I'd just like to point out that there's no beta for any of this, and I'll be completely honest and say I'm slowly trudging through all of this in order to get to the good stuff, so if there's anything wrong please do let me know otherwise thanks for reading!

Murphy grabbed his gun from under his pillow and jumped off the top bunk. He followed his brother out of their cell block as fast and as carefully as they could towards the source of the screaming that had made Connor wake him in the first place. Connor shined his flashlight in its direction only to find themselves opposite the group they had just met. A crowd of walkers divided them and the others appeared to be cornered. The Asian and the man who had introduced himself as Rick were trying to open a door that had been jammed while attempting to keep the walkers at bay. The twins pulled their makeshift knives from their sides and approached the walkers. They stabbed at every head they could and used their silenced Berettas only when they noticed one of the walkers got too close to the other. They helped size down the walker horde to something the others across them could take down. When the last body hit the floor the two groups watched each other.

"Ya be needin' any more help? Any of ya injured?" Connor asked not moving from his spot.

"No, we're fine. Thank you." Rick replied.

"Are ya sure? We can tell you how to get back to yer block, or wherever it is yer all headed to. It seems like yer lost. " Connor said.

The Asian man, Rick and the one who looked an awful lot like Murphy shared a few words before Rick finally took a step forward, "We would appreciate that very much."

"Where is it you were goin' anyway?" Murphy finally said.

"The cafeteria." Rick replied a little too quickly.

"S'this way. Watch out fer strays." Murphy gestured for the group to follow them as he and his brother turned their backs to them. The seven made their way down the dark corridors in an awkward silence. It wasn't until they reached a certain division in one of the corridors that the twins came to a full stop.

"It was left, Murph. We never went right." Connor said gesturing to his left.

"It was right; remember left is where ya nearly lost it." Murphy replied.

"That wasn't here."

"It was." Murphy gave his brother a glare; he took offense to the fact that Connor had thought Murphy wouldn't remember the horror of imagining his twin bitten perfectly.

"It wasn't, that was by-" Connor began, but was cut off by a voice eerily similar to his twin's.

"If ya'll don't know where it is we can take it from here." Daryl said aggressively.

"No, we know. It's this way." Connor placed his hand on his twin's back and led him towards the right. The others followed, though Rick and Daryl shared a glance.

"What brings ya here, anyway?" Connor asked after the silence had set in again.

"Survival." Rick said flatly.

"Us too." Murphy replied.

They encountered a lone walker in the next corridor they turned onto, but as far as Rick could see, the path had been cleared long before he and his group showed up. The brothers lead them to a set of doors that had been shut together using a torn wire. The dark haired one undid the wires and opened the door to reveal a small cafeteria. The seven stepped inside and Rick stepped forward into the kitchen. There was a good amount of food stacked up onto the shelves, but not enough to last them until the next year, especially since they were a fairly large group and there was the other two to think about. He stepped back outside to where Daryl, T-Dog, Glenn, and Maggie were seemingly huddled together in conversation. They turned to face him as he approached them.

"There's enough food in there to last us for a while. Not long enough, though." He said in a low voice. Glenn spoke up right after him.

"Maggie thinks we should bring them with us." He gestured to the brothers who were on the other side of the cafeteria. They were talking to each other, too.

"They don't seem like dangerous people, maybe it's the Mother of God on their necks, I don't know. But they have this place mapped out better than we do." Maggie said, moving a strand of her hair out of her face.

Rick looked to Daryl who shrugged his shoulders, "I don't trust em'."

"They could help, it's just them two." T-Dog said as Rick turned to look at him.

"Would they even want to?" Glenn asked turning to face the brothers. They gave each other a look and walked forward towards them. Rick unconsciously let his hand slide down to his gun.

"We're going to go ahead and take some rations; we've run out. Yer welcome to anything ya like. Just be sure to leave us a can or two." Connor gave the group a small smile as he and his brother entered the kitchen, leaving the others alone.

"So what do ya think?" he asked in a hushed tone once they were inside. He leaned down to stuff his pockets with packets of crackers.

"About?" Murphy replied collecting a few cans of vegetables.

"Them. Ya had time to sleep on it," His brother replied standing up, "Ya think we'll be alright or are ya still worried?"

"Yeah, about two minutes, but I think we'll be alright." Murphy shrugged.

"Two minutes? Ya slept like a log for about two hours." Connor stuffed a small can in each of his pockets. His brother took four in his arms and the two headed back outside.

"Where are you from?" Glenn asked as soon as they were all in the cafeteria again.

"Boston." Murphy replied as he and his brother headed towards the doors.

"Ya'll don't sound like you're from Boston." Daryl inquired and the two turned to face him.

"We're Irish, ya twat. We lived in Boston." Murphy snapped back. Connor subconsciously put a hand on his brother's arm.

"What are you doing all the way down here?" Rick asked.

"Went to the CDC in Atlanta, the place was blown up or somethin' we headed south an' found this place." Connor replied.

Daryl raised his eyebrows for a split second, "Sorry 'bout that. We almost didn't make it outta that place alive."

"You blew it up?!" Murphy's irritated expression quickly turned to an expression of disbelief, nearly dropping the cans he had in his arms.

"No, it was an automatic thing. The place was going to be blown up once a timer ran out." T-Dog explained.

"Ah. Did ya find anythin'. A cure?" Connor asked.

"No. The only thing that came out of that place was finding out that we're all infected." Rick looked down at his gun.

"What?" The brothers asked simultaneously.

"No matter how you die, you turn. You don't need to be bitten. So long as the brain isn't severed, you'll turn."

Murphy looked down at his shoes, and Connor looked at his little brother, "Thanks fer lettin' us know."

The two turned and walked back to the doors and Connor took a hold of the door handle, "I'm assumin' ya can handle yerselves from here? C block is down that way," Connor gestured to his right, "an' B is the opposite way."

"You're staying in A then?" Rick asked.

"I do believe we've been through this, Rick Grimes." Connor said, raising an eyebrow.

Daryl stepped forward and leaned in to Rick's side, "They have this place scoped. It'd be best to keep em' where we can watch em'." He muttered.

"We could use some help taking the food back, our group is a pretty decent size. You're welcome to join us." Rick walked back into the kitchen, the others followed.

"We'll help ya," Connor began walking back to the kitchen.

"But we won't be stayin' with ya." Murphy finished.

They stocked up on whatever they could carry, except for Murphy who already had a few cans on him and in his arms, and headed back to cell block C with the twins leading the way. On the way there, the two learned that the Asian's name was Glenn, the girl was named Maggie, the bald one was known as T-Dog, and the one who looked too much like Murphy was named Daryl. The group learned that the brothers weren't just brothers but twins.

The block's gate soon came into view and Rick stepped in first, setting down the cans he had in his arms on the floor, the rest followed. Connor and Murphy set down the things they held and stepped back to retreat. They hadn't gotten very far when a confused voice spoke out from behind them.

"Who are they?"