hana: hello!

amu: took you long enough to update. so why did you force me to watch you pet fish last week?

hana: cause your a mermaid!

amu: thats just in your story.

hana: whatever! just give ryou back to me now! *takes fish from amu*

ikuto: i heard the word fish.

hana: STAY AWAY FROM MY FISH! he's the only pet im allowed to have!

ikuto: whatever...

hana: *strangles air near ikuto's neck* you little...*lightbulb* then in that case! YOU do the disclaimer!

ikuto: fine. she doesnt own anything but her stupid fish that attacks his own reflection.

hana: grrr! *seeths in corner*



i was sitting in my room descusing thing with kairi about what needs to be done by the time we leave the next port.

"captan. i've been thinking and do you really think its ok to let a girl, who doesnt even know her name, live on the ship? she might not even have any skills to put to use.

"well- "i started when the door berst open.

"IKUTO-TAN! IM HERE WITH MIZU-CHI!" ok, i heared a buzz and something pop. Possably my eardrum, Braking.

"your what to who? speak like a normal person please."(A.N. LOL! my mom always says that to me!) i said irritated that shes yelling again. yaya pouted before speaking.

"i said! im here with mizu-chi! utau-tan said you wanted to see her!" i facepalmed

"i said, i wanted to see her after my meeting with kairi" this girl, although a great look-out, never fails to give me heart-burn.

"oh" was all she said.

"um...should we go then?" the girl, mizu, said/asked.

i turned towards her to get a better look and was suprised. she was fairly short, shorter then rima, maybe, with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes, as well as a semi-dark tan. she sported my sisters favorate capries as well as a light pink long-sleved blouse and a pair of black lethar boots. all in all, she was pretty cute. not my type, but cute.

"uh..." i hesitated, trying to recollect myself. "no. i'd like to descuse a few things with you and kairi, actually." i stated, finally pulling myself together.

"oh. um, ok uh..." she trailed off.

"tsukiyomi ikuto. you can call me whatever. i honestly dont care."

"o-ok then...ikuto."

"sigh! yaya's bored! yaya's gonna go play with rima-tan now." and with that, she ran off without another word.

"so captan. what was it you wanted to descuse with mizu-san and i?" kairi asked.

"huh? oh, right. we need to see if mizu has any type of skills we can put to use. if she's going to stay on bored, she needs to do something."

"um.." mizu spoke up again. "i still cant remember anything but, i think i might have been a good fighter."

"and what makes you think that?" kairi asked her.

"im not sure. im just kinda guessing but, could i give it a try?" she asked looking at me with a expecting look.

'would it really be alright to have a girl who cant even her own name around sharp weapons? and fighting no less? but then again, if we keep relying on kukai...'
i shuttered, not even wanting to think about about would happen.

"alright." i agreed. "we'll give you a chance. but if your not at least better then kukai, were putting you in the kitchen with nagihiko. deal?"

"alright!" she agreed with a big smile on her face that, just for a moment, made my heart fludder. whats wrong with me?



"alright, miza! let see if your really better then me!" said kukai with a huge grin of his face, probably happy to compete with somebody for once.

"my names mizu. and your going DOWN!" said mizu with a wicked smirk on her face.

"ready" said kairi. "and...BEGIN!"

swords started clashing for the first few seconds before mizu made her move. she doged kukai's forward attack and, while he took only a brief moment to pause, she skillfully thrust her sword into his handle and yanked it from his hand, rendering him defenless, and gathered the sword into her other hand and positioned her left sord behind his neck, and the other in front so that the slightest move would result in a slashed throat.

we all stood there, mouths a gap, as she backed away from kukai, sords still in hand, and placed them on her sides, a trumfent smirk gracing her features.

"i win. whats my time?" she turned to kairi, who was timing how long it would take for somebody to win.

"uh..9-9.5 seconds..."

"YES!" she shouted, shocking kukai out of his daze.

"wow! your really good! could you show me how you did that swippy-sord thing?" kukai asked.

"sure!" mizu replied and then started showing him how she did it.

"captan" kairi said.

"yeah?" i asked.

"i think we just found out new weapons master."


hana: DONE! *passes out*

ikuto: *pokes arm with stick* yup. shes out.

amu: so...what now?

ikuto: i donno but, im gonna draw a mustashe on her.

amu: *mumbles* your such a kid...

ikuto: what was that?

amu: i-i said,l-lets do t-the thingy! yeah!

ikuto: ? o-k?

ryou: *bubble bubble bubble*

amu: what did he say?

dia: he said R&R! and then something about his plastic plant.