A/N: Okay so this is the last chapter. Thank you to everyone who read, reviewed, favourite and followed! I hope I tied up the loose ends and made it happy!

Disclaimer: You know what, I own nothing!

A whole universe awaits

Jack decided that five hours watching over people he barely knew (and yet trusted) was getting to him. He kept hearing soft pings but he didn't know where they were coming from. Instead, he pondered on what Gabriel had said (He had been listening at the door). He had heard of Lucifer's cage; it was where he was cast when he rebelled against Heaven. But if Sam fell in, that must have meant that it was opened. And wouldn't Lucifer have caused huge amount of damage?

"Yes. He would have but well, Team Free Will stopped him." Jack looked round, astonished and saw Gabriel stood in the doorway.

"Told you I could read minds."

"You should sleep," pointed out Jack.

"I'm still an angel and we don't sleep. I still find it very difficult to do so." Jack nodded.

"What's Team Free Will?"

"Not what, who," said Gabriel. "One ex-demon blood junkie." He gestured at the main room where Sam was sleeping. "One dropout with six bucks to his name." A casual wave at Dean. "And a fallen angel." Sighing, Gabriel pointed at Castiel. "And they did the most amazing thing. They stopped the apocalypse." Jack looked shocked and Gabriel grinned. He then turned his head, like he was listening to something. "I've got to go. Sam's waking up and he'll panic if I'm not there." And with that Gabriel left Jack to his vigil.

In the next hour, Castiel's fever broke which was a great relief to everyone but they didn't try to wake Dean. John said that the sedative would keep him under for about 18 hours and so Jack let him sleep. Cas also did not wake even though he had returned to a normal temperature. And so 4:30 am saw Jack sat, anxiously tapping his knees, waiting for a sign of movement. He wasn't worried for any particular reason; he had just been awake for too long without occupying his mind. Just as his mind began to wander, there was movement. Jack looked up as Castiel's bright cerulean blue eyes opened and fixed on him.

"Jack?" Cas asked, voice hoarse.

"Castiel. It is good to hear your voice and see you well again."

"What happened?"

"Well, what do you remember first?" Cas frowned.

"I remember the demon stabbing me; and the agony; and then Dean had me in his arms and he said that he would never let me go… where is Dean?" Jack pointed to the figure on the other side of Cas.

"We had to knock him out because he wasn't sleeping and he was hallucinating." Cas stroked Dean's face softly and ran his hands through Dean's hair.

"Then I remember being really really warm and feverish but that's it." Jack nodded.

"Your injury almost killed you but luckily for us, John (He's the nicer detective) is actually an ex-army doctor, so he patched you up. Gabriel was badly injured too but he is healing. I assume he is sleeping right now or he'd be in here, taking my place. But because it was an angelic injury, your body didn't want to heal manually and you had a very high fever which has only recently broken. You've been out for close to 8 days, but nothing really happened but bonding between the angel, time travellers, detectives and hunters," Jack said, smiling at the end.

"Well, I'm glad that we're all friends," Cas said. "Works much better than arguing."

"Damn straight, Li'l Bro," said Gabriel appearing next to them. Jack sighed.

"I swear you are like a bad penny." Gabriel looked momentarily offended until Cas gave a weak laugh.

"Sam would be upset by your obvious flirting." Gabriel pulled a face of fear and went to fetch Sam himself. Instead of just Sam, the Doctor, John (with Sherlock at his heels) and Martha came in with Gabriel and Sam and Jack panicked slightly as Dean was still sleeping.

"Castiel, stay still," John said. "I need to check your wound." He unwound the bandages from around Cas' chest and looked at the gaping hole there. It was no longer bleeding Grace which was an improvement but it was a long way from healing entirely.

"Thank you, Dr Watson, for looking after me and my big brother as well as, of course, the others," said Cas.

"You are welcome, Castiel. And please call me John." Cas smiled and inclined his head. Gabriel shooed everyone except Sam from the room, insisting that his 'baby brother needed rest' and they were 'all going to wake up Dean' and that that 'would upset my little Sammy.' Obeying silently, everyone went back to what they were doing before (reading, sleeping, watching TV), leaving Sam and Gabriel to watch over their brothers.

"Gabriel, you didn't have to send them away; I'm fine," complained Cas.

"Get some sleep, baby brother. I don't need to anymore, so you should." Cas looked like he was going to argue, but then he snuggled down beside Dean and promptly fell into a light, warm sleep. Gabriel summoned a sofa and Sam and he sat down. It was about 5 am and soon Sam himself drifted off, head in Gabriel's lap but Gabriel didn't mind. It was a small sacrifice he was willing to make for his dysfunctional yet loving family.

Castiel jolted into wakefulness about 2 hours later as Dean began to come out of sedation sleep and the nightmares took hold.

"Cas, Cas no… please stop it! He's mine! Castiel!" Dean cried in his fitful sleep but Cas was there, stroking his hair softly.

"I'm here, Dean. We're okay. You're okay. I'm okay. Sam's okay. Gabriel's okay. We're all okay." Gabriel watched in silence as Dean opened his green eyes and gazed up into Castiel's blue ones.

"Cas?" he whimpered.

"Shush, Dean. I'm here." Dean curled into Cas' body and Cas carded his fingers through his hair comfortingly. Sam stirred in Gabriel's arms and lifted his head, smiling sleepily.

"You guys okay?" he asked, his voice groggy with sleep. Dean raised his head slightly and smiled at Sam.

"Yeah, Sammy. Everyone's okay." And for once, it was true.

After about two days, when everyone had healed up, the Doctor gave them all a proposition.

"A trip in the TARDIS. The whole gang together, what do you think? A whole universe awaits." Dean grinned at Sam and Gabriel then turned to Castiel who beamed back at him.

"We're game, Sherlock? John?" John nodded and Sherlock smiled slightly.

"We're in." The Doctor smiled ecstatically as he yanked open the TARDIS doors. Martha and Jack walked in first, followed by Sherlock and John, then by Dean, Cas, Sam and Gabriel. The detectives and hunters looked utterly perplexed and awed by the inside of the TARDIS but it soon wore off. They had seen a lot, after all.

"So," said the Doctor, fiddling with buttons on the console. "We've got all of time and space, where do you want to go?"