
A/N: HI THERE! This is my first story on this account, but not on Fanfiction. Some of you may know the account iwrite4you3411…well…that's me! I know I haven't updated in like 900 years, but at first I was just extremely busy, and I didn't have time. But then I forgot my password, so I tried to get a new one, but my email crashed…and then whole bunch of other crap happened, and then I just got too lazy to update, and I really don't want to. And I really wanted to make a new story, so here it is!

Summary: A red cat follows Beck home one day, and when he's in the woods with it, he finds out she's really a human from the land of Corsica. Cat takes Beck back to Corsica and he helps her and her friends travel through different realms trying to restore peace to Corsica. AU. Violence. Romance. Bade. Humor. Bade. Drama…Bade.

Ch. 1

"Beck! Beck!" Mrs. Oliver shrieked.

"What is it mother?" Beck asked annoyed as he emerged from the stables.

His mother picked up the skirt of her dress and huffed angrily, "Don't give me that tone, boy," she snapped at him.

Beck rolled his eyes, "What's wrong?" He questioned.

"That damn cat keeps meowing, and jumping around like a child, I want you to get rid of it," she ordered.

A red cat had followed Beck home the other day, and now he couldn't get the stupid thing to leave.

He sighed and took the cat from his mother's arms.

"While you're disposing of that beast, I want you to trade this stupid cow for some food," she ordered as she pointed to their old cow.

Beck refused to let his mother kill the cow for food, since he had an attachment to animals.

So they had compromised, Beck would trade the cow for food, so he wouldn't have to worry about having to kill the animal.

"Come on Bessie," he ordered as he grabbed the cow's rope.

The cat jumped on his shoulder as he started walking.

"Be back soon! I'm starvin!" She hollered at him.

Beck rolled his eyes and kept walking.

"That damn cat keeps meowing and jumping around like a child," he mocked his mother in a deep southern, elderly tone.

He scoffed, "I don't know why I put up with her," he muttered as he shook his head.

He huffed, "That's just great, I'm talking to cat," he muttered.

The cat meowed again and nuzzled against his cheek.

He stroked its fur and smiled. It had the strangest colored fur he'd ever seen.

It was a bright red.

Soon he got to the village, and traded the cow for some bread, and pork.

Then he headed back into the forest, with the cat still on his shoulder.

The cat hopped off of his shoulder and looked around before leaping onto a mound of dirt and digging.

Beck stopped and crouched down next to it, "What is it?" He asked as if it would actually respond.

"Beans…there are beans in here somewhere," someone stated.

Beck froze as his eyes widened. He slowly looked around as he stood up.

"Hello?" He called out. "Who said that?" He questioned.

The person laughed, "I did, silly," it was definitely a girl.

He slowly looked down at the cat with his jaw dropped.

She looked up at him with a pouch in her mouth. She set it down and cocked her head to the side, "Haven't you ever seen a talking cat before?" She asked confused.

Beck screamed and stumbled backwards.

"Don't be scared," she pleaded.

"You're a talking cat, why wouldn't I be scared? Cat's don't talk," he informed her.

"Well…I talk," she replied cheerily.

"Well stop it!" he ordered.

"I can't…you need to take these beans and plant them, we have to get back to Corsica, pronto," she stated.

"Woah, woah, woah…what? Corsica…beans? What?" He exclaimed extremely confused.

She sighed, "My name is Cat, I'm from the mythical land of Corsica. I was sent to find you, Beck…and bring you back to Corsica, since you're the only person who can find the gems of Aria. Each gem leads us to a different world. There are 5 gems. The cerise gem, the azure gem, the amethyst gem, the viridian gem, and the primrose gem. Each of those gems will be located in whatever city each gem takes us to. Once we find the final gem, we be in the world of Aria, where Gormogon has taken over. There, we will destroy Gormogon, and bring peace to the mythical realm," she explained before smiling proudly.

Beck blinked a few times processing everything she had just said.

"Wait…you're a cat…and your name is Cat?" He quizzed.

She groaned, "After all of that, that's all you picked up?" She asked annoyed.

"No, no, no…I also picked up that all of your powerful gems are just fancy names for pink, blue, purple, green, and yellow," he pointed out.

She shrugged, "Yeah," she replied.

"Well, why didn't you just use the regular names for them?" He asked confused.

"It's a mythical city…regular isn't very popular," she pointed out. "Look, we need your help. The gems can only be seen in your presence," she explained.

"Why me?" He exclaimed.

"I don't know, I didn't pick who gets that power!" She exclaimed, "Please, you need to help us!"

"Let me guess, things will be dangerous, and I'll have to fight things," he stated as he crossed his arms.

"Yes, but everyone's counting on me to bring you back…you have to…we need you. Without you, all of my friends, and the citizens of Corsica will die," she stated sadly.

Beck sighed, "Wait…what're the beans for?" He questioned.

"Oh, once you plant them, they'll grow a giant beanstalk, and we'll climb it, and be in Corsica," she explained.

Beck sighed, "So, I'll be fighting off people…with a cat by my side?" He asked skeptically.

"Of course not, my friends will be with us. Tori, Andre, Robbie, and Jade…Jade's in charge," she informed him.

"So, are they cats too?" He asked hoping they weren't.

"Pfft…no…I'm not even really a cat. It's just a curse. Without my necklace, I'm a cat, but with it, I'm a human," she shrugged.

"So where's your necklace," He quizzed.

"In this pouch," she stated as she pawed the pouch of beans.

"I can't open it," she informed him.

"Alright, fine…I'll help you…but if I die, I'm coming back to haunt you," he threatened as he opened the pouch.

He pulled out the necklace and put it around Cat's neck.

He shielded his eyes as a bright light emanated from the feline.

Once he looked back again, she was a human. She looked about his age, 17, and she was very pretty.

Her fur color made sense now…she had bright, eye-popping red hair.

She was wearing a warrior outfit, and her red hair was pulled back into a high ponytail.

"So, the beans?" He asked as he poured them out in his hand.

"Just dig a small hole, put them in, and wait 7 seconds," she instructed.

"Alright," Beck replied as he did as he was told.

He poured the beans in and took a step back.

"You may wanna back up a little bit more," Cat suggested as she pulled him back by the arm.

Beck yelled out in fear as a giant beanstalk shot out of the ground and reached up into the sky.


A/N: So…that's the end of chapter 1! I know it was a little boring, and short but I promise it will get better and longer. I think I like how this turned out. But, it doesn't matter what I think…it's all up to you guys. Leave a review and favorite this story if you like it. Let's see if we could try to get 5 reviews before an update.