This is a short continuation of Graveyard Shift, which I qualified as a kind of an Omake called Morning Song. The term morning song (german: Tagelied) originally defines a piece of short medieval german poetry depicting the separation of two lovers at dawn after having spent the night together. You'll see the term doesn't really fit the context of this story, in fact, it is quite the opposite really, but I just feel like Morning Song is the perfect title for this.

Reviews are, as always, appreciated.

Morning Song

Aomine did finish his work on time. Of course. He was Aomine Daiki, after all. He returned home at 7:56 in the morning and found Kise curled up on his side of the bed, sleeping soundly, a small smile adorning his otherwise peaceful features and was that Aomine's shirt he was wearing? Aomine leaned against the door frame and watched as the early rays of sunlight illuminated the golden strands spilling over the pillow, bathing his boyfriend in an ethereal glow. He didn't know how long he stood there, mesmerized by the scene before him. Only when Kise stirred slightly, and small amber orbs looked up at him drowsily, did he awake from his stupor.

„Aominecchi~?" Kise yawned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He then proceeded (eyes still a bit sleepy and his hair a complete mess) to smile widely at the taller man, whose heart skipped a beat at the expression his lover made.

„Welcome home."

„Good to be back", Aomine answered, loosened his tie and began unbuttoning his shirt. While undressing he turned his head towards Kise, who was staring intently at him.

„By the way, did I tell you, I met Kagami the other day?"

Kise's ears perked up at the mention of their mutual friend. He cocked his head to the side, a silent request for his lover to go on.

„There was a fire at the convenience store down at 11th block. You know, the one opposite the kindergarden?" Aomine threw his belt over a nearby chair and went on to take his pants of. Kise looked at him, understanding dawning in his eyes.

„The one Kurokocchi works at?"

„Yeah", Aomine chuckled. Kise looked at him confused. What was so funny about a fire breaking out opposite Kurokocchis working place?

„Well apparently", the blue-haired man continued, „someone at the fire station mixed things up a little and told Kagami the kindergarden was on fire. Should've seen his face when he arrived. Never thought, I'd see the big guy close to tears again. I even had to bring Tetsu outside, so that idiot could see for himself that he was alright because, frankly, the building not being on fire wasn't enough to convince him."

Kise gave a light chuckle at Aomines dry comment and looked at him questioningly.

„Who gave him the wrong info, then?"

„Not a clue. But I bet Kagami's made sure, that guy never speaks a word again, ever. By the way, that my shirt you're wearing?"

Kise looked down at the plain black T-Shirt that was just a tad too big for him and smiled sheepishly. When he moved to take it off, Aomine raised a hand, effectively stopping him from doing so.

„Keep it. Looks way better on you, anyway." And there it was again. The infamous smirk. Kise, his cheeks being dusted with a light pink blush, rolled his eyes at his boyfriend and let himself fall back onto his pillow.

„Sounds like you had a pretty eventful week, after all."

Aomine paused while pulling up his sweat pants, seemingly deep in thought.

„Nah. Not so much. Except... when Tetsu and I had to take Kagami to the hospital."

„Eh-? The hospital?!" Kise sat up again, an alarmed look on his face.

„Yeah, you see, during the fire, well, there was still someone inside and, of course, that idiot just had to barge in there and rescue them, earning himself a smoke poisoning and some minor cuts and scratches. We had Midorima patch him up again. Did you know, Kagami is afraid of needles?"

„Needles?" Kise asked, a look of disbelief on his face.

„Yeah. Tetsu and I had to hold him down while Midorima was placing the syringe. Gave me quiet a blow to the ribs, that idiot. Don't worry, I'm alright. I can take a little punch you know?", he added when Kise had looked at him with worry in his eyes.

„Anyway, have you seen the letter Akashi sent us?", Aomine asked while climbing into the bed next to the blonde, who almost immediately crawled up to him and wrapped his arms around his waist.

„Akashicchi sent us a letter?"

„Yeah. You know, he won this big ass shougi tournament some time ago? It was on the news. Seems like he wants us all to celebrate his win."

Kise furrowed his eyebrows.

„Celebrate? But isn't winning like... a given to him? Why should he want to celebrate?"

„Don't ask me. I was just as surprised as you are now. But he'll have his reasons, I suppose. It's Akashi, after all." Aomine slung an arm around the blonde's shoulder, who, in turn, snuggled up to his chest.

„The celebration's held at Murasakibara's bakery. You want to go?", the tanned male asked while stifling a yawn.

„Do we really have a choice? It's Akashicchi's celebration, after all. Besides, I've always liked Murasakicchi's sweets the most. Of course we'll go."

„Aomine chuckled lightly and gave Kise a quick kiss on the forehead before leaning back against the pillows and sighing contentedly.

„Right then. But for now, I'd like to sleep." He yawned.

„Yeah~ sleep well, Daiki. I love you."

The blonde snuggled up to his lover as best as he could, his head resting on Aomine's warm chest, which was slowly rising and falling with every breath he took. The tanned male smiled and tightened his arm around Kise's shoulder.

„Love you, too, Ryouta."

The End