Hey guys, it's been a while!

Very very very short story, but still quite cute. (I think)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

Enjoy (:

Joan slowly opened her eyes from the bright sunlight shining into her room. She was about to get out from her bed when she remembered what day it was. She grabbed her covers and put it around over her head.

Today was the day she dreaded most. The day she hated herself. The day she wish never happened. The day where that one stupid mistake took the life of the young man lying on her operating table. Today marked the fifth year since the incident.

"Uggggghhhhh," Joan moaned as she took off her covers and exposed her face to the sunlight once more.

She turned on her side to check what time it was when she found a folded up piece of paper and a bouquet of daffodils sitting on her night stand, next to her alarm clock.

She knew automatically who the flowers were from. He had gone out early this morning to the flower shop and bought them, came home, put them in a vase, and came up to her room to set them right there on her night stand. Then, spotting the notebook sitting on the floor with the books he had assigned to her to read, he had torn out a piece of paper and scribbled something down.

She smiled at the thought of Sherlock going out of his way to do all this; just to make her feel better. She had never told him that today was the anniversary, but then again, he was Sherlock. He knew. He always knew.

She grabbed the paper sitting next to the flowers and opened it up. There were a couple sentences written in his messy, half cursive writing.

Lift up your head princess, if not the crown falls.

You are more than the mistakes you've made, my dear Watson.

Hope you liked it!

PS-I found the quotes on Pinterest but there was no person that quoted them. SO I DID NOT COME UP WITH THOSE QUOTES!

Please review! Ta-ta!