South Park Pairings: Kyman Bunny Creek Stendy Clyde/Rebecca One sided Bebe/Cartman Rating:M for violence,language, and possible lemons.
Possible Mpreg

Kyle: Siren/Werewolf Cartman: Werewolf Kenny: Dark Angel Butters: Light Angel Craig: Vampire Tweek: Neko Wendy: Light Elf Stan: Dark Elf Clyde: Incubus Bebe: Sucubus Rebecca: Nymph

*******Creatures of habit*******

Hi, My name is Cartman. I live in a small town in Colorado. The people in South Park are very different. Every person here is a creature. I myself am a werewolf. I swear to god if someone says a word about twilight I'll bite their fucking head off!

Sorry if I seem a bit pissy. Werewolves are creatures with life mates and mine finally came into their inheritence. The only problem is that they are hiding from me. I can only occasionally get a wiff of him when I walk around town.

Tomorrow is the first day of senior year in highschool. I'm hoping that they will reveal themselves before the years end.

My best friend, Kenny, is unmated like me and is a Dark Angel. Dark Angels are odd creatures. They are made immortal so that when they find their mate, they can protect them at all costs for the rest of their lives. Poor guy dies every day and isn't even mated. It's sad really.

Another friend of mine is Stan. Stan is a mated Dark Elf,the lucky bastard. I'm not jelous of his mate, just the fact that he found his at the age of 8. His mate, Wendy, is a Light Elf and the two are madly in love. It's kinda gross at times with all their mushy crap. I may be bi, but I can only take so much.

Lastly is my friend...enemy...Honestly...I have no idea what Kyle is to me. Let's just say frienemy and move on with it.

Anyway, Kyle is as far as we know, a siren like his jew mother. We found out about his little singing talent at the eighth grade talent show. Ever since then he has been the main form of entertainment for most dances and parties since he learned to play guitar. He hasn't really used his powers unless it was neccesary, but I know the greedy little jew would eventually.

That's basically my social life in a nutshell. Now if you'd excuse me, there's a full moon out and I need to take a run.

******* Next Day *******

The school was practically buzzing. Friends were reuniting and speaking about their summer vacations. Cartman stomped through the halls, trying to find his group of friends. He found them running over to meet Craig and Tweek who was half hidden behind him. Cartman approached the group.

"Aww, Tweek, you look adorable!" Kenny gushed at the boy who had a cat tail and ears.

"When did this happen?" Stan was the first to have asked. Craig smiled and hugged the shaking Tweek tighter to his side.

"This summer. He finally came into his neko inheritance after I had waited a year for him. He's just as high strung as ever, but now all I have to dk to calm him now is this." Craig began to pet and rub Tweeks head and ears. The blonde visibly sagged and a goofy grin plastered his face. Kyle smiled at the two.

"Well I'm very happy for you two. You make a cute couple."

Cartman gave a anamalistic bark and Tweeks eyes snapped open and his body tensed. He was out of sight in seconds. Cartman's smirk made Kyle livid. Craig was about to run after his neko, but Kyle stopped him.

"Let me go. I'll calm him better than anyone." Craig nodded and let Kyle run after his mate. That's what siren's songs were for after all. The moment Kyle was out of sight, all eyes turned to Cartman.

"The hell were you scaring my mate for?!"

"I'm a dog, he's a cat." Kenny decided to break in.

"Usually you can control yourself and not act like such an ass." Stan nodded in agreement.

"It's a full moon you dumbasses. I'm not in my right mind."

An "Oh" rang out from all the occupants of the group. It was a known fact that werewolves were not to be enraged during a full moon. Unlike the others, Cartman had some form of self control on these days and not nearly as homicidal as the rest.

Five minutes later Tweek was led back down the hall where he had disappeared towards them. He and Kyle were giggling about something as they finally rejoined the group. Craig quickly swept Tweek back into his arms and ran his fingers through the blonde's spiked hair.

"What's got you laughing kitten?"Tweek smiled widely and shook his head.

"Nu uh, I can't tell you. It's a secret." Little giggles burst from him as he winked at Kyle who gave his own amused smile in return.

The bell rang loudly throughout the school halls. Craig began to drag Tweek to their next class. The neko waved good-bye happily at Kyle as he disappeared around a corner. Stan looked at him questioningly as they walked to their first class.

"What was all that about?" Kyle shrugged.

"That's submissives for you, the wierdest creatures ever to live!" Cartman snickered from the back of the group. Kyle faultered slightly at the setiment, unbeknowst to the others. The redhead quickly changed the subject.

"Let's raceon three. One...Two... Three! Kenny that's not fair! No wings!"

The grouo barreled down the halls like the little kids they still seemed to be deep down. Kenny had gotten a head with a burst of his wings, but the others were gaining now that there wasn't enogh room for him to flap. Cartman was a sure win. Wolves were the fastest of the creatures other than vampires. That's why he had to take a double take when an orange blur rushed past and a bit of a ways in front of him. They screeched to a hault at the entrance of their classroom. The orange blur turned out to be Kyle. Stan laughed in between pants and slapped his back.

"Nice one...Kyle...When' fast?" Kyle smiled and shrugged, his own lungs heaving in attempts to catch his breath. Kenny playfully shoved Cartman.

"Looks like the Big Bad Wolf finally has some competition." Cartman growled and shoved Kenny towards the floor. The blonde twisted around and caught himself upright with ease and grace that only an angel could possess. Said blonde stuck his tongue out at the large boy and skipped to his desk. Cartman crossed his arms and followed,grumbling the whole way about something to do with bird-brained wing jockeys. Stan chuckled at the imature ramblings and patted Kyle's shoulder again.

"Come on dude, before the teach skins us."
Kyle nodded and ran through the door after his Super Best Friend.