"Everyday I could hear you singing, singing, talking and yelling. I like your voice. And every time I see you up there walking, my heart beats faster." he put Lucy's hand up on his left chest, "And I've always hoped for a time when you'll fall down here and find me."

Lucy bowed her head, blushing madly.

"I really wish you could like me too."

A/N: Fluffy lovey-lovey much tingly comedy+romance twoshot! R&R! Btw, I don't have a beta reader so please excuse my grammar or spelling mistakes.

[ DISCLAIMER: I don't own Fairy Tail! You? Do you? ]

Dragons in Fairy Tales


Lucy Heartfillia, a normal pretty rich girl with a not-so long silky blond hair, very curvacious body and a pair of well grown mounds, jumped off the walls of her little manor to have some good morning walk at the forest where she used to play everyday since she was still a little kid. Her dog, a white, pointed-nose little pup which can stand with only of it's two feet, panted as its owner started jogging deeply into the forest.

"Puuun~" her dog whined as it trembled.

Lucy giggled, "Now Plue, we need some exercise because we just ate a whole buffet last night, especially you! We don't wanna be fat and unhealthy, do we?"

Plue sighed.

"Okay let's go fast... Ahhh!" Lucy accidentally tripped on some rock and stumbled down a slope.

"Pu-puuun!" Plue followed Lucy by stumbling itself down too.

Lucy felt cuts bleed on her arms and legs as she continued to roll down until she's on an edge of a cliff, luckily, there was a thick vine near from a big tree so she grabbed it.

"Oh good God please save me." she muttered as she heard her dog scream towards her.


"Plue!" Lucy unconsciously loosed her grip on the vine to grab Plue and then...

"AAAHHH!" ... they're falling down on a half kilometer-high cliff.

"Pu-puun!" Plue sounded like blaming Lucy.

Lucy rolled her eyes instead of preparing for their demise.

They both closed their eyes, expecting to feel their bones out of their bodies.


What thud?

"Grrr..." the two heard as they opened their eyes and found themselves on a belly of this big, very big, sleeping red winged creature who breathes fire.

Lucy flinched, "Is this a... Dragon?" she never saw a dragon before, well, not in fairy tale books that her mother used to read for her. Dragons are mean and bad, does anything to set anything on fire, that was in one of the stories she read.

"Puun!" Plue shrieked at its sight, fortunately the dragon was sleeping and it doesn't even know that there's two prey ON its belly.

"Lets get outta here!" Lucy whispered and jumped down the dragon's belly with Plue.

The dragon groaned, "Grrr..." but it's still sleeping.

Lucy sighed and her cuts tingled in pain when a cold wind brushed through her body. "Ah!"

"Pun!" Plue cried worriedly.

"Don't cry Plue," Lucy smiled, "We're getting out of here!"

"Are you...?" a deep, soft and playful voice silenced the girl and the dog.

The two looked behind and saw no dragon there but a tall, muscular, good-looking guy with a salmon hair.

"Whe-where's the dragon?" Lucy looked around.

"I'm here!" the guy raised a hand.

"Huh?" Lucy stared at him in confusion.

Plue laughed.

"Hey little wormy why are you laughing?" the guy pointed at Plue, "You don't believe me?"

"Plue is not a worm..." Lucy facepalmed, "Nevermind. Plue, let's go."

"Where are you going?" the guy pouted.

Lucy looked at him and smiled, "He's cute." she thought.

"By the way, I'm Natsu!" he beamed.

"I-I'm Lucy, and this is Plue."

Natsu jumped in front of her and sniffed.

"You're a human? I knew it!" he laughed

"Of course I am." Lucy chuckled at his words.

Natsu smiled, "I'm a half-human and a half-dragon you know. So this means that I can marry you!"

"Ehh?!" Lucy was taken aback by his words. "You... You can't just marry me!"

Natsu pouted again, "Why? You don't like me?"

Lucy blushed, "Well, I just met you. And this is crazy..."

Natsu tilted his head, "What crazy? And so what if we just met? As long as we like each other there's no problem!"

Lucy felt like crying, "Okay, please don't be like this, I don't like you."

Natsu frowned, "Okay. I won't force you."

"Puuun..." Plue looked at Lucy.

"I know Plue, he's cute but..."

Lucy sighed and patted Natsu's shoulder, "Ne, do you really like me?"

Natsu nodded then grinned, "Yeah. A lot."

Lucy blushed again.

"Everyday I could hear you singing, talking and yelling. I like your voice. And every time I see you up there walking, my heart beats faster." he put Lucy's hand on his left chest, "And I've always hoped for a time when you'll fall down here and find me."

Lucy could feel Natsu's fast heartbeat, she's blushing madly after hearing Natsu's romantic words that made her heartbeat beat faster as his'.

"I really wish you could like me too."

Natsu pulled Lucy into a tight embrace.

A/N: Sooo, end of the first part! There will be NO second part until I got feedbacks ne~?

So, what do you think about the story? Kinda weird, right?