This is my first Klaine fic so let me know what you think. I accept constructive criticism but no flames please.

Disclaimer: If I owned Glee, Kurt and Blaine would be married by now with lots of babies.

"M-my lo-…my Lord. We can not do this." Blaine continued to kiss his neck.

"Yes…we can. And I asked you not to call me that when we're alone. I know what you were about to say and I prefer it much more…my love." He stopped to give him a pointed look before smirking and pecking him on the lips.

"I surely have something to tend to. Something to clean…" Kurt gasped as Blaine returned to his ministrations.

"I will tell whomever that you were helping me with a very important task," he mumbled. Kurt sighed, both peacefully and in frustration.

"You do not understand. We really should not be doing this. My love," he added. Blaine looked up at his secret lover with a serious gaze.

"Why, pray tell, can we not? Do you not love me?" he asked, deep sadness and worry in his hazel eyes.

"O-of course I do. But… your father…" Blaine grasped his hands and forced him to look at him.

"I do not care of my father's opinion on this matter. I do not care that you are a servant, nor me a prince. It is just a birth status. I could have easily been born a servant and you just as well a prince," he ran his fingers through the man's hair, "You are much more fit to be a prince. My perfect, sweet prince." He cradled his face in his hand and Kurt leaned into the touch, closing his eyes. But, soon after, they flew open again and he moved the hand from his face, clutching it in his own.

"Be that as it may, this," he gestured between them, sighing, "This isn't right." Blaine gave him a very concerned look.

"Is my father's rule not the only reason for you not reciprocating my love? Because I believe us to be destined to be together."

"No…Well yes. But how could we be meant for each other when… when you are a man a-and I am a man…"


"…And we have been taught that it is not right…not natural." Blaine held Kurt's face in his hands.

"You honestly do not believe that, do you? It may not be common and it may not make sense but when does love ever? All that matters is that we care for each other." He smiled at his little confession. Kurt still looked unsure.

"B-but it is a sin," he said in a small voice.

"My love…I would sin a thousand fold if it meant I could call you mine and me yours. May my soul burn in hell for eternity if I can have you in my arms for a day. And if you are still not sure I will stand before my father, before the world and proclaim my love for this perfect person. This person who happens to be a servant, who happens to be a man! Scream it for anyone to hear that…I love you."

"Shh! Shush!" Kurt put his hand over Blaine's mouth. He peered around the dark corner they were standing in. A couple female servants were dusting nearby and had stopped when they heard something. After a few seconds they shrugged it off and continued down the corridor. Kurt turned back and uncovered his mouth with an apologetic look.

"I am so sorry, Love. It must look like I am ashamed of you… of us, but I am just concerned." He looked around and lowered his voice, "I love you more than you know and I hope that one day I can completely accept that. But right now I am just so worried about what might happen to you. You understand you could be hanged if you are caught with a man in a compromising position?" Blaine looked like he might cry.

"This is why I love you. You are completely selfless and that is very admirable. You could get the same, if not worse punishment but I will fight. Fight for us to be accepted. Fight for a change in the law. Fight for you to love me as much as I love you. I would start right now if I could-" He looked up to see his father, the king, walking their way. Blaine smiled down at Kurt and mouthed, 'Stay here.' He gave him one last kiss and walked around the corner, toward his father. The king looked up from the letter he was reading to smile at his son.

"My dear boy! Perfect, I was on my way to see you."

"That is great, Father, because I have something very important to tell you."

"Me first. I just got a letter from Lord Berry-"

"Father, this isn't about what I think it is, is it?" The king smiled brightly.

"It is! He has agreed to the betrothal! Our kingdoms will be united at last!" Around the corner Kurt stood, looking very confused and scared.


"Now I know you were hesitant about it before but now he has accepted and you have met his daughter, Lady Rachel, once already." Blaine let out a breath and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"That is not why I was hesitant…" he mumbled. His father, either ignoring him or not hearing him, went on.

"They will be here by sundown tomorrow and you shall be married within a fortnight. Oh, be happy, my son! We no longer have to worry about any declaration of war and you don't have to be lonely any longer."

"But…I am not lonely, Father!" he said with a little breathy, exasperated laugh, "In fact I am-"

"You only think that because you have never been in love. Now is your chance!"

"No, you do not under-" But he was pushing him down the corridor.

"Let us get ready for their arrival." Blaine looked back just in time to see Kurt hurrying the other way, wiping at his eyes.

So...what do you think?