
Hello, my friends of FanFiction. This is the final story in: "The last Blue Macaws new adventures." Saga. Enjoy.

Peace and quiet. It was finally over; after everything they went through, all of their troubles were finally finished. Jewel and Lenny had finally defeated Nigel, and made him pay for his crimes once and for all, by tying him up and kicking him into the ocean.



"I don't think so Nigel!"

Nigel looked up when suddenly, Jewel lifted her, light black talon, and clawed him, across his eyes, and kicked him back. Nigel lost his balance and fell towards the ocean. "Hope you can swim!" Jewel yelled, to Nigel who was falling directly to the sea.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!-" Nigel's screamed, as he was falling directly into the ocean.

Jewel did it; she had finally had killed the evil Cockatoo from this world once and for all!


Jewel and Blu had defeated Johnny by letting him get eaten by a Snake.



"You better give yourself up, now!" Johnny demanded. Jewel suddenly, bit his wing, causing him to let go. "Ow, you little-" Johnny grunted, rubbing his wing.

Blu suddenly charged at Johnny, and knocked him back, causing him to fall in the cage. Blu locked the cage. "Well, well, well, look who it is." the Snakes voice was heard.

"Oh NOOOO-AHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Johnny screamed.


Jewel, Rico, Arlene and Leo had defeated the Sentinel by letting him get sucked into a plane propeller.



"Hey!" a female voice yelled. The Sentinel turned around, to see Jewel, holding up the rock-that was tied to the rope on the Sentinel's leg-in her wings.




"His name's Blu." with that, Jewel tossed the rock into the plane propellers. The Sentinel gulped-"Oh-uh, ahhhhhh!"-and was dragged in the propellers.

Jewel, Rico and Arlene covered their eyes, as giant black feathers fell from the plane propellers. Rico got up and brushed his wings, cleaning off the dust. "Well, that's one-way to kill any enemy.


Blu and Jewel, continued to live in the Jungle, watching their kids grow up.

Rafael and Eva, also did the same, which was much harder, since they have more kids, and they are not behaving right still. Nico and Pedro continued to do what they love most of all, Samba!

There was nothing but quietness now, in the beautiful city of Rio De Janeiro, there may have been deaths, in the past, but they were all sacrificed for peace. Others, they gave their lives, for everyone else, who loved them. Now everything will be peaceful forever...hopefully. As the years passed, there was never no danger ever again, no Nigel, no Johnny, no Sentinel, no Gangsters, just old traps set my smugglers.


5 years later

It was a quiet peaceful day, in the Jungle, the year was 2018. Blu and Jewel, who were now bigger and older than they used to be, were sad, because today's the day, their offspring became adolescents and were ready to leave the nest. Blu looked at his teenaged children, who now looked like him and Jewel, but half his size, with one wing over Jewel, who was crying tears of Jewel. "This is it kids, your ready to leave." Blu said, sadly.

"Yes, we're really proud of you." Jewel cried, but smiling.

"Don't worry Mom, we'll come visit now, and again." Azul said.

"Yeah, remember Dad, Never alone-" Rey sang, for his Father to sing the rest.

"-Cause this is our home." Blu sang, as he shredded a tear. "Im proud of you Rey, Azul, Crystal, Jessica." Blu said. The family all shared a big hug. After one whole minutes, which seemed like one hour, the teenage kids broke the hug, and flew just outside the hollow entrance/exit.

"Goodbye Mom, Goodbye Dad!" the kids waved, and finally-they flew away into the sky.

"Goodbye!" Blu and Jewel waved. After they were out of sight, Jewel started to tear up again, and wrapped her wings around Blu, onto his his side. Jewel rested her head, on his shoulder.

Blu put his dark blue left wing, over her, and kissed her head. "It's ok Jewel, we'll see them again."

"I know Blu, they started off as just eggs, and now they're free, without us." Jewel said, dropping tears onto Blus chest.

"I know, I know." Blu said, comforting again.

"Remember when we discussed, about when our children leave, years ago?" Jewel said, recalling a small conversation a couple of years ago.

"Yeah, I remember." Blu replied.

"I never thought time would fly that fast." Jewel said, sadly.

"I know Jewel, but at least we got to experience parenthood." Blu said, putting on a smile.

"Mm-hmm." Jewel agreed, while she and Blu began to remeber good times they had with the children were they were only little chicks. Time really does fly after all.



"Crystal? That's a nice name." Blu replied.

"Good then we call them: Azul, Rey, and Crystal." Jewel smiled.

Jewel then heard a slight noise; she looked down and noticed Crystal was almost waking up. "Blu, look, Crystal's opening her eyes."

Crystal opened her eyes blinking them a little, gaining her sight. Crystal looked up and saw Jewel, and immediately covered her eyes in her wings, getting scared of her mother, due to her size.

"Sh, sh, it's ok, it's ok." Jewel said in a sweet voice. Jewel gently rocked Crystal in one wing while stroking her head in the other. "It's ok, don't get scared, I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm your Mommy, I'm gonna take care of you."

Jewel then brought Crystal into a hug, and continued to stroke her head. "Shhhhhhh. There we go...Don't be afraid."

Crystal was slightly confused, but turned from scared into relaxed as she knew Jewel was taking care of her.

Jewel set Crystal down, in the nest. However, Crystal crawled back over to Jewel, and snuggled into Jewel's belly.

"Impressive, Jewel." Blu said.

"Thanks, we have a little adventure here, Blu." Jewel smiled.

"Yeah, better get some food." Blu replied.


Jewel was sleeping peacefully, under Blu's wings, until she felt a tugging on her wing. Jewel opened her eyes, to her youngest daughter Jessica. "Mommy?"

"Jessica, what's wrong?" Jewel inquired.

"Can I sleep with you? I'm really cold." Jessica answered, shivering a little.

Jewel knew she would never say "No" to any of her children. She opened her wings open. "Come on."

Jessica smiled and climbed into her mother's wings. "Thank you, mommy."

"It's ok, sweetie." Jewel replied, smiling. "Now, you get some sleep."

"I will." Jessica said, closing her big teal eyes.

When she was sound-sleeping, Jewel smiled and nuzzled her daughter's head. "I love you, my angel." with that whisper, Jewel closed her eyes and fell back asleep.


Blu peaked his eyes open saw say it was Rey. "Daddy?"

"Rey?" Blu yawned while rubbing his eyes with his wings.

"Daddy, I had a nightmare." Rey said.

Blu couldn't help but think it was cute for Rey to have a nightmare and then come over to him. Blu smiled and extended his wings out and beckoned for Rey to come over.

Rey crawled over to his father and laid down in his wings.

Blu smiled as he held Rey in his wings. "So, Rey, what did you have a nightmare about?"

"I had a dream...That me and you were in our tree, and you were leaving. I asked why and then you leaved and said you was never coming back." Rey answered, before shredding a couple of tears.

"Rey," Blu said as he held Rey into a hug before he would cry his eyes out. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna leave you."

"You promise?" Rey asked.

"I promise," Blu smiled. "Now, I think we should go back to sleep now."

"Ok." Rey agreed, while closing his eyes and getting cozy in his fathers wings. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Rey." Blu said as he watched his son fall into a deep sleep. While Blu checked to see if Rey had fallen completetly asleep yet, he saw (and felt) two light blue wings move around him.



Blu and Jewel both dazed out of their happy memories. Blu smiled before he and his wife kissed. Blu looked at Jewel and said to her: "Jewel, would you like to go to the club? We haven't had a dance, for a while."

"I would love to, Blu." Jewel said, getting up on her light black talons.

"Good." Blu smiled, taking his wing from her.

"Lead the way." Jewel smiled, gesturing a wing for Blu. The two lovebirds flapped their wings, heading for the Samba club, which was still popular after all the years.

Well, that's that, folks. Blu and Jewel's offspring... Are ready to live their own lives. Stay tuned for chapter 2.