Disclaimer: I don't own DC, Young Justice, or any affiliated characters

~Chapter 1~

~Necessary Subterfuge~

"This is GBS's Cat Grant reporting, it has been four years, exactly since Gotham's favorite prince, Richard Grayson disappeared, but Gotham PD reports they are reopening the case, a new lead has been brought to the attention of Gotham's Finest, by none other than The Justice League's own the Question, himself."

Elsewhere in Gotham

"Batsy, it's about time you got he... YOU'RE NOT BATMAN, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?"

"Your worst nightmare, I'm Nightwing. Joker-Bane you are going back to Arkham, and no I really don't care if you're not form this dimension, you are still twisted and too dangerous to be out on the streets. So, what do you say, Lets Dance."

The Joker laughed and said, "Ok bird-brain I'll Lead." He activated the Bane 'Venom' Formula and charged the black clad Vigilante, "Oh Come on, you're not even trying to beat me, are you."

Nightwing continued to dodge the colossal fists of Joker-Bane, "I Don't have to beat you, i just have to stay alive till the Bat gets here." By this point they were in the middle of the street in front of Gotham First National Bank.

"Nightwing, the bat is here, finish up and get out of there, now." a woman's voice came over the comm.

"Copy, Stargazer, ok Joker-Bane, Now shit gets real," He side stepped and caught Joker-Bane's fist as it came over his shoulder. He yanked down hard using Joker-Banes own momentum to flip the colossal villain over his shoulder, with his other hand he pulled a "Wing-a-rang" out and cut the venom tube. When the colossal clown hit the ground, the crack of bones breaking was clearly audible.

" Time to jet," He ran and jumped on his motorcycle and rode away.

"Who was that?" Batgirl asked Robin, "And why does he seem so familiar?"

Please review... as always things will make sense eventually