Soft snow covered the grounds of Marlinspike Hall, announcing the arrival of Christmas. Tintin and Captain Haddock were singing Christmas carols in front of the fireplace while Nestor was in the other room decorating the Christmas tree. And he was not happy.
Why can't they see that they're meant for each other? Nestor thought. They do everything together and they would die for each other. They even live together! Nestor thought something extremely naughty. Plus, they first met each other when Tintin climbed through Captain Haddock's window and landed on his bed. But why don't they see their true feelings? It makes me want to hang someone!
Wait a minute. Hang? A mischievous grin formed on Nestor's normally blank face as an idea formed in his head.
The next day, Tintin noticed something strange on the ceiling. "Um, Captain? Why is there mistletoe above your head?"
Captain Haddock looked up in surprise. "I don't know." he said as they both started blushing. "Nestor!"
"Yes sir?"
"Why is there mistletoe on the ceiling?"
"I wanted to enhance the Christmas spirit." Nestor smoothly replied. Oh what fun, it is to ride on-
"But there's no women in this house!" Captain Haddock argued.
"Aw, Captain, it's just some mistletoe. It's not like we have to kiss each other."
"That's true."
"Say, Captain, let's go play in the snow!"
Go ahead, play in the pale white, smooth, wet-
"All right, Tintin!" The two of them walked away, leaving a very disappointed and dirty-minded Nestor in the house.