Disclaimer: This is a complete work of fiction, there's no resemblance to actual persons or events or places. If so, it is utterly not intended. I do NOT own Monster High, or anything to do with it. This is all completely non-profit, just for pure entertainment. Thank you.

Full Summary: Misery needs company and misery is the only thing that Toralei Stripe has ever given or brought to anyone. Why should she be given a single chance at all? Can you think of even one reason to put trust in the likes of her? Rated T. Please enjoy!

A / n: I absolutely cannot help it, this idea amongst many others have been burning in my mind terribly for days. I honestly should even be doing other things right now but I just had to write and post this! Ah, taking risks for stories :') that's how I know I've got good ideas in store so here we go! I sincerely hope you enjoy it to the fullest as I always do writing for you =]

Biting Paws

Chapter One

It wasn't uncommon for Toralei Stripe to be wandering the halls of Monster High shortly after school hours, but most students would even forget to take parts of their homework assignments with them as result of leaving so fast, but strangely – not this kitty. She nonchalantly flipped the loose strands of hair out of her face as her fierce heels clicked the ground, the sound echoing in the stale air in the empty building. She loved it, as silly as it may have sounded; it made her feel of some importance.

Letting out a small irritated growl she dreaded the fact that she was now approaching her locker. Truth was? She didn't want to leave. She didn't want to leave because after going to school, she had no place to stay. Miss Stripe didn't have anywhere to call home.

Toralei was strictly independent or at least she tried to be 99.9% of the time, but sometimes it was too hard for even her to accomplish. She'd end up staying the weekend at Meowlody and Purrsephone's house, which she'd have a chance to wash the clothes that lasted her a couple weeks if she was lucky and did a lot of mismatching her outfits to try and keep her look fresh with the same clothing. It was no easy task!

She picked out her newest addition to all of what she owned; it was a rather small but fashionable luggage on wheels that she took around with her. It held everything from crumpled up school forms, pens and homework to her remaining make up, all her clothes, purse and her iCoffin that was much more than a couple years old and outdated. However the phone itself was in pretty good shape, it was all she could afford to keep going.

She couldn't even make any calls; she had a text plan only. Making sure she had everything for this lonely Monday evening, she shut her locker quietly as she swiftly locked it with one paw. Running that hand through her hair, she let out a sigh.

She had no choice but to leave now.

'Where shall I go today?' She thought to herself, trying to think of this as yet another adventure and typical day of her life. But she didn't want to live this life anymore. She wanted to be worth something to someone. Other than the odd mouse she could catch here and there, what was a ghoul to eat? The tiny morsels she could get out of that barely filled a sharp tooth of hers. Her own hunger hadn't come close to being satisfied in a long time.

The sound of her heels clicking the floor were much less confident now as she rolled the luggage behind her, taking a look every now and then over her shoulder back at the place she'd be bright and early tomorrow morning.

Pushing through the big doors of the school, she exited and soon made her way off school property. First thing was first; she just walked and walked until she couldn't anymore. That was normally the plan. She liked going for walks, which was a good thing considering she didn't have a choice otherwise. The authorities had thrown her off the school property before for 'loitering' so she had to be careful where she chose to go. On the norm, walks helped her to clear her mind. Her truly troubled mind needed some clearing right now.

She'd grown to become a very fast walker. She chuckled at the memory of just a couple days ago, where Meowlody had told her that if speed walking was a sport, Toralei herself would be both the team and team captain. She never let anyone know how she truly felt about them, but the twin werecats? She adored them and would be forever grateful to all the times they've brought her in off the street, literally.

Pulling out her old iCoffin she thought about texting them, but then remembered that she'd already spent the night a couple nights ago when she did all her laundry. She couldn't keep burdening them like this, so she canceled the text and slid her phone back into her short coat pocket.

She shivered as she visibly noticed the remnants of her hot breath hitting the crisp, cold air. It was cold out there still, she'd much rather curl up in the sun for a well deserved nap, but that just wasn't possible. Well it was, but not right now… not out in the open.

Toralei remembered something truthful that her last, trusted legal guardian told her. When a lion was injured, it left its own pride to suffer it out and die alone so the other members of the pride wouldn't witness its pain and disgrace, the wounded lion's death would go unnoticed.

In deep, heavy thought Toralei finally shook herself from her thoughts to realize that her legs weren't only cold, but they were paining so badly from walking. "How far did I go?" She cringed, kneeling down to try and get the pains to simmer down. Her choice of footwear probably didn't help, but all she owned were the heels her birth mother gave her. Toralei kept them in great, mint condition – despite walking everywhere they were immaculate.

The mouthwatering scents of food made her stomach growl viciously and she shifted her eyes to the side, entering thought. 'Well, just a look won't hurt… right?' She cursed herself for being so damn curious, but she couldn't honestly help it. It was in her purr-fect nature.

She stepped off the road and brought her luggage with her on the rough terrain that resembled dirt road. It went into the forest quite a bit, which made her leery about entering but she didn't pay any heed to the potential warning. She continued on her way, the scents getting stronger she could almost truly taste the food in the air. It was near enough to make her salivate right then and there.

She ducked down, seeing a beautiful home that was built into rock… like a cave, or den. Leaving her luggage there, she snuck up to the nearest window. A freshly baked pie was sitting on the window ledge. She quickly dipped her finger discreetly into the pie, almost hitting the dirt right away as she was determined not to be seen.

She sheepishly licked her finger and almost groaned right there, it tasted so good. Her sense of smell was going insane! She could detect so many specific foods and ingredients, all of it making her dull hunger pains, much more evident. Hugging her aching stomach, she crept up slowly to the ledge once more, stealthily looking into the home; she realized exactly whose home this was: The Wolf's residence.

She knew for sure when she saw Clawdeen walk right past the window, pulling a jug of iced cold water from the refrigerator. She turned back and Toralei ducked down just in time, she looked briefly out the window. "It's always beautiful around this time," she sighed briefly, turning on her heels to head back to the dining table, which was right there near the window – go figure!

It was great physical torture, being right next to the food she would gladly eat piles of but not being able to have it. Listening to the more deserving beings eat their dinner, idle dinner chat. A family… in a home. Some folks were just so lucky and didn't even know it. She peeked up over the window ledge ever so slightly. Her eyes widened in sudden fear and her heart pounded rapidly when she realized that Clawd Wolf had seen her.

First chapter of a brand new story, please read and review to tell me what you thought about it and whether or not I should continue.

It's always massively appreciated guys!