
Her brown eyes playful and mischievous were also daring. The sun came up casting a shadow on her beautiful body. She lied on her side propped up on one elbow staring hungrily at her naked body. A dangerous hunger burned inside of her own body as she stared back wanting to devour every inch of the human lying in bed with her. She fed lightly on the blonde throughout the passionate night. She loved to bring her lover on the brink of orgasm and then expose her electric blue eyes, she gave the beautiful woman only a taste of her power taking her to unimaginable heights that left her quivering in her arms for several minutes. Gently kissing her face, holding Lauren as she recovered never ceased to amaze her. The love she felt for the human was a power in itself.

Dedicating a lifetime to the woman who held her heart, a reflection of their love glimmered between them on the bed. "My wife," smiling, she kissed Lauren's ring before embracing her fiance, intensifying the desire in her eyes. "Our wedding day is finally here." She whispered into supple lips before possessing them in a gentle kiss. Holding back was hard, she fought the urge to turn Lauren onto her back and ravish her beautiful body until the rising sun began to set. "I should have stayed in Kenzie's room." Her lips wandered along her jawline, down her neck- Bo groaned against a beating pulse feeling a hand cup her breast. "Lauren, we should stop... I can't... I can't..." Swallowing her shaky breaths, her fingers became lost in waves of blonde as her fiance bent her head replacing her hand with teasing lips. "Lauren," Her husky voice trembled as her eyes flickered from blue to brown watching one hand tease her other breast while a warm mouth enveloped a taunting pink bud aching for attention. Every nerve in her body came alive wanting to feel her touch everywhere all at once- "Lauren," she moaned trying to think through the thick fog of arousal possessing her body and mind.

"Yes, Bo," Her fiance's lips sought hers out before she could answer, hungry for them like she'd been depraved for centuries. It was hard to think coherently when her body was a slave to Lauren's passionate touch. Her fingers and lips left a trail of fire blazing through her flesh, all of the blood in her body rushed to one part begging to be touched.

"Don't stop," Her shallow breathing briefly mingled with Lauren's. "I love you." She whispered running her fingers along her soft delicate face- A soft moan escaped her as fingertips danced across her heated skin. Lauren lazily kissed her while languidly exploring her inner thighs. Grazing her wetness, she inhaled sharply clutching a fist full of blonde hair. Pulling her head back, Bo buried her face in her throat ravenously kissing and sucking the exposed skin. "Lauren!" She cried out suddenly against her flesh feeling an ocean of pleasure flood every nerve in her succubus body. "Don't stop." She begged rocking sensually against the hand causing her head to fall back in pleasure. "Please don't stop..." Her eyes closed blissfully as her breast was taken in a warm wet mouth, her hips began moving urgently against Lauren's heightening touch fighting the electricity threatening to fill her darkened gaze. Approaching an orgasm always tempted her to feed, she fought her body's natural response to sex and arched against her lover's buried fingers. Wrapping her arms tightly around her fiance, she buried her face into a flushed neck wanting to feed but sucking ferociously at the skin there instead.

"I love you, Bo." She looked up from the warmth of her lover's skin to find her smiling extravagantly up at her. This woman was incredibly sexy, she thought covering the naked woman who strongly invoked a never ending desire to touch, taste and fill Lauren with unimaginable sensations of pleasure only a succubus could provide. "I can't wait to declare my love for you in front of our friends and family. You are my dream come true and I can't wait to care for you as your wife, make love to you as your wife and wake up to you as your wife."

Now it was her turn to smile, she dipped her head and kissed Lauren gently. "You won't be disappointed." She murmured playfully against her lips. "I want to take a nap in your arms one last time as your fiance," With a final kiss, she dropped hear head against her chest listening to the soft beat of her heart. "And then wake up to our beautiful wedding."

"My dear child, I've had such high expectations from you." Pain, there was a searing pain behind her eyes pulsating throughout her head. "Humans are means of entertainment and nothing more." Fighting through the pain, she managed to briefly open her eyes. The room was bright, too bright. She felt hungover but didn't remember drinking anything. "Dedicating your life to one isn't proper behavior for a succubus, my darling." The voice seemed all around, amplified in her head. "Your mother failed in revealing your destiny. I'm stepping in now." A great pressure appeared and with wide blue eyes, she was forced onto her back and pinned to the ground. "We are above Light and we are above Dark, we're immortal. No one has explained to you the true origins of a succubus. We are demons cast down from the heavens to rule as kings on earth. My dear child, we play with the minds of humans not declare our love for them. Only a handful of us roam the earth, we're unstoppable and the Fae bow down to kiss our feet. How do you believe these creatures came about?" Her vision was suddenly filled with a dark silhouette of a man with bright red eyes, the pressure painfully engulfed her as he opened his mouth. "You have yet to experience the true extent of your power. Let me help you." The blue in her eyes intensified as a red hue transferred from his mouth to hers. Her body locked up as he filled her with a dark warmth she felt immediately rush through her veins. "Wake up now, succubus."

Chapter 1

Suddenly gulping down air, panic filled brown eyes as aching lungs fought hard to regulate unsteady breathing. "Hey," every muscle felt heavy, weak and painful. A persistent throbbing in her head accompanied disorientation, getting out of bed was impossible when the room began spinning in fast blurry circles. "What's wrong?" Opening her mouth to speak, weak arms collapsed in an attempt to flee as her muscles convulsed suddenly in a violent coughing fit. "You're burning up, I'm going to grab-"

Reaching up, natural survival instincts kicked in and the words were silenced first by shaky hands and then by desperate lips. Fighting through disorientation and pain, she fed briefly fully aware of the precious life in her hands. Releasing Lauren, she struggled off the bed on unsteady limbs and stammered into the bathroom falling in the tattered doorway. Crawling to the toilet, the porcelain bowl felt cold against her clammy hands as her body wracked above the water, emptying nothing.

"Sit back," eyes rolling into the back of her head, she lost balance in an attempt to follow direction. "I got you, hold still I'm preparing the hypodermic syringe for injection." Leaning heavily against the doctor, her breaths came out in quick shallow pants as she fought against feeding on the doctor. A ravenous hunger accompanied her illness, it begged to consume all nearby life.

"You can't save me," her voice trembled against the doctor's naked flesh. Despite deteriorating health, she felt desire underneath the pain craving to touch, kiss and hold Lauren close to her. "Go, grab Kenzi and get out of here." Darkness was overpowering, as a succubus she needed to feed off the life of others to survive.

"I'm not leaving you to suffer alone." Gentle fingertips grazed her pale face, her resolve was beginning to crack. She could feel the change in her eyes begin as a need to sate her cruel appetite replaced coherent thinking.

"Fine." Inhaling the fresh scent of her skin, her tongue sampled the sweet flesh fanning the flames of her hunger. A steady stream of air filled her lungs as her lips hovered along her neck yearning to reach her lips. Strong arms held the human close wanting to feel the life slowly leave the beautiful woman as she fed, cradling her limp form afterward- "I want to kill you," she whispered nibbling sweetly on her earlobe before sucking it into her mouth. "Nice and slowly," pure ecstasy replaced pain watching the life slowly drain from her human's eyes as their lips met and stilled through powerful energy. Finally not holding back, she gave into her darkest desire to fully consume all life from the beauty in her arms-

"You're killing her, dude!" The hand never had a chance to interrupt her feed, before it touched a hair on her head, her fingers wrapped around two skinny arms shoving the interruption hard against the wall. Seductively molding her hips into Kenzi's, a single finger brushed parted lips with excitement radiating in electric eyes. Images of them in bed intensified her hunger, killing her victims in the midst of passionate sex was always the most satisfying. "Don't do this, you- you don't want to do this. Lauren needs help, let- let me go, ple- please."

"There's something so hot about a begging human." Her lips curled into a sinister smile as the ties of the girl's gothic corset came undone, one by one. The discomfort on the girl's face only heightened arousal. Fear in pale blue eyes... She desired luring her to bed and feasting on her helpless body and life. One hand became lost in silky black hair while the other cupped a full breast, enjoying the unexpected sigh of her victim, she dipped her head yearning to swallow her every ragged breath-

"Bo, stop it... This isn't you..." Pausing at the sound of the weakly spoken words, it was the sound of her name that created conflict. Her name was spoken sporadically throughout the night, into the morning... That same voice would declare the sweetest vows to her. A groan vibrated up her throat as she shoved the human aside, stumbling backwards into a partial wall as she fought to distance herself. Inside was pure chaos watching the dark haired girl kneel to check on the blonde sprawled out near lifeless on the floor. The need to consume them raged wildly, nearly possessing her to strike again.

Sitting helplessly on the floor, speaking softly to each other with fear written expressions- There was enough life left in them to curb her monstrous appetite, she needed them, needed to feed so badly... It'd be so easy to fulfill her body's desires. They were so close, so vulnerable.

Stumbling across the faulty floorboards of the unfinished apartment, she fell twice attempting to reach the dimly lit closet. Leave, leave, leave- She forced herself to chant the word in her head over and over again while desperately dressing. Feeling a sense of urgency as the hushed voices in the bathroom were heard amplified in her head, teasing her hungry body- Leave, leave, leave- She whispered the words out loud now using all of her strength to get out of the apartment, forcing herself past the bathroom, pushing unsteady legs beyond their limits; she ran out into the street, pushing past all obstacles.

The wind caressed her heated skin as she obsessively thought, 'keep running and don't look back.'

"I can't make sense of this." A near fatal succubus attack was not on today's agenda. Dyson questioning a visibly shaken Kenzi and Lauren, Bo disappearing into the city leaving them to fend for themselves, possibly die wasn't anything he was prepared for. Her best friend and fiance turned victims by her hands.

It didn't make sense.

They all pitched in preparing for her and Lauren's wedding ceremony, countless hours spent fixing the Dal up for the special occasion. Both Dark and Light Fae were invited to attend the traditional Fae marriage ceremony. As current Light Fae Ash, Hale had no problems giving them the okay despite Lauren being human. Accomplishing what most Fae couldn't comprehend, earned the scientist a high ranking Fae title in his book.

Not that it mattered now.

Lauren stood up from her seat on the couch wiping the tears from her eyes as she kindly excused herself from the room. "That wasn't Bo." Kenzi murmured in total disbelief shaking her head as she spoke, looking up from the floor, she added, "There must be some kind of killer monster thing inside of her. A curse or- or- She wanted us dead." Hale took a seat beside her, wrapping his arm around her small frame. He pulled her close as she accepted his shoulder to lean on.

"You have my personal guarantee we are going to figure this out, Kenz. We're going to figure it out and then fix her. She'll be good as new in no time."

"I just want her to be good." Dyson, standing by the arm of the couch deep in thought, unconsciously nodded. "Evil succubus, not cool man."

"Evil or not, we may not be exchanging vows this evening but I will honor my promise to love and care for her in sickness and in health." The way her voice cracked matched the devastation in her eyes, his heart went out to her as she reappeared seemingly determined. The outburst took him slightly by surprise. Arriving an hour earlier after receiving a hysterical phone call from Kenzi, the doctor quietly said hello sitting trance like through Dyson's questioning. She hardly answered unable to discuss the... attack in detail.

"And what will you do when you find her?" Dyson didn't like the way she abruptly grabbed her coat, too eager to slip into the leather material. "You're human and we have no idea what we're dealing with. Let Hale and I take care of Bo. We're better equipped to deal with a possessed succubus than you are."

Dyson never was good at consoling humans, or anything, when it came to tragedies. The hard talk came off mean, but it stemmed from anxiety or fear, maybe both Hale ruled. Of course, Lauren rarely liked his tone in most situations anyway. "I meet all of the qualifying criteria to take care of Bo, I've met them for the last three years. Equipment has never been a factor for us and it certainly won't be now."

"Hale order the doctor stay away from this case now." His face was on the brink of morphing with each word growled. Lauren didn't seem phased. A bold gaze stared fearlessly into the eyes of a headstrong wolf.

Releasing Kenzi, he stood up between them. "We're all on the same side here guys, lets keep that in mind." His eyes flickered from Lauren to Dyson. They stood at opposite ends, divided by the couch and Kenzi, continuing to stare in a battle of will. "Lauren is essential to this investigation," he addressed Dyson and then Lauren. "But you have to be careful, Doc. Dyson is right. We're dealing with the unknown. We have to work together and use our heads. She's not the lost girl we met years ago. She's a powerful succubus who will take us down if we don't play our cards right."

"I hear ya," Kenzi spoke, her voice sounding as distant as her eyes looked gazing at the nothing colored walls.

Bo was her world and she sat trying to cope with almost being killed by her.

Hale refused to let it happen again.

"I'm inviting you and Lauren to stay at the Dal until we deal with Bo." Kenzi looked up with a blank stare. "We have extra room and you'll have the comfort of being surrounded by Light Fae," he turned his attention to Lauren who stared quietly at him. "You'll be safe there."

"I thank you for the kind offer but I'm going home. That's where I'll wait," her eyes fell to the ring she idly fiddled with. "I'll always be available to her no matter what."

"Then you'll need to be properly armed for when Bo shows up hungry for your soul."

Anger transformed the soft features of her face seeping into her tone as she struggled to remain professional. "I would never hurt Bo." The idea sounded incredulous as she spoke staring bullets into Dyson's eyes. "I'd let her kill me first."

He didn't contemplate her words for very long before replying, "lets hope it doesn't come to that."

"Well I'll take you up on that offer, Ash man." With forced enthusiasm, Kenzi managed to half smile while holding her hand up. Hale immediately responded to the high five, adding a quick hair ruffle before withdrawing his hand. "Gee don't make me regret this already."

"I'm already plotting against you." He grinned silently vowing to cheer her up any way imaginable from this point on. "I'll help you pack and make sure you don't forget our favorite hockey movie."

"Mighty Ducks definitely go in first." Her smile seemed real this time but didn't quite reach her eyes.

"I have a lot to tend to at home." He met Lauren's timid posture as she flashed a strained smile. "Thank you so much for your help. Don't hesitate to call if you need anything."

"Anytime and will do, Doc. Have a good day." He called out in a friendly casual manner.

"Watch your back." Dyson added sounding more frustrated than anything as she opened the front door blatantly ignoring him. "The world's greatest Fae scientist," he mumbled watching her leave. "Losing her would be a damn shame."