Faith walked into the theater nothing will ever get it out. She's marked, she's stained for life. She took showers. She and Jessie took multiple showers but it wasn't enough. How was she supposed to know? She brought a tent to go camping with her daughter for a weekend. That was all it was meant to be. Why oh why did she leave it at the Bundys.
She arranged a day at the movies for Jessie with Mom and dad, along with Grandpa Al and older mom Peg to make it up to her. Jessie just sat down next to Xander and toned out her mother.
Faith just took a short breath and sat down next to her watcher. "Not…one…word."
Peg saw her …niece Jessie upset and watching the movie with her father. "Wow, what exactly did you do?"
Faith glared at her. "You know, this is all your fault."
Peg turned to her. "How? It's not like I do anything?"
Faith pointed at her doing everything to not punch her. "You liberated the whale from sea world, it moved into your house… again I dropped off what was a mega tent… and I came to pick up said tent…and long story short what we thought for the weekend was a mega tent was just… an industrial strength moo moo… had to take three showers when we got home… I don't think it was enough…" Faith got a far off haunted look in her eyes. "Nothing will ever be enough."
"Do you mind I'm trying to watch the movie?"
"Sorry man" Faith said a couple rows up and whispered down to her daughter. "I am sorry Jess."
"Hey shut up."
Faith turned to the noise an older man with both seats open next to him. "Shut your trap. I'm not taking anything from a thirty year old guy that comes into a Pixar movie alone!"
Jessie turned around and saw her mom practically shouting at the other guy. She looked at her nervously. "Is everything OK mama?"
Faith took a calming breath; maybe Buffy had a point with the tai chi and yoga. "It's OK Jess, I'm fine."
Xander gave his daughter a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sure your mom is just upset. Probably about the same thing you are."
Jessie gave an innocent shrug. Mommy does the best she can. Daddy explained it to her. "I still smell funny too."
Faith had an innocent smile. "Yeah, I'll pick up some tomato juice on the way home hopefully that will do something."
The elderly man rolled his eyes trying to watch the movie and this couple won't shut up a leather clad tramp, whom probably went through a divorce or two and settled for Patchy the Pirate when her looks started to go. "Will you two shut up you have plenty of time to screw up the kid at home? With you two as parents it's practically guaranteed."
Faith's eyes shot up, that's it, no more Ms. nice slayer. She quickly turned to Jessie. "Keep watching Mike and Sully."
Xander and Al each covered the little girl's ears with smiles on their faces as Faith quickly hopped row after row and cut off the man in the isle way with a resounding right hook followed by a left to the stomach and flurry of knees as he fell to his hands and knees. Faith looked around to make sure no one was looking and finished with three punches to the head knocking him out and took his cup of popcorn.
Faith picked the man up when to her surprise Peg was walking over. Is she coming to help?
The Wanker woman walked over and took the bons bons out of the man's pocket and Faith smiled like she should have known better. Faith threw him across the middle row of seats and left him there rejoining her family seeing Al looked over with a smile of pride as Faith took a seat next to Xander and Peg took a seat next to Al.
Al watched Xander and Faith cuddle together. There has to be some kind of secret to living in Sin. He doesn't care how good a slayer is in bed, and he never wants to know… well with Faith and Buffy definitely. Still Xander can't spend this many years with the same woman and be happy just as she is.
Peg smiled and leaned ever closer in. "Al"
Al groaned in silent horror and whispered. "Aw Peg, not here, there's a kid here and it's a PG movie for god's sake."
"Not that you oaf!" Peg whispered back. "I was just curious as to why that idiot didn't run until Faith started hopping rows."
Al rolled his eyes not in a particularly good mood. Faith could have saved some for him he didn't get no popcorn. "Because no one runs from a 95 pound girl unless she's a virgin and you're a serial killer. Appearances are misleading. People see you; they think what a lucky bastard to score a girl like that." Peg smiled at the glistening comment. "And people that know you for a while go 'ha look at the schmuk with the beautifool wife that's drained him dry'."
Peg glared at her husband and delivered one quick punch to the face. "You know how sensitive I am."
Al rubbed his jaw yeah probably had that one coming. "So are we done here?"
"No, I want to know more about this misleading appearances thing." Peg asked.
"You mean like that easy Wanker girl with the quirky relatives and the mother with a glandular condition?" Al quipped.
Peg glared at her. "Now, that's not fair, my mother really has a glandular condition."
Al rolled his eyes. "It's not a glandular condition when you start eating people it's a Wanker condition."
Peg put her arms across her chest. "She only ate Aunt Edna because she stood so close to the pies it was a vacuum effect."
"She tried to eat Jessie when she was baby because she thought she was veal." Al countered. "The only reason she failed was because Faith stabbed her in the stomach, and no one has seen that six foot sword since. It's probably why she's so upset about right now traumatic flashback."
"Just get to misleading appearances Magilla." Peg Ordered.
Ten Years Ago
Faith hit the tombstone with a resounding thud on her back. Yeah, this isn't going that well.
"Watch it now!" She watched as Al landed even further ahead of her as he came down to a crash.
Both slayer and watcher pulled themselves to their feet seeing the twelve foot demon walk towards them. Scaly skin on him but rock solid Faith already broke a sword on that thing's gut. Wings on his back and judging from the fact he's inhaling.
Faith jumped on Al knocking him down and the fire barely missing them both. Faith ran up and fought the demon while Al recuperated.
Al looked up as a familiar face walked into the graveyard.
"Hey Al how are you doing?"
Al glared at him from his spot on the floor he could feel pain but he wasn't stopping. "Oh I'm fine Jefferson you want to help me up?"
Jefferson smiled and got him under the arms as he pulled him up. "Okie Dokie… what are these weird bumps over your back."
Al looked at him almost tearful. "That's what's left of my spine!" Al's eyes widened. "Faith!"
The two turned around and on cue the slayer crashed into them knocking all three down. Little tremors were felt as the dragon demon walked towards them his voice and roars echoing. "Is this all you are? I was told slayers were great fighters. I am Chaus the dragon of mayhem. If you can't fight anymore well then, I will huff, and I will puff, and I will…" Chaus took a moment to look at the new arrival. "A-A-Agent Darcy!"
Al and Faith looked at each other confusion clear on their faces as all three got up.
Chaus stared at Jefferson before the twelve foot dragon bowed to one knee and held his hand in a fist over his heart. "Is it time to exterminate the humans my master?"
Jefferson shook his head. "No that's alright, give them a couple thousand years, they should kill themselves out by then."
"Yes my master." Chaus agreed.
Jefferson looked at him he seems bigger then any of the ones he knew. Unless he was an egg at the time and started growing now. "Oh my god I know who you are. You're little Eugene aren't you?"
Chaus stuttered a bit before getting out. "That's… that's a private matter. If you have no need of me I shall take my leave."
Jefferson nodded as Chaus took off.
Al looked at his best friend. "One day me and you are going to have a long talk about your past."
Jefferson gave an honest shrug. "You pick up a thing or two over time. So I take it Faith here is the slayer if she was fighting him."
Al rubbed his head. "What would give you that idea?"
"As I said you pick up a thing or two over the years." Jefferson answered honestly as he turned to the slayer. "Tough break kid."
Al glared at him and smacked him in the back of the head. "Thanks Jefferson you got anything positive to say."
Jefferson looked down sheepishly as they walked to his car searching for words that won't hack Al off. "Until recently, I mean now slayers live to see grandchildren, many fat grandchildren as they die of old age." He turned to Al as he popped the trunk. "Well, I got what I could out of the ash of your house it's not much." He grabbed a bag and gave it to Al. "The fire really started to really go nuts and stink once it hit Bud's room."
"All that burning rubber." Faith quipped to Al's scowl.
Al reached into the bag and the first thing he pulled out was a red book. "Oh of course you wouldn't burn… damn you."
Faith looked at the red and burned book. "What is that like the book of the dead or something?"
"No, it's my wedding album." Al complained slamming the book down. No flood or even tornado has even taken that thing away. The reminder of his curse.
Faith looked at the pictures while Jefferson handed Al a backlog of Big 'Uns. "Aw, did you two have your wedding during an eclipse, it's actually kind of a nice shade?"
Al shook his head. "No, the mother in law stood in the back of the ceremony, blotted out the sun."
Faith looked at him baffled but let it go for now. "So we still going to the library tomorrow?"
Al gave a quiet nod. "Yeah, they want us to report there for now." Al turned to Jefferson. "I suggest you get out of Sunnydale because if Marcy finds out if I can get a new good paying job here then..."
Jefferson hit him on the shoulder. "Congratulations buddy see ya later!"
Faith watched him leave with surprising speed. "Huh, it's like a road runner cartoon without the coyote. So tomorrow then"
The next day Rupert Giles had returned home to Sunnydale. The girl messing with vampires was black haired, leather clad, and actually paler then the vampires she was supposedly hunting. Maybe he should rethink this but he's out of time. The new watcher is coming today, if he finds out Buffy is missing, he'd rather not think about it. His thoughts were distracted by a female voice.
"I swear to god you say one more thing, one more time and I will do it, I will take it away from you."
Giles took his glasses hearing another voice that was male. "No one will accept a woman playing football."
"That's it I've had it six touchdowns in one game bare minimum." The female countered.
"Faith, no! Please."
Giles watched as the two came into the library. She was dressed in leather a far cry from what any parent would wan their child to wear. And he was in Khaki's and a blue work shrit. "May I help you two?"
Al looked at him, He's the British guy he has to be the watcher, maybe he can take over from here. "Yeah, I'm Al Bundy."
Giles eyes widened in surprise. Try as he might he has two words for this situation. But he just can't say them.
Author Notes
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