Well here it is, the last chapter. I never thought the story were going to get any follows, favs or reviews. So thank you so much for reading this story and thanks for all reviews, favs and follows. I hope you enjoy the chapter and please R&R.
I don't own Rise of the guardians
Something woke me up, making me opening my eyes. I was surprised when there was no one in the room. I looked around failing to find the source of my awakening. I felt something on my shoulder so I turned my head and I saw a blue light shine on it.
The wind rushed around me, telling me to look out the window. My confusion turned to understanding when I looked at the North Pole. A blue light shined from the moon almost begging me to come out. My hands hesitated as I was not sure if I should. I had not been outside since Pitch, and even though I was healed I shouldn't just leave.
I let my eyes wander to the moon who was watching me. "Come, my child" it was a serene voice that filled me. It was a whisper yet it wasn't. With a last push from the wind I grabbed my staff and jumped out the window landing in the white snow.
It felt like something was about to change and my eyes found the moon once again. Without realizing it I walked forward into the snow-white landscape. Suddenly I let my eyes wander around me, only seeing that the workshop couldn't be seen anymore. I wasn't afraid of getting lost so I concentrated on the moon again. For a moment I could have sworn I saw him smile.
"My child, you have been patient and there is no longer any need for you to stay the way you are" the same voice as last time echoed around me. I was confused, about what he meant by me not needing to stay the way I am.
Warmth spread across my body and the blue light encased me, making me close my eyes. A strange feeling in my body made me curious enough to open my eyes again. I brought my hands up so I could see them, and instead of small children hands I could see them grow. The same happened with the rest of my body. I got curves, my legs grew longer and my hair grew even longer than it had been.
Suddenly the light disappeared and it became quiet. For a while I looked at my new body, and automatically knowing that I was now in an 18-year-old body. Tears pressed themselves out of my eyes and my hands went over my mouth. I didn't have a child`s body, but a teens. I had never been so happy and I flew into the air, already feeling that I could finally use all my powers. A huge smile made its way into my face. The wind played around me reminding me silently of the guardians. From the place I was, the workshop was visible.
The wind raced me all the way to my room where the window was still open. As I climbed inside noises could be heard all over the place. "What do ya mean she is gone, she couldn't just have disappeared" that accent was Bunny`s.
They must have found my room empty and panicked. I didn't even hesitate as I opened the door to the hallways. I smirked when I saw North and Bunny arguing and with a simple sentence I silenced them "is it me you are looking for?" They had clearly not seen me until I had said anything. In a second I had swords against my throat threatening me. I kinda expected that, but it looked funny and I started to giggle.
"Who are you? Where is Jackie?" North with his swords had me backed up to the wall. "You are looking at her" they looked confused. I saw recognition in bunny`s eyes as he took in my appearance. I held my staff almost playfully in one hand not even worried about the swords. My clothes had somehow grown with me, and I looked just about the same as I did before only that I`m bigger.
Slowly North took away his weapons looking really hard at me. "It really is me, I have grown" I had a huge smile on my face. "How can ya have grown?" Bunny asked. "The man in the moon" was my only answer. They seemed lost for a few seconds before huge smiles crossed their faces.
I was excited and I had so much energy I didn't know what to do with it. "Hey can we go tell Tooth and Sandy? Please" I gave them my puppy eyes. "Of course ya sheila why shouldn't we? Tooth and Sandy is in the globe room" I was gone in the blink of an eye. It didn't take long for me to get there and was disappointed when they were gone. I heard Bunny and North coming in behind me "where are they, snowflake?" I looked at Bunny. "I have no idea, they clearly aren't here" As I said it a yeti said something to North. "They are in burgess, seems like the children are getting gloomier" North told us before he found a snowglobe and threw it. We all jumped into the portal or in Bunny`s case, thrown which was hilarious to see.
It didn't take long before we landed in burgess and we spotted Sandy the moment we came. Since North and Bunny couldn't fly I flew up to Sandy to gain his attention. He looked at me for a moment recognizing me immediately before demanding an explanation. I told him a very short version of what happened before I started to ask the questions. He pointed towards the ground and there I saw the children being sad.
It hurt to see them this way so I swooped down to them bringing frost and snow with me. As I passed them I blew small snowflakes into their faces. It was easy to see how they lit up and started laughing. I spotted Tooth and landed beside her. She looked relieved when she saw the children smile. She looked at me silently wondering who I was. I quickly gave her the story of my growth. She smiled at me and I smiled back. Without a word I made a snowball and easily threw it on one of the kids.
Soon there were an all-out snowball fight and the guardians stood a ways away so they wouldn't be spotted. Bunny hugged Jackie "How did ya do that?" "Didn't I say it before; it isn't only snow that I bring. I also bring fun which is my center". They all looked at the girl but instead of seeing a girl they saw a guardian and were proud of her.
Jackie had made her choice and decided to become a guardian. It was only right when she watched over the children either way. And secretly she hoped they would become her family. They all looked towards the laughing children and found out that it was time to leave. North threw Bunny through the portal, and they couldn't help but laugh when they arrived at North`s workshop.
Jackie was starting to get nervous about being a guardian but she would not say no, she wasn't even sure if that was an option. She looked to the floor smiling with a blush on her face. She came to think about how she had called North dad and couldn't help but wanting it to be true. North had left the room while Jackie had looked to the floor. The others smiled almost evilly because they knew what North went to get. Jackie still got a confused look on her face, until she saw North come back with a book. She smiled as the book was opened and North started to read from it. Jackie listened to it and when he asked her to be a guardian she of course accepted.
They had a huge party afterwards and they told stories and just had fun. Jackie loved to tease Bunny and flew around having a bigger smile than she had ever had since she became the winter spirit. She finally felt like she had a home after all these years and somehow she made the others join in a snowball fight. Bunny got covered in snow, North made big snowballs that he managed to hit Sandy with and the poor guy became buried in it. Tooth was actually very good at it and even managed to hit Jackie a few times. Jackie clearly won but she told them it wasn't about who won but to have fun. She looked up to the moon and silently thanked the man in the moon for giving her the guardians. She smiled and followed the others into the workshop were the party continued.