This story is a complete AU. It is even more AU than Through The Darkest Nights. It will be even darker than Through The Darkest Knights and Anakin/Vader will be colder in this story than he has been in my previous stories. First off, Anakin wasn't born a slave. Second, he has a Father. His Father is an OC of mine. His Mother was a slave who married his Father. She married him because she was young at the time and thought that she would be free but was lied to and caught in an enslaving marriage. She however ran from Anakin's Father, with Anakin when he was seven years old, because she finally found a way to escape after years of living with the Elder Skywalker.
Padme meanwhile, is almost a decade younger than Anakin. She has grown up with the best Father imaginable who cares for her and loves her, but behind his back for many years, she was beaten down and degraded by her Mother, Jobal. Think of the position of Ruwee in Through the Darkest Nights and Jobal's position, I have switched their places. Jobal is literally a heartless sadistic monster in this story and Padme escapes from her only to end up in the hands of Darth Vader, who is very twisted and demented from his childhood.
During the Clone Wars, and only months before the execution of Order Sixty-Six, Crimes that Anakin Skywalker committed as a teenage Padawan are exposed and he is expelled from the Jedi Order, and sentenced to prison time. Palpatine however comes in and rescues him and takes him as Darth Vader. More on the fall of Skywalker in this AU will be revealed as you read.
If this story sounds good, please read and review and if you want more, tell me. If people like this fic, I will continue posting it, as I work on the sequel to Darkness Still Remains. if Not, just let me know. Either way, It will be at least another two months before the sequel to Darkness Still Remains is up, I have about two chapters written, but won't be posting until I'm satisfied with what's written.
Meanwhile, there will be this story if you like it, please let me know.
-Fallen Jedi 79
Prologue: Coruscant:
Fourteen year old Anakin Skywalker watched as his Master entered their quarters.
He sighed, "What is going on?"
"The Judge has set the court date for tomorrow," Obi-Wan grimly replied.
"That's impossible, these cases take months to go through the system," Anakin replied.
"This Judge is one of the most corrupt Judges on Coruscant Anakin, he was probably paid off by your Father."
Anakin clenched his fists in anger as Obi-Wan spoke, "We can appeal the decision to the Chancellor."
"That will take months, maybe even years to get to his desk. I'm not going to live with my Father during that time," Anakin stated in anger.
Obi-Wan sighed, "Your anger is unsettling to me, and who's to say that it will take months? You're a Galactic icon in just two hours time because of the fact that you saved Naboo from the Trade Federation yourself."
Anakin sighed, "I don't want to put up with his abuse again, or have him searching the Galaxy for my Mother."
Just days before, Anakin and Obi-Wan had been made into famous heros thanks to the Holonet.
The greedy Trade Federation had blockaded and invaded the small planet of Naboo over the Senate dispute of the taxation of the trade routes. Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and Anakin had been sent with orders to negotiate with the Trade Federation viceroy. Those negotiations went south and the three Jedi had been forced to head to the surface of Naboo and assist the Queen in forming an alliance with the Gungans. After a week of planning, they had finally launched the assault on Theed. Anakin led the space battle and successfully destroyed the Droid Control Ship, singlehandedly.
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan meanwhile, were fighting against a mysterious Sith Assassin, who they successfully defeated. Meanwhile, an armed Nabuian security force successfully captured the Trade Federation Viceroy. All while the Gungan army kept the Droid Army distracted and fighting outside of the city.
Anakin sighed, "I don't want him to win this."
"Anakin, neither do we. I will take you back as my Padawan after the Chancellor orders him to relinquish his parental rights."
Anakin said nothing as he walked out of the quarters, leaving Obi-Wan behind him.
He reached for his comlink as he made a call.
"Hello?" An all to familiar voice called out.
"I want to meet you in the city tonight at midnight," Anakin stated.
"So you're calling me Son? Are you packed and ready to come home?"
"We will talk tonight, There is a certain outlander club that is a few blocks from the spaceport, we will meet there." Anakin replied.
"I will see you then..."
Anakin hung up the comlink before his Father could finish his sentence.
Anakin sighed, his Mother as a small child had been kidnapped by Pirates and sold into slavery when she was only a child. By the time that she was fifteen, she had caught the fancy of a powerful businessman named, Caleb Skywalker. Caleb promised to buy Shmi on the condition that she would willingly accept his hand in marriage.
His Mother, believing Caleb to be her savior had agreed, but she had given herself to an evil man.
Caleb proved to be an abusive and possessive husband. He kept Shmi Skywalker locked up in his house, and by the time that Anakin was born, she had been abused by Caleb for nearly fifteen years. Anakin grew up being beaten and treaded upon by his Father.
He knew abuse all too well. He still had the scars from it. His Father was the most abusive man in the Galaxy. By the time that he was seven, his Mother had found a way for them to escape. They ran together, after stealing money from his Father and they went into hiding on Tattooine. When he was nine, he was discovered by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan. His Mother, knew just how special her son was, so she willingly gave Anakin to the Jedi Order.
Now, his Father who had just learned of his status as a Jedi wanted him back. His Father was making outrageous claims on how he had been stolen and how he had been given away without his permission. Anakin however had told the truth to the Council many times, still the courts were going to decide his fate, the next morning and Anakin would not go back to his Father. He hated his Father, he had and always would hate his Father.
It was midnight, Anakin had left the Jedi Temple as his Master slept. Anakin wasn't one bit concerned about alerting Obi-Wan to his departure, he knew that Obi-Wan was exhausted from their holonet interview and all of the drama that they had dealt with, because of his Father.
Anakin stood in front of the outlander club in agitation as he heard an all too familiar voice speak, "You came."
Anakin turned to see his Father standing in front of him.
He took in his Father's appearance, his Father certainly had aged, the old man had grey hair mixed with blonde hair, his face was more hardened. Anakin guessed his Father to be at least fifty years of age at this point, perhaps even older, but he didn't know for sure.
Anakin motioned for his Father to follow him as they walked towards the nearby alley.
As they entered the alley, Anakin turned and coldly stared at his Father.
He then spoke, "I'm going to give you a choice here and now, drop the court case tomorrow, and relinquish your rights to me, or die."
Caleb stared at Anakin in disbelief, "Die?"
"Either you will do as I have told you or you will not walk out of this alley."
Caleb smirked, "You don't have it in you to kill me. Tomorrow I will have custody of you since you belong to me. Your Mother belongs to me too. I know that she's in Mos Espa, one of my agents finally located her I have some mercenaries that are going to sign a contract with me tomorrow."
Anakin felt rage flowing through him, "You will not touch my Mother!"
"Yes I will, and you can't stop me, you won't kill me."
At that moment, Anakin's eyes turned yellow.
Caleb stared at his Son in horror as he took a step back, but it was too late. Anakin raised his hand as he used the Force to hurl Caleb into the durasteel wall that was directly behind him.
Anakin then stepped forward and placed his hand on his Father's throat, he lifted his Father up as he spoke, "You didn't really think that I was just going to make an empty threat did you?"
Anakin then dropped his horrified Father to his knees as he raised his hand and made a fist, Caleb was filled with horror as his throat started to constrict.
"Anakin, please stop!"
"Fifteen years ago, Caleb Skywalker was filled with a desire to have the slave girl, Shmi. He promised her freedom in exchange for becoming his wife, and she agreed out of desperation. You charmed her and then abused her and degraded her. You sealed your fate the day that you conceived me," Anakin stated as he released his Father.
Caleb struggled to breathe as he stared at his Son.
"Anakin, please don't kill me. I-I will leave her be. I will do everything that you have asked. I will relinquish my rights to you in court, and I will let your Mother be."
Anakin stepped forward and punched his Father as he spoke, "You won't do a thing old Man. You're going to be dead."
Anakin paused as he smirked at his Father, "Tell me how it feels to know that you cannot be saved and that you cannot save yourself, I can imagine that a pig like you is shocked by all of this."
"P-Please Anakin don't kill me," Caleb pleaded.
"You certainly aren't that strong. I will never die like you, I will die like a man. You're begging for your life like you're a little girl."
"I will give you and your Mother millions," Caleb stated.
"You cannot bribe me with money, and you cannot threaten me, you're going to die," Anakin replied.
"Anakin please don't. Please don't kill me."
"I don't deserve to die like this, please stop Anakin," Caleb pleaded.
"Goodbye Father, you were no Father to me."
"Anakin..." Caleb Skywalker's words trailed off as a horrific snap echoed throughout the alley.
Anakin looked at his surroundings as he contemplated how to cover up his Father's murder.
At the same time, he noticed two rough looking men entering the alley. He smiled as he spoke, "Want some free money?"
"Of course," one of the men gruffly replied.
"Just take what you want off of his body and leave him, and you didn't see me," Anakin replied with a wave of his hand.
He then used the Force to manipulate the minds of the two men as he left the alley.
Anakin then left the alley with a smile on his face, a murder and mugging, that is what happened to his Father, at least that is what the entire Galaxy would believe, Anakin thought in amusement.
Anakin however failed to notice the open apartment window and the camera that had captured the murder of Caleb Skywalker.
Although the murder of Caleb Skywalker was going to be successfully placed on the shoulders of two innocent men, Anakin was going to be unable to keep the truth hidden forever.
Naboo: 10 years later:
Padme Amidala watched as the door of her bedroom opened to reveal her angry mother.
"Padme, how could you have done this? Aiding the Rebellion is the most foolish thing that you could have done, it has costed you the Throne!" Jobal Naberrie yelled as she slapped her daughter.
"I wouldn't have been discovered if you hadn't reported my activities to Moff Panaka!" Padme yelled back in defiance as she let the feeling of the slap melt away from her face.
"Moff Panaka is your savior, at least you will be safe and alive now, that's all that I want. Now, thanks to the deal that I cut with him, I can go and find you a suitable young man to marry and you can move on with your life."
"You want me to marry some scumbag that will turn me into his trophy. You want me dependent, that's the bottom line Mother. All of my life Mother you have resented me, all of my life you have beaten me down when Dad wasn't around and you have ran me down until the point that I made it to the Throne. Once I was on the Throne you wouldn't dare to speak out against me, at least you never talked to me. With your first opportunity, you turned me over to my enemy for my illegal activities. You turned me over, because you want nothing more than to control me and use me as though I was nothing more than a bargaining chip. You're nothing more than a selfish greedy pig!" Padme yelled.
Jobal in response slapped Padme on the cheek as she spoke, "I will never hear you speak this way to me again! I'm going to make a few calls, and you will be dating in the coming days and you will be married in three months and until you start to respect me, I will keep you locked in here!" Jobal yelled.
Jobal then turned and stormed out of the room.
Padme sighed as she looked towards her bedroom door, what demoralized her was the fact that she saw a set of durasteel bars on the window, her own mother was making her a prisoner.
She had never gotten along with her Mother, her Mother had always favored Sola, while she had chosen to treat her like trash. Sola had managed to keep a decent relationship with her Mother, although Padme wondered how much Sola knew about the abuse that she had endured based on the fact that Sola was seven years older.
When she was eleven, her Father had walked into the house to the sight of her Mother beating her over the fact that she had won a political debate with her superior understanding of politics.
That was the final nail in the coffin of the marriage between Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie.
The next day, her Father filed for divorce and within two months, he had full custody of Padme based on the excellent social services that Naboo had provided for children before the days of the Empire.
Her Father then gave her Mother the family home in Theed while keeping the Lake house for himself and had chosen to rent a small apartment in Theed that the two of them had shared before she was elected Queen.
Now, here she was in her childhood bedroom where she had been beaten and degraded countless times as a child, this time her Father wasn't going to be able to rescue her. Her Mother's friendship with Grand, Moff Panaka who had been appointed Regional Governor by Emperor Palpatine shortly before the ending of the Clone Wars made certain that she could only have the future that her Mother wanted.
At that moment, the door of her room opened, she looked to see her sister, Sola and her Brother in law, Darred walking into the room.
She smiled when he noticed Sola's round belly, "Is it a boy or a girl?"
"Another girl," Sola replied with a smile.
"I honestly wanted a boy but Darred doesn't care and I love whatever we get," Sola added as she sat down on the bed and tightly hugged her sister.
"Darred can you distract the guard in the hallway?"
"Of course, he said that he was up for a game of Sabbac," Darred replied with a smile.
Darred then left the room as Padme spoke, "Please don't tell me that Ryoo is alone with Mom right now?"
"I'll be dammed if I leave her alone with that madwoman after listening to her last night."
"What do you mean?" Padme asked.
"She asked Darred and I to sit down with Palo Reliaz and Ian Lego. She has decided that Lego is going to be your husband."
"What?" Padme asked in horror.
"Not if I have anything to say about it," Sola replied.
Padme looked at her sister as she spoke, "I-I wasn't around enough when you were young. When I was, Mom made herself appear to be a good Mother, you used to come to me at night telling me that she beat you and I never believed you Padme."
Padme felt tears in her eyes as she thought of those nights that Sola would tell her that she was lying and force her to go back to bed and cry herself to sleep, alone without anyone to comfort her.
"I never believed anything until the day that Dad had me set up that hidden camera when you were eleven. That is how we found out that you were being abused. That is how Dad caught her."
"But I remember him walking into the house as though he had gotten off of work early right when that big fight between the two of them broke out," Padme replied.
"All because he had set her up, and I never protected you when you were little. I truthfully should have been there to protect my baby sister, and my ignorance doesn't take back what happened but there isn't anything that says I can't do something now."
"What are you going to do?" Padme asked.
Sola reached into her purse and produced a small bag.
Sola then opened the bag and reached into it and revealed a tiny blaster, "This is fully charged."
Padme smiled as Sola pulled out another device, "Set this up against the door, and then take cover against the wall, the explosion will be just enough to bring that door down. As for the guard behind your door, kill him or stun him, do whatever you have to, he's just the son of one of Mom's cronies."
"Ok," Padme replied.
Sola then showed Padme five valid credit chips, "Fifty Thousand credits, they should be enough to see you off to the Rebellion."
She then reached into the bag for the final item, a small hard piece of paper, "A ticket for the midnight transport off world. R2 will be waiting by the front gate, make your way to the transport, use the alleys to screen your movement, and travel light unless you steal mom's speeder."
"I will simply put on one of my bodysuits and pack everything onto a belt or something," Padme replied.
"You may have to ditch the blaster once you get to the transport,"
"Thank you Sola," Padme replied.
"Oh, and one more thing."
Sola then produced two sets of binders, "Use these to secure Mom and her friend if you choose not to kill them."
"I can't kill my own Mother," Padme replied,
"Then just bind her hands," Sola replied.
"Thank you Sola, you're the best Sister Ever! Tell Daddy goodbye and that I love him," Padme stated in tears as she moved forward and hugged her Sister.
Sola shook her head, "I wasn't much of a Sister. In all honesty I'm the worst Sister in the Galaxy. I should have known, just find a better future and don't let your dreams die," Sola stated as she kissed her fifteen year old Sister on the forehead.
"Goodbye my baby Sister," Sola stated as she stood up and left the room.
Several hours later, just a half hour before midnight, Padme stood in her bedroom dressed in a black bodysuit complete with a utility belt that contained her blaster, her credits and her ticket onto the midnight transport.
She then took a small black cloak and slipped it onto her body before taking the bomb and placing at the door, she activated it and immediately drew her blaster and took cover behind her nightstand.
Within seconds, there was a loud explosion as she stood up and rushed towards the open door.
She noticed her Mother's friend running towards her as she fired her blaster.
The man dropped to the ground and Padme moved towards him as she saw her Mother rushing towards her.
"Padme what are you doing?" Jobal yelled.
Padme answered her Mother when she fired the blaster a second time.
She then took one of her pairs of binders and slapped them onto the wrists of the man who was laying at her feet.
She then slowly dragged him towards the banister near the stairway that led to the first level of the house.
She then took the free cuff and bound him to the durasteel rods that made up the banister before going back for her mother.
She then took her Mother and slapped a binder on her wrist and slowly dragged her back towards the banister.
She looked her two captives over with a smile before running down the stairs and out of her Mother's house.
She was more than pleased as she left the front yard, when she heard the sound of beeps, she saw her faithful droid moving towards her as she spoke, "Do you still have the Death Star plans R2?"
R2 beeped an affirmative beep in response as Padme spoke, "Let's get to my Mother's speeder now, come on!"
Padme and R2 then rushed off towards her Mother's garage.
A few minutes later, they were off and into the streets of Theed as they raced towards the waiting spaceport.
With her hood raised and with R2 at her side, she left her Mother's speeder and headed towards the nearby boarding terminal.
As she walked, she reached for her blaster and tossed it into the nearby trash can knowing that she would be apprehended if anyone saw a girl her age alone, with a weapon on her hip.
Things seemed on the bright side for Padme, she was more than confident that she would be able to join the Rebellion.
However, nothing happened the way that she planned.
Deep in Space: Hours Later:
Several hours later, the transport that she was on dropped out of hyperspace with a highly damaged hyperdrive generator. Someone had sabotaged the Generator, and the entire ship flew into panic as other ships were spotted outside of the viewports.
Within minutes, pirates successfully had boarded the ship, they robbed the passengers and carted off dozens of them including young Padme, but not before she was able to get R2 onto a small escape pod that she designated for Dantooine with the hope that the Death Star Plans would be recovered by the small Alliance team that was based on the planet.
She was then carted off, no one cared about who she was, she was nothing more than a piece of merchandise. That night, she came to accept the fact that she may never see her home or her beloved Father and Sister. She may never again know freedom.
Perhaps, the only life that she would know would be slavery. She didn't know what was going to become of her.
Yes! I'm back, the break was great and I thank you for your understanding. This Fic will be the tie over until Darkness Still Remains Part II. I hope that you enjoy this story, I have some awesome stuff in the next chapters and I really think that this will be a good story in the long run.