Disclaimer: Nada.

It was a typical Saturday night for Duncan. He had yet another fight with Gwen and he wasn't surprised anymore, this had been happening almost every week to the point he didn't even want to talk to her for fear of starting an argument. Of course the fact they were forced to live at the playa didn't help either. This Saturday night was the same as any other...Duncan outside Gwen's door in the hallway in his boxers yelling for her to open the door and let him back in.

"C'mon Gwen!" Duncan pounded on the door. "This is stupid!"

"No it's not!" Gwen yelled from inside the room. "You were sexting with Lindsay!"

"She sexted me first!" Duncan yelled back at her. "How is it my fault she thought I was green haired Tyler?!"

"You texted her back!" Gwen groaned "I can't believe you would do that to me! Oh, wait yes I can! you did it to Courtney too!"

"Can we not bring her up?!" Duncan yelled from the hallway as Harold walked by and snickered. "IT'S NOT FUNNY...KEEP WALKING DORIS!...Gwen, people are staring at me!"

"I don't care." Gwen told him from the door. "You and I are done!"

"Seriously?" Duncan groaned. "Whatever, I'm not fighting about it! You wanna be done? Then fine with me."

Duncan decided he wasn't going to beg for forgiveness, He was just going to go back to his room which was only down the hall. When Duncan got to his room he went to unlock his door and that's when he realized his key was in his pocket of his pants that were in Gwen's room.

"Great..." Duncan sighed. "I guess I'm sleeping in the hallway..."

"You can always sleep with me!" Owen opened his door completely naked.

"Dude, No..." Duncan glared at Owen. "We're you listening to my conversation?"

Owen blushed and quickly slammed his door shut. Duncan banged his head off the wall a few times. He wasn't going to go and beg Gwen to let him back in.

"I guess I'm sleeping in the hallway." Duncan groaned in annoyance and then had an idea "I know! I'll go and stay with Geoff."

So, Duncan went down to the floor below him and tried knocking on Geoff's door. Nobody was home. Yeah right, Geoff and Bridgette were making out and Geoff just didn't want to answer the door. Duncan was about to give up and just go sleep in the elevator when he heard crying and it wasn't even the cute kind. It was loud and obnoxious sobs with heavy breathing. Duncan decided he was going to ignore it. He turned the corner and saw Sadie sitting by the elevator sobbing away and went to quickly take the stairs before she saw him.

"Duncan?" Sadie sobbed his name out.

Too late.

"Oh, uh...Hi Sadie." Duncan sighed and walked over to her. "Why are you crying in front of the elevator?"

"Because Katie hooked up with Justin and she knew I liked him!" Sadie sobbed. "I even offered him a threesome but he said I was fat and ugly!"

"Justin's a prick." Duncan laughed. "Katie is also a bitch for doing that to you..."

"O-M-G! You can't say that about Katie!" Sadie gasped "She's my best friend."

"Yeah, what a great friend." Duncan rolled his eyes. "You can do so much better than Katie and Justin..."

"You mean it?" Sadie asked him as she got up and hugged him.

"Yeah, sure..." Duncan told her. "Just don't tell anyone I was actually nice."

"You're secret is safe with me." Sadie smiled and then looked at Duncan. "So yeah, why are you only like wearing your boxers?"

"Gwen threw me out again." Duncan rolled his eyes. "She told me we were over and so I went to stay with Geoff because I left my key in my pants pocket and my pants are in Gwen's room...Yeah..."

"You wanna stay in my room for the night?" Sadie asked him. "You were so totally nice to me, it's the least I could do for you."

"That's actually really cool of you..." Duncan smirked. "You're a lot less annoying without Katie, ya know?"

"So do you want to stay?" Sadie asked.

"It's a tough choice between you and Owen..." Duncan laughed. "I think I'll stay with you."

"Gwen won't get mad, right?" Sadie asked.

"I don't think so." Duncan laughed. "She dumped me anyway..."

Duncan couldn't believe in a million years he would even talk to someone like Sadie let alone stay the night in her room. As long as nobody knew it would be all good in his books.

This is going to be a Multi-chapter and you can thank NerdyBarista who got me into this.