Chapter 16 (by the way Meagan and Scott broke up)

It had been 2 years since the wedding and the birth of the couple's son Johnathan Bruce Grayson. Kori and Richard were happy to have Johnathan in their lives, so was Meagan she finally had a younger sibling that she could blame things on , read stories to and give some of her old toys to.

At the moment

Dominic and Meagan had been flirting as usual, Kevin and Victoria were playing game station and rose (gar and Rachel's 1 year old) and john were playing with blocks on the floor. All 3 women sat in the kitchen area while the men were outside playing football.

"Look at them" said Rachel looking at her son and Kori's daughter "I know they remind me of Richard and myself" said kori watching the two. "Very true" said Karen "was it this obvious when Richard and I were not together" asked kori "yep" replied Rachel then taking a sip from her tea "really" said kori in shock "girl, even the villains knew" said Karen the girls all laughed.

Richard called on the intercom that everyone go to the living room for a meeting.

"ok everyone these 4 need costumes and their names" said Richard "dad you're talking about our super hero names" asked Meagan "yeah like mine is Night wing" said Richard "ok my name is Night star since your super hero name is night wing and mom's is starfire" said Meagan "cool" said Richard "ok well my name is the beast" said Kevin "so original" said Dominic with sarcasm "well what is your hero name Dominic" said Meagan smiling at him "umm it's the eagle" said Dominic "Hawk Lol" said Kevin "oh shut up Kevin I think it's cool" said Meagan blushing "well I'm going to be bee" said Victoria. "Okay now you all have to design a uniform and Karen will sew it" said Richard.

Meagan chose an outfit similar to her mother's but it was red and she matched it with a robin type mask. Dominic chose a dark blue long sleeved shirt with black pants with a blue cloak. Kevin a similar suit like his fathers but instead of purple he chose a very dark green. Victoria had a yellow tank with a pair of black pants.

The parents looked at their children and smiled knowing this is what they always wanted to happen.

The teens formed a new team

New teen titans (corny I know but it's late)

Night star

The eagle

The beast


I know this wasn't a great ending but I hoped you enjoyed reading it

Love you all robstarshipper