. That's her thing.
It's (not officially today but this year) mine and Dante's 4th anniversary being together since we met each other back in August 2011. I can't believe it's been that long! I just hope Dante comes back in time for it.
While he's away I'm watching the shop, which has been my home for a little over 2 years now. My parents are okay with what I've done with my life: went to college and got a degree that would let me be a writer of any sort, which I think I want to write a more up to date book about demons, and I work as a devil hunter partner with Dante. But they didn't really like that Hope followed in my footsteps of being with a devil hunter. Hehehehhe.
By the way Dante is almost 41. I have a question to ask him when he comes back. I don't know what else to write at the moment so... ( I wear see through blouses with and torn shirts with a lot of make up ,but not too much, and leather pants and boots now.)
Faith closed the book and recollected all that has happened. Her memories passed before her and she was happy. Except for one. Just recently her parents asked her if she was going to have a child. She didn't know how to answer because she didn't know what Dante's answer would be. She'd have to ask him that pretty soon.
A month and a few days later, Dante came back a few days late for his anniversary with Faith. "Sorry. Had to travel the whole country to find Arius." He told her what happened.
"Well, I'm just happy that you're home. Better late than never." she said as she dropped a quick kiss on his cheek. She went to the fridge and got him a can of beer. She had tried drinking but she only does it occasionally. Today was such an event that she would at least take some sips of an alcohol drink. When she was 21, she puked when she first tried. Dante had laughed at her for not handling it, but he was just doing that to tease her.
"I'll order a pizza." he said.
"No, no. I'll cook. And I'll make it special." she insisted. She put a mini stove inside where she could make homemade pizzas. He did like her homemade pizzas because Faith put no black olives on it and the pizza was good and hot, kinda like how she is. He loved her change of style. It bought out the woman in her. And that was what he got for an anniversary dinner: a homemade pizza.
Later on in the night, after drinking a few cans of beer, Faith only drunk a fourth of one, when Dante and Faith was sharing an anniversary kiss, she asked him," Wanna try for a son?"
The question shocked him for a second. He was wanting a son, someone to love and share with the woman who stood with him all these few years. He did want a better life for his son, though. In a week and a day, he would turn another year older. What was his plans? "Maybe... I'll think about it."
Faith gave in this time and just kissed him, being intoxicated by just him. "Happy anniversary, Dante."
"Happy anniversary, Faith."
~ 9 months later ~
In the month of May 2017, Faith's and Dante's baby boy was born. At a hospital room, Faith's parents, Nero, and Hope, and of course Dante, watched and 'aw'ed at the white haired little baby in Faith's arms sleeping. He was born a few hours ago and he was a healthy baby. Faith made it through alright with the help of Dante, who tried to calm himself when Faith was in pain.
When his son had come into the world, a joy exploded within him and he never felt so happy. Once he was cleaned up, Faith took the wrapped bundle and saw that her new born had the same hair and eyes as Dante. She cried as she held him."I wonder what your name should be?"
They didn't know what to name him, yet. Faith had enough strength to hand him to Dante. He carefully held him and looked down into the face of his son, his own son. "Hey, little man." he said softly. He kissed his forehead and tears welled up in his eyes. How could he have been undeniably blessed with something this precious? One tear slipped from his eye as his son's tiny hands clenched his fingers. He brushed the knuckles with his thumb.
Faith saw Dante crying and that was such a lovely sight to see. Her parent's and Nero and Hope had been waiting in the waiting room, and the doctor finally let them in. They saw Dante with tears and holding the baby. Her parent's, too, burst into tears when they saw the beautiful baby held by his father.
Nero and Hope saw him, too. "What does that make you now? An uncle?" she asked Nero.
Nero went up to Dante and said to him,"Congratulations, old man."
"Thanks, kid."
They all were taking turns to name the baby. Her mom wanted him to named Jedidiah, a biblical blessed name. Hope picked Asher. Nero picked Neo.
Faith thought and thought about the name connections between Sparda and his sons, and Nero. "How about... Vincent? It will surely fit him well when he takes on the job after Dante." Vincent meant victorious.
Dante thought about the name. "Vincent... I like that name." They decided to name him Vincent. "Our little Vincent." Faith said as she held him. What lied ahead for Dante's son in