The first chapter is short. Please read and review. Thanks :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Switched at Birth. Abc family and the producers get full credit for the wonderful show.

Talking and signing

Signing only

She couldn't believe he would do such a thing. Bay thought to herself. She thought for once she found a keeper. Someone who would really care and listen to what she had to say.

She stood in her art studio unsure what to do. She had met Jason when she was forced to return to Buckner. She hated the idea until she had met Jason Gregory. He was tall dark and very handsome. He had hazel eyes and brown hair. He had a strong face and all she could say about his body was, wow.

He had swept her off her feet and she fell hard. He was charming and caring while also having the bad ass persona. She swooned every time she thought of him. They had been going out for six months, and she was only know beginning to understand the real him.

She sat looking at a blank canvas and thought about today. She was hanging out with Toby, and Nicki. Toby was showing Bay some new song ideas. Not that Bay really cared but she had nothing better to do. She was on lock down because she had lied to her parents about who she was with and they caught her and Jason sneaking into the house. A dumb idea she knew.

So there she was sitting on the sofa listening to music dying of boredom, when Daphne and Emmett pulled up on Emmett's motorcycle. "Thank god." Bay said rushing over to them. "Please save me from my boredom. I need to get out of here." Bay said desperately. This was her fifth day of being here.

"I thought you were on lock down?" Daphne responded.

"I know but if J and K thought you asked me to go somewhere with you they would make and exception. PLEASE!" Bay all bet begged.

"Well Emmet and I where going to meet Noah to get dinner at my new job" Daphne looked at Emmett. "You okay if she tags along?" She asked Emmett. Emmett nodded his response.

Bay and Emmett had hardly talking since she started seeing Jason. She could tell that he tried to be okay with it but it was just to hard for him. It was hard for her to see him be so sad. After she got with Jason it was not until Bay's and Daphne's Birthday that she had seen him again. It was almost a full month and a half .

She did her best to avoid him but once they all sat to eat cake she had no where to run. He ended up across from her at the table. There was this weird feeling between them. Bay tried to concentrate on Jason who was sitting next to her. She did a good job apart from the one time Bay and Emmett locked eye. It was has if his blue eyes burned into hers and a whole conversation took place. It took everything Bay had not to jump up and kiss every inch of his perfect face. In the end Jason had broken the spell and Bay was left confused for the rest of the night.

So after Daphne helped Bay convince J and K to let Bay out for the night Bay thanked her parents and rushed to get ready. It didn't take long. Bay rushed outside. She couldn't wait to get out of here. Once she was outside she noticed that Noah was here. He was telling Daphne he wanted to talk and she was saying that Bay was going out with them and it would have to wait.

Noah and Daphne where together now. It hurt Bay at first but when she looked back she new that her and Noah were nothing but a phase. Besides she had Jason now.

"Can't she take her own car?" Noah asked annoyed.

"No the only reason she is allowed out in because she will be with me." Daphne responded.

Noah momentarily looked defeated. He took one look at Emmett, who was standing next to his bike with his arms crossed, and a huge smile appeared. "Can she go with you?" Noah asked

"I don't think that is a good idea." Bay said walking up to them. Emmett looked at Bay and shrugged.

"Sure." He answered handing Bay the extra helmet. Without a word Bay took it. After Emmett mounted the bike she fallowed. She wrapped her hands around his wast repeating Jason's name over and over again for the entire ride.

It didn't take long to reach the restaurant. It was a fancy place with candle lighting. Bay had only been in it once before when Daphne very excitedly told her she got the job here.

Once they were at a complete stop is when things went north. Coming towered them was a confused Jason. The closer he got to them the more pissed he looked.

"Hey, I thought you were grounded." He said eying Emmett. Daphne and Noah walked over.

"Hey man." Noah said in greeting.

"I am grounded but my parents let me out for the night so I could have dinner at Daphne's new job."

Bay responded. "But in two days I will be free to be with you." She added going to him and kissed his cheek.

Bay hoped the news would cheer him up but he just kept looking at Emmett and Noah. "Hey, we are all just hanging out. It doesn't mean anything." Bay said.

"Come on. Lets go in I'm starving." Daphne said.

Bay smiled at Jason and went to fallow everyone but Jason grabbed Bays upper arm stopping her from leaving.

"Jason. Come on." Bay said. While Emmett froze and Noah said. "Not cool bro. Let her go."

"I just want a word in privet." Jason said to Noah.

"I don't think so." Emmett said walking closer to them.

"It's okay." Bay said to them. They all gave her uneasy looks. "Come on guys. Five minuets. If I am any longer you can send someone to find me." Bay said with some humor. They were all over reacting. After all Jason was a good guy. After a minuet the all agreed and went inside.

Jason lead Bay around the corner where they could be alone. Bay smiled an uneasy smile at him. "Are you mad at me?" She asked.

Jason pushed Bay against the wall. "I find you out with two of your ex boyfriends when your supposed to be grounded and your asking if I am mad?" He asked in a ton Bay had never heard him use before. He placed his hand on her chest right under her neck. "I will not tolerate you hanging out with boy's." His grip got a little tighter. "And after tonight if I ever catch you on the back of the deaf boy's bike again you will be sorry." He kissed Bay hard on the lips and walked away before she could get a word in.

She stood there with her heart racing and frozen with shock. Never had she ever thought Jason to be a jealous person. Until now.

I hope you enjoyed and there is more to come. Please leave reviews :) thanks