Alright ladies and gents, I've disappeared for quite a while buuuuutttt I'm back and with my writings sooo anywhore you wanted a sequel so I wrote one for you I hope you enjoy my shitty writing skills. Keep in mind I'm young and I dunno how sex works :D Anywhore~ Enjoy! ^.^ please read and review!
~Enya (a.k.a Lyssa)
OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOPagebreakoOoO oOoOoOo
Chapter 2
Prussia sighed contently as he laid the small Canadian down underneath the plush black comforter and crawled in beside him. He wrapped his arms around Canada's hips pulling him closer, and kissing the top of his head. He leaned against him and smelled the faint maple smell the Canadian always held. He smiled contently and slowly drifted into sleep.
{Le Time Skip}
Prussia awoke to the smell of pancakes and the emptiness of the bed. He groaned, rolling over and stepping out from underneath the comforter. He made his way to the kitchen to find his lover setting the table and pancakes on the stove. Canada was humming along to the song playing on the radio. Prussia smirked and walked quietly up behind the younger man grabbing his waist and bringing him flush against him. He kissed his neck.
"Kesesese~ I'm surprised you can still walk after last night birdie~"
A blush grew on the smaller man's face as he heard those words. Prussia continued kissing Matthew's neck leaving small red marks every once in a while, marking Canada as his.
"G-Gil the pancakes will burn"
Gilbert separated himself from Matthew, much to the Canadian's displeasure, and went to turn the stove off. He came back pulling him against him once again.
"And now they won't." He stated a smirk on his face. He leaned back in and continued kissing Mattie's neck. He bit the juncture where his throat and collarbone met causing the Canadian to moan. Prussia smirked at the sound he had forced the small nation to make
"Hey Mattie~ wanna have some fun?" with that Prussia pulled off the apron Matthew was wearing and pressed him against the table. He continued kissing his neck while one hand slowly trailed down to the hem of his shirt. His hand slowly snaked under the red fabric. Mattie moaned at the feel of Prussia's cold hand against his now heated flesh. Prussia moved his hands up towards the lighter man's nipples pushing the red fabric up with them. He was pleased to find Mattie didn't have a shirt beneath the thick fabric.
"I don't believe you'll be needing this." He said with a smile, pulling the fabric up and over the small nation's head. Suddenly he spun Matthew around so that he was facing the silverette, the lip of the table bit into his ass. Gilbert leaned forward attacking Matthew's mouth, shoving his tongue into his mouth he explored every inch of the wet cavern. His hands trailed down the blonde's stomach finding the button and his pants and undoing it. Matthew moaned as Prussia's hand slipped beneath the denim and boxers grabbing his hard-on and beginning to stroke. Prussia slid the layers down until they reached the floor, picking Matthew up he sat him on the table top. Canada shivered at the feeling of the cold table top against his heated flesh. Prussia knelt down 'til he was level with the smaller male's dick. Canada shivered as he felt Prussia's hot breath against the sensitive skin. Gil smirked as Mattie shivered above him before engulfing his dick in his hot, wet mouth. Matthew moaned and snaked his fingers through the silver hair, tugging at it. Matthew shoved Prussia's head further down until his nose was at the base of his penis. Prussia tried swallowing the saliva in his mouth to no avail. He pulled back and smirked at the blush that filled Matthew's cheeks. He reached into his pajama pocket and pulled out the bottle of lube, before stripping the pants off. Rubbing the lube on his dick he turned Canada around once again before shoving his dick into the small man. Canada moaned loudly at the entrance. Prussia began thrusting in and out of the small hole. Canada moaned with every thrust. Prussia kept thrusting hard and fast, soon finding the blonde man's prostate. Ramming into it over and over again he leaned forward and began sucking on Canada's curl. This sent him over the edge, Matthew screamed as his release came. The tightness caused Prussia to moan, he thrust a few more times before coming in Canada. He smirked pulling out and pulling his pajamas back on.
"Alright now you can finish the pancakes, babe." He said with a grin on his face.
Matthew just rolled his eyes at him as he put the apron back on and began cooking the pancakes again.
Okay yeah my smut was total shit but I had to write that ending within like 10 minutes because I won't have internet. Anywhore~ R&R pwease!