Hey Guys!

I've got lotsa bad news for you guys. And yeah, they're about my updates.

I don't have internet anymore = I won't be able to post anything. (Reason: I lost my phone –which contains all of my drafts and ideas etc. - and my comp is being an ass with me and the internet. But I'm going to get new phone soon and so I'll be able to read fanfics again. Yay!)

There's a high possibility I might re-write almost all of my fanfics. (Reason: I'm an idiotic moron that does things halfway and doesn't plan. I don't have a firm plot/meaning/purpose for all of my stories and so I feel that whatever I've written or writing is like crap and I'm unsatisfied with it. )

I will be on indefinite hiatus for almost all of my stories. (Note: it's a break, I'm not planning to stop/end/abandon my stories) (Reason: all the above and also because I'm having my final big exam that decides my future)

Well, I have some news for you guys as well. As for if it's good or not depends on you guys. While I'm not able to post anything, I'll be continuing to (try to) write a few chapters for [Love Sick] and [Second Life in another world] and maybe a few one shots (if possible).

Alright, now that's done and over. You all know I'll be re-writing my stories; I have many questions for you guys to get some ideas.

What stories have you read from me?

What development do you want to have in those stories?

How do you think my stories are like?

What kind of authoress do you think I am?

By the way, please PM me your answers if possible.