Ichigo kicked the side of the punching bag with his leg, taking out his anger on the inanimate object. Underneath the shop Kisuke owned was an underground training area that Ichigo took advantage of, which is exactly what Ichigo was doing right now. Pretending that the punching bag was Grimmjow definitely helped Ichigo relieve some of his anger. For a moment a memory of a time that Ichigo has no recollection of flashes in his mind.

A woman stood over his crib with blood dripping out of her mouth, as Ichigo watched her with wide eyes. She smiled softly down at him, as she used the sides of the crib to hold herself up.

"Ti amo," she whispered softly to him in Italian, "Ichigo."

Tears had begun to spill down her face as she brushed her hand through his short orange locks. Her arms had started to shake in her effort to keep herself upright. In the next second, her arms could no longer holder her up any longer and she crumpled to the ground.

As suddenly as the memory appeared it disappeared, leaving Ichigo confused and his head hurting. Swiping his hand out at the punching bag, the material ripped as his claws tore through it with ease. The sand poured to the ground like a waterfall, as Ichigo looked down at his hand with its claws extended. He hadn't realized he had released his claws. At the sound of someone coming down the stairs, Ichigo quickly sheathed his claws. Ichigo walked towards the stairs expecting to see Shiro, not Shinji walking down the stairs with a wide grin on his face. Shinji's teeth had always reminded Ichigo of piano keys.

"What are you doing here," Ichigo asked, not in the mood for company.

"What no warm welcome," Shinji frowned slightly, before his grin came back. "Hiyori and I are here, because Kisuke asked us to be. I guess it seems that some group of shifters is interested in using the training grounds here."

"Really," Ichigo mumbled more to himself than anyone else.

"Yep," Shinji stated cheerfully.

"Where's Hiyori," Ichigo asked, looking around for the volatile shifter.

"Hiyori's upstairs waiting with Kisuke," Shinji said.

Shinji opened his mouth to say something else, but was cut off by Hiyori hollering, "Shinji get your ass up here."

"Well that's my cue," Shinji piped, before running back up the stairs.

Curious as to whom this gang was, Ichigo followed Shinji up the stairs. Standing at the top of the stairs, Ichigo peered around the corner trying to catch a glimpse of the people in this group. He couldn't see anyone, but he did hear a voice besides Kisuke's that sounded awfully familiar. Until he caught a glimpse of blue hair, Ichigo hadn't been able to place who that voice belonged to. He couldn't believe how unlucky he was that he had run into that man again so soon. Snarling, Ichigo wandered back down the stairs into the training grounds. Taking the destroyed punching bag down, Ichigo was about to go throw it away when he heard people walking down the stairs. Shifting into an Amur leopard, Ichigo lay on the destroyed punching bag watching the group of people come down the stairs.

In the front of the group was Kisuke followed by Grimmjow, Shinji, Nnoitra, Hiyori, and an Amazon woman with blond hair. Kisuke was holding his fan in front of his face as he told the group about the underground training grounds. Grimmjow was listening to Kisuke as he took in the room. His cyan eyes swept the room taking in every detail, almost skipping over Ichigo's form curled up on the ruined punching bag. Staring at Ichigo curiously, Grimmjow continued listening to Kisuke without his eyes ever wavering from him. The slight flair of the blue haired man's nostrils was all that gave away that he was sniffing the air, trying to figure out who Ichigo was. Ichigo silently prayed that the other man wouldn't recognize him, since he had never seen his animal counterpart.

Once Kisuke was done talking, Grimmjow told him that he would use the place and even pay for his group to use it, which Kisuke surprisingly passed up on and let him use for free. Growling quietly to himself, Ichigo realized he had lost his place to relieve his stress to the arrogant dominant. Getting up from his spot on the floor, Ichigo decided that he would clean up the ruined punching bag later when Grimmjow was gone. Slinking away from the group, Ichigo silently made his way to the stairs only to stop at the feel of someone sniffing his fur. Raising the hackles on his neck, he quickly swiped his claws at the thing sniffing him. His amber eyes locked onto the culprit, as he bared his teeth and growled low in his throat. The culprit just so happened to be a panther, the one and only Grimmjow.

Grimmjow, who had leapt out of the range of Ichigo's swipe, padded closer to Ichigo as he smelt the Amur leopard again. Ichigo snarled as he struck out at the panther again with his claws. His ears flattened to his skull, Ichigo crouched to the ground prepared to attack again. Ichigo knew that even if the other didn't realize who he was, Grimmjow would still be able to smell that he was a submissive getting close to going into heat. And without a dominant around, the other could try and claim him, which Ichigo wasn't having any of that.

The door to the training area opened and the sound of Shiro's voice came down the stairway. "Hey Kisuke have you seen Ichigo?"

It didn't take a lot to know that Shiro had figured out where Ichigo was and that he was in big brother mode once again, as a vicious snarl rang throughout the training area. After the snarl had left the pale twin's lips, he had already shifted and was bounding down the stairs to Ichigo's rescue. Shiro landed in between Ichigo and Grimmjow ready to attack. With his sharp teeth bared at the dominant that had been getting too close to his baby brother for his liking, Shiro prepared to attack. Grimmjow realizing it was time to back off, even though the snow leopard was smaller than him, slowly backed away keeping a wary eye on the pissed off snow leopard.

With the panther far enough away and Shiro between them, Ichigo quickly climbed the stairs out of the training area and into the safety zone of his room. Shifting back into a human, Ichigo quickly got dressed and clambered into the middle of the bed. Ichigo didn't sit for long on the bed before Shiro padded into the room. Crossing the room with easy strides, Shiro jumped in the bed with Ichigo and pulled him against his chest.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from dominants," Shiro asked.

"Yeah," Ichigo remarked. "And you also told to wait for you after school, which I also didn't do."

Shiro growled softly, already knowing that his twin hadn't listened to him there either. Sometimes Shiro wished Ichigo would listen more sometimes, but if he did than he wouldn't be the Ichigo that he loves.

"I should put a leash on you," Shiro grumbles to which Ichigo laughs, knowing that Shiro would never do that to him, before he begins to purr.

Having learned long ago how purring calmed his pale twin down, Ichigo purrs only to calm Shiro down, which happens to be a lot. Shiro sighs contentedly as he lays down on the bed by Ichigo, the effects of the other's purring already taking ahold of him. With Shiro lounging sleepy beside him, Ichigo pulled out his heaps of homework and set to work doing it. The homework was very time consuming and boring, but it had to be done unless he wanted to flunk school, which wouldn't help his chances at becoming a doctor at all. Glancing at his brother, he noted that Shiro had fallen asleep beside him. Feeling thirsty and a bit hungry, Ichigo quietly snuck out of the room so as not to disturb Shiro.

The kitchen was empty, when Ichigo wandered into the room to his relief. Getting his self a glass of water, Ichigo leaned his back against the counter as he took a drink. His head had begun to subtly start pounding from all the homework he had done tonight. It was a great relief to have all that homework out of the way, meaning he could go to bed after he was done down here. Ichigo was so zoned out that he didn't hear when some else had entered the kitchen.

"Hey, bitch," Grimmjow quipped.

Ichigo's eyes opened wide in shock as he spewed the water in his mouth across the room. He had completely forgotten that Grimmjow was here, even though he wasn't sure why he was still here yet at midnight.

"What are you still doing here," Ichigo sputtered.

"I thought that was you I smelt earlier, bitch," Grimmjow said, sauntering into the room.

A/N: I'm sorry it took me so long to update. I've just so much shit to do it wasn't even funny, it was almost impossible to write a sentence not even considering a chapter. But anyways, what do you guys think? Reviews and all that good stuff apperciated. Oh, and don't worry I'm slowly but surely working on my other stories, too.

Ichigo: ...
Author: Ichigo's giving me the silent treatment for making him able to get pregnant. T^T