HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thank you all for reading.

Chapter 14

"PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE!" Sarah yelled, pounding her fist on the steering wheel with each word.

"Leave a mess-" She hit the end call button, cutting off his voicemail.

Sarah spotted Gibbs' house down the street, her brain scanning from one side of the road to the other. She drove past the house, searching for an alleyway she could park down, to hide her route to the house from spying eyes.

Spotting one, she took the turn slowly, her eyes on the rearview mirror to assure she was not being followed. Glancing back at the road, her heart leapt into her throat as she sees someone stepping out in front of the car. Bringing the car to a screeching halt, she tried to pull in air, as her eyes focus finally on DiNozzo's cheeky grin.

Getting out of the car, she glances up and down the street before she approaches Tony. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Boss called. Told me I had to get to his house. Code Red. What's going on?" Tony sauntered over to her.

"It's a long story," she tried to dismiss his question.

"Then give me the CliffsNotes version," Tony snarked, knowing Sarah's collected and calm demeanor was just before the storm of her rage.

Reaching in her pocket, she pulls out her phone and hands it to him. Hitting a button, her screen lit up with a picture of Natasha and Alexander.

"Is that who I think it is?" Tony's brows nearly rose to his hairline.

She nodded, her brows pulling together in a frown.

"She's with the guy who wants Callen dead?" DiNozzo asked, in slight disbelief.

"Callen, Sam, Deeks, Kensi, Hetty." Sarah rattled off their names with a growl.

"You." Tony paused. "Are you going to give her a chance to explain before kicking her ass?"

She glared at him. "This isn't an 'I didn't know who he was' mistake, Tony. She knew. She's been working for the Comescu family for the past three years."

"Where is Callen?" DiNozzo asked, handing her back the phone.

"His car is parked on the corner of Gibbs' street. His phone is in the house."

"We should wait for Gibbs."

"You can wait if you want. I'm going to find my husband." Sarah growled, walking away.

Tony stood there for a moment watching her walk away. With an eye roll and a groan, he moved to follow her. Coming around the corner, he finds Sarah waiting by the porch. She gave him a pointed look before pulling out her lock pick set and getting to work.

"He would kill me if I didn't go with you." Tony mansplained.

"Gibbs or Callen?" a smile pulled at her the corner of her mouth.

"Both." Tony chuckled.

They both heard the lock click open. Tony drew his gun as Sarah reached for the doorknob. Pulling her gun, she looked at Tony. With a nod, she opened the door slowly and they moved in, guns held high.

Broken glass crunched underneath Sarah's boots as she cautiously walked into the living room of Gibbs' home.

"Damn," Tony said, glancing at the three dead security guards in the kitchen.

Navigating the living room, Sarah made her way towards the kitchen. A creek of the floorboards made them both freeze. Her gun held high, she didn't hesitate to shoot, when a man appears in the doorway. He falls to the floor before he could even raise his gun, two shots in his chest.

Walking to the gunman's body, she kicks away the gun, and kneels down to study his face.

"Dimitri Garasobic," she said, looking at him.

"You know him?" Tony asked, surprised.

"Only from pictures. He's a cousin of the Comescu's. He wasn't happy when his older brother, Dobrashin Garasobic, decided he didn't want to be part of the 'We Hate The Callen Family' club and left Romania. Rumor has it, Dimitri found his brother in Los Angeles, and slit his throat before he could warn Callen that the Comescu's were after him."

A creek from upstairs had her head snapping up. Turning, Sarah discovers a man, midway down the stairs, with his gun aimed at her.

"Tony, gun!"

As if they were waiting for their cue, Gibbs and Sam burst through the front door, guns drawn. Only one shot was fired, and the man on the stairs dropped his gun and crumpled the rest of the way down.

"Are you alright?" Gibbs asked.

Sarah nodded as DiNozzo helped her up.

Turning immediately to Sam and DiNozzo, Gibbs went into agent mode. "DiNozzo check upstairs-"


"Sam, stay with her."


"And I'll check the basement."

"Jethro!" Sarah yelled.

"Not now." He walked past her.

She grabbed his arm, glaring at him. "Yes now! You brought her in. You trusted her. And now he's gone!" Sarah's voice cracked.

"Sam, take her outside," Gibbs told him as he pulled his arm away from her.

Sam moves to her, but stops when she glares at him.

"No. Not this time. You are not going to dismiss me!" Sarah shouted.

"You're taking this personally, Agent Burgess." Gibbs managed to keep his voice level.

"Says the man who buries everything in his life! She fucking lied to us, Jethro!"

"I know."

"What are we going to do about this?" Sarah asked.

"I am going to work on this crime scene. You are done." Gibbs announced, almost annoyed.

"This is my case," Sarah argued.

"Not anymore!" Gibbs's voice finally rose.

"Why give me the responsibility to protect Callen, if I'm not going to be allowed to do my job?" Sarah refused to be cowed.

"Job?" Tony said, confused.

"You knew what you were getting into when you accepted this assignment," Gibbs told her.

"He's not an assignment! He is my husband!"

"I'm not going to stand here and waste time arguing with you about this, Agent Burgess. We will discuss this later!"

"If anything happens to him, it will be on your head… not mine."

"Enough!" Sam yelled, walking in between them. "Bitching at each other is not going to find G! We need to pull together, as a team, and find him. Until Director Vance tells us different, I'm taking the lead on this case. Agent Burgess go outside and cool off. I will talk with you in a minute."

"Yes, Sir," Sarah turned and walked away.

"Agent Gibbs, check the basement, Agent DiNozzo check upstairs. Update me if you find anything." Sam ordered.

"This is my house." Gibbs was indignant.

"Right now, it's a crime scene. I should have you go outside with her, but I'm afraid that there will be more bloodshed. Tony, after you're done upstairs I want you to call Director Vance. Tell him what is going on here. Gibbs, our office needs to know about this ASAP. Talk to Granger first, not Hetty. Tell him that we need our team here now."

"You want me to risk telling him first?" Even Gibbs knew that wasn't going to sit well with Hetty Lange.

"When Hetty finds out what has happened, her rath will focus on the Ass-sistant Director Granger." Sam reasoned.

Gibbs paused a moment, "Good idea."

Los Angeles

"Okay." Assistant Director, Owen Granger, stood outside the main doors of the Mission. It was the only thing he could say, as Gibbs told him what was going on.

Natasha Petrov had been working with the Comescu's…

Sarah found out…

G is now missing….

Sarah got there too late….

He lost track of how many times he said 'okay,' but he knew that if he said anything else he would be yelling and blaming Gibbs for this disaster.

But he also blamed himself.

He was the one who made the decision to keep Sarah and G there and recall Agent Blye and Detective Deeks. He should have made them all come home. He should have fought harder.

"Are you there, Assistant Director Granger?" Gibbs asked loudly, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Yes, keep me updated, we'll be there tonight." He hung up as Nell walked into the courtyard area.

"You wanted to see me, Sir?" Nell asked.

"I need a flight to Washington DC today."

"Who else will be flying with you?" Nell nodded, mentally cataloging the information.

"Henretta, Agent Blye, and Detective Deeks."

Granger hands her a piece of paper. "I also need you to go out to Agent Burgess' home and get the following on the list, there is a go-bag in the closet in the upstairs bedroom."

"I'll get on this right away," Nell assures him.

"Thank you," Granger says as he walks back into the Mission.

Sam walked out to find Sarah sitting on the porch swing. Her gaze trained on something only she could see.

"I expected you to be gone."

"The thought did cross my mind." Sarah glanced at him as he sat down next to her.

"We will find him, Sarah. But you need to go by the book with this."


"You're not the only one who cares about him, Sarah."

"I know, it's just… I found out-"

"I'm serious! Everyone will be watching you. If they think that you are even remotely thinking of going Lone Wolf to find G, they will take you off-grid, and you will never see G again."

Sarah looked at Sam shocked when she realized what he meant. "They… they can't do that."

"They make the decisions on this."

"You told them no, right?"

"Sarah, taking you away from him will do more harm than good."

She stood up and walked to the edge of the porch. Leaning up against the post, her hand discreetly slid to rest on her stomach.

"What do we do now?" She asked.

Sam shrugged. "Go play tourist. You have a meeting at Covent Garden at twenty-one hundred tonight."

She nodded. "I'll be there."

"We'll find him, Sarah."

"I know," she agreed, but her tone begged to differ. "Please keep me updated."

"I will. Hey, be careful."

"You too."

Sarah stepped off the porch, walking away from the house and down the sidewalk, as ambulances and metro police cars race down the street.