Cute fluffy one-shot, enjoy!
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The early autumn air was cold on Emma's face, she tried to wind up the window to her bug but it had broken over 3 months ago... When Emma, Henry, Gold and Neal got back to town some punk arse kid had kicked the side of her bug.
Emma didn't know where she was driving, she just wanted to get away from Snow, every since she vowed to kill Cora (Which she didn't, Gold did with a small hand from Regina... Regina hated herself for it but she knew it was the only way she could get her real fresh start and start living a good life) she had turned a little evil, and not a sexy evil... just evil.
Only 20 minutes ago Snow had been yelling at Emma, Emma left when Snow hit her. Months of bottled confusion and angry finally came out when Emma let Henry stay the night with Regina, it wasn't the first time but I guess things were just catching up to Snow.
Emma didn't know why but for some reason she pulled up in front of the Mills manor.
She sat in the car for at least 5, wondering what Regina would say if she asked to see Henry. "It's my night with him!" "You can wait until tomorrow!" or something like that. Emma sighed and bashed her head against the steering wheel; hitting her already bruised face "Fuck" she could already feel another bruise coming on.
Emma wanted to talk to Henry; he always made her feel better when she had a fight with her mum... He knew what it felt like and even though he was only 12 he had some great advice about how to deal with it, years of dealing with Regina Emma though.
Emma let out one more big sigh as she stepped out of her bug and onto the side walk.
"Lets hope I get to keep my head" Emma though as she walked up the path to the big white door of the Mills manor. Emma knocked with a shaky hand then took a few steps back waiting for someone to open the door.
The big door almost squeaked as it opened.
Wow she seems happy, okay play it cool. You're not stealing him, you just wanna see him.
"Regina, hi" Emma said coolly taking a few steps closer.
Regina opened the door a little more and stepped out onto the porch, not closing the door behind her. Regina noticed the bruise of Emma's face and stepped even closer, okay they were really close now. "Are you okay? You look like you've been hit?" Is Regina worried about me? Emma could swear she heard worry in Regina's tone.
"Umm Yeahh... No I- Can I see Henry for a bit?" Emma smiled sheepishly and added a "please"
Regina looked into Emma's eyes and shock her head, slightly. "He's asleep." Emma stepped back a bit. "Ohh Ahh okay, well bye then." Emma turned quickly on her heals and started back down the garden path.
"Emma, wait."
Emma turned back quickly to Regina. "Yeahh" it came out a little too quick. "Wanna come in for some Cider, or scotch?" wow did I actually invite Miss Swan in for drinks? Emma was a little shocked by that invitation, but her legs carried her back to her porch without her brains okay.
"Umm yeah sure, cider sounds great." Emma had always secretly loved Regina's homemade apple cider. Regina turned around; actually it was a half spin... and in those heals, how? She gestured for Emma to follow and soon they were in Regina's den, sipping the best apple cider and sitting on the same couch?
"So what happened?" Regina paused and turned to Emma "If you wanna talk, I'm here... If not we can just drink. Your choice." Regina was extremely laid back tonight, maybe because Henry is over... Yeah that must be it. "Had my first bit fight with mummy dearest" the last part was in such a mocking and sarcastic tone even Regina was a little shocked. Regina eyes quickly shot to the bruise and slight cut on Emma's forehead. "Oh my god, she didn't, did she?" Before Emma could reply Regina's hands were on her face and Regina was looking at her wound like a real mother would.
"Yeah. It's okay though, it doesn't hu- OUCH!" Regina had actually just poked Emma's bruise like a child would, Emma gave her a glare. "Well don't lie next time, you said it was okay." Regina was smiling and Emma couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Okay yes, it hurts." Regina picked out a piece of ice from her cider and placed it on Emma's bruise, Emma flinched at first from the cold but it soon became refreshing.
A while had past, the ice had melted a little and there was a little water dropping down Emma's face, but no one had said anything... It was just stolen glances and awkward smiles.
"She isn't insane you know, things have just been rough on her... Hell, all of us lately and all her bottled up anger just came out." Emma stopped and looked a Regina. "In the wrong way." Regina chuckled and pulled the ice away from Emma's face. "Yeah she has always had an interesting way of letting out her anger."
Again it was silent. This is so awkward, but nice.
Emma set down her quiet large and empty glass on the coffee table by her feet.
"I should be going, I guess." She stood expecting Regina to simply nod and let Emma make her own way back to her 'death trap' but Regina actually stood. "I'll walk you out."
She'll what?
What did I just say?
Emma gave Regina a slight half awkward smile as they walked outside and down the foot path.
"Give her boiled candy" Regina said as she watched Emma fumble in her pockets for her keys.
Emma turned and leant against her bug giving Regina the weirdest look. "What?"
"Give Snow boiled candy, when she was little it was the only way to get her out of her tantra tantrum." Emma laughed, she laughed long and hard.
Emma hadn't noticed Regina had gotten closer when she was laughing but when she stopped she noticed. "I'll keep that in mind." Emma said to so softly, if Regina wasn't as close as she was she wouldn't have heard it.
Emma and Regina smiled at each other, but this time it wasn't awkward... It was like they finally understood all the unsaid feelings, like they finally got why they had trouble sleeping at night.
Neither of them knew what happened in the next few seconds, it was kinda a blur but all they needed to know was that they were kissing... And it felt good.