Hey all,
So here is it, the last and final chapter. I want to thank everybody for reading my story, for review, or favouring. I loved all of them. Because several people told me they liked it, I am planning on writing a sequel. You will read more about it at the end of this chapter!
Enjoy reading this chapter!
Sam had felt himself change while talking to Wordy. Greg hadn't seen what he was thinking, why he was doing this. But Wordy did. Wordy had showed him they understood. Wordy had forced Sam into trusting them. All of them. Wordy was right tough. Sam did trust them, with his life he had said before. And it was the truth. But he wasn't doing that because he didn't trust them, but because he was protecting them. Even though Wordy had promised him they would all be save, Sam just couldn't be sure. He just kept believing Nathan might hurt them in some way. And his friends, his family shouldn't be hurt, He loved them too much for that.
So maybe, just maybe he also had to stick around. Just to look out for them. To protect them. But doing that, staying alive didn't sound like a good idea neither. He deserved to die after all. He deserved to die. He wanted to die. He had to die. So staying around wasn't really a smart thing. Still Wordy had told them he would be save, they would be save. He had promised the darkness and the fire would go away. Sam really, really wanted that. So maybe he could trust Wordy, maybe he could trust his team and he could trust them to save him. He could always chose to die in a little while, right? If he still agreed to the fact that he was a danger to them.
So Sam had let Nathan go. He had pushed him, just because he hated Nathan and hoped he would hit the ground harsh. His team had took him ,unfortunately, even if it was only a bit and he still partly hit the ground. That moment Sam had turned around, to get the gun he had thrown on the ground. He wanted to give it to Wordy. Because Wordy promised to keep him save.
But, on that exact moment, that moment he touched the gun and felt it's strength, danger and death go through him, Nathan had spoken.
'You deserve to die. Darkness is coming and they will die because of you. It is you fault.' The team did try to stop him, but he kept screaming. 'You will kill them, so DIE!
And that moment Sam couldn't help but agree. The drugs still going through his feigns threw him back into darkness, into hell, into the dessert. He could see them al dying. Al screaming, all hurting. This was all his fault. They were going to die because of him and it made him hate himself. Even worse that when he believed he killed Matt. My fault, my faul, my fault he kept thinking. He was such an idiot for believing, just for a second, that he might be allowed to live.
He felt the gun. He felt his decision weigh hard on his hearth. But he knew it was the right decision. So he brought the gin towards his hearth. Because the weigh had to release his heart. his hearth should be freed of all this pain, all this darkness that was waving around his darkened hard. Barely beating, barely doing anything at all. Sam's hearth knew what was coming, and most likely decided that it was done. That it was fine and everything would be alright. Death couldn't be that bad, right?
Sam putted his finger on the trigger. He was ready and wanted to start pushing, so he would die in an instant, when suddenly:
'I've you die, I'll die.'
Sam stopped but didn't look. He just waited, just for a moment. Confused and shocked.
'I've you die, I'll die, Sammy.' Matthew spoke once again.
Sam shook his head, disagreeing. But Matt talked again.
'Yes Sam. I will. I've you push that trigger I will die. I don't know how, but I will. Cause Sam I will not live without you. Not anymore. I've did that long enough. It was my own stupid fault, or Denzil's, or Nathans, I don't care. But what I do know is that I will never, ever do that again. You are thinking about hell right? You feel like you are in a hell? Well the moment you die, I'll be in hell to. I will see the darkness and the fire and the pain. And I will die, just like you. Do you want that?'
Sam slowly shook his head.
'That is what's going to happen. Because it will hurt me so badly. I wouldn't want to live anymore. You say you want to protect us? By killing Nathan and by killing yourself? But killing yourself isn't going to save us Sam. It will be the reason why you'd kill us. Think of me Sam, think of your team. They love you, they are family. When you kill yourself you will kill them a bit to. Maybe not for real, but from the inside. Your boss, Greg? Will he still believe in himself? Will Ed still be confident, will he still believe he can protect everybody, including himself? Will Wordy still see good in people? Don't you think he will think he could have done more? And Spike? What about Spike Sam? After Lew died? You told me it destroyed him? And you, you helped him. But if you will die right now he will be right back at square one. Honestly I am not sure what would happen to him. No more laughing? No more happiness? No more friendships maybe? And Leah of course. You told me she was always fair and truthful. She's been the same during this case. Do you believe she won't be after you'd die? I think she will be more scared than ever. He only just begun, but she will start doubting herself and this job. And last Jules. I know you love her. I think she loves you to. I think she will never love someone again. I think she will break and fall apart. No more sniping and negotiating. No more fierceness and sweetness at once. Just hurt and destroy.'
Matt breathed harshly.
'don't you see it Sammy? Dying will destroy them. You want to save them? Well good, but the only way to do that is by staying alive. I know you feel quilt, I know you feel pain. But we, we are you family and we will and we can help you. We can save you, Sam. But can you save us as well?' Matthew questioned.
Sam looked Matt right in the eye. He had come forward. Right in front of Sam. Not able to take the gun but clearly able to reach Sam. Reach his mind and his heart.
Greg wondered if all of them might underestimated Matthew's negotiating skills. The kid new what it was doing it seemed.
'Look at them, Sam. Look at us. What do you see?' Matthew guided Sam with his hand.
Sam followed like a good soldier. Followed because somewhere he believed this might be all true. His gaze came on his Boss. Greg smiled and nodded. Immediately taking the chance and the words.
'Matt is right Sam. You are like a son the me. You're family. You all are. But families can break. We have seen it more than once. We have seen how people break and fall apart. How families are hurting because of the loss of one. We might be strong, but we are not invincible. We can still hurt and fall apart. Especially if we lose one. Don't give us the change to do that. Be with our family again.'
Sam's gaze went to Ed. Ed looked certain and strict. But an loving feeling came from his eyes.
'we've worked so hard to save you Sam. We were all falling apart without you. Who could we harass? He could we rely on? Who could I rely on? I need you Sam. I might not like saying it but I do. You are my second. You are the one I trust. You are the one I believe in. I need you, just like we all do. Don't let yourself be taking away from us.'
Sam turned towards Leah. She had an big white smile on her face.
'you might don't know me yet Sam, but I think I know you. You are a saviour. A protector. You wouldn't let us fall. Let us break. Let us get hurt. You would take bullet for us every single day. With a smile and thumbs up. You would do that because you love us and we would do the same for you. You just need to see it. Right now we are doing that. We are saving you. Let us take the bullet this time. Let us take care of you. Put your trust in us Sam.'
Then Sam reached Wordy. A fatherly Smile on his lips, but a strength in his eyes.
'You know you can trust us. You know you can trust me. So many times we talked during this night phone calls. About Matt, about the team, about the cases. I helped you en you helped me. Were a team Sam. A wonderful team. During the night you wake me up but I don't care. Just like I don't care when one of my girls wake me up. I don't care because I love them, because I love you. Friendships last Sam. When my girls wake up, they mostly wake up because of a nightmare. A nightmare of people dying, of me dying. And every time I tell them that I won't die. Because daddy's got the bestest team in the world to protect him, just like daddy protest's them. And they don't need to fear the world. Because there are always could people, like me. Like you. To protect people that need to be protected. I've you make the chose to die. I won't be able to tell them that anymore. I can't lie to them, but good already dies because of bad. But not of good. because you are good Sam. You are good. and good needs to be there. To protect, to help, to save. Don't leave the innocent unprotected, Sam. Don't leave us unprotected. Don't leave at all.'
Jules spoke up next. For a moment Sam just looked at the girl he still loved. The wonderful woman that had made his days happy again.
'You are more than a friend to me Sam. Way more. In fact you were the only guy ever that didn't get scared because I always wanted to win. Because I was a cop, because I could beat him an shoot him in an instant. You were the first that looked behind that and just saw me. Because you knew that people build walls to prevent themselves from hurting. You could see trough mine. Sam, you are the most generous, loving, happiest soul I've ever med. You are brave, and handsome, and amazing. But don't spoil that. Don't leave me or us. There is so much you can do. There are so many people that still need to be saved and need to be helped. ''some people are helpless and need to be protected.'' That was you right? Are you going to leave them unprotected? Are you going to leave me while you know I need you around. Like you knew I liked you from the start, even though I didn't say so? I never stopped liking you. I never stopped needing you. I stopped seeing you. But every day at work I saw you, and I knew I was save and alright, because you were standing next to me. Please Sam stay the person that you are.'
At last he saw Spike. Spike didn't spoke at first. He just stared and nodded. Smiled and loved.
'Do you remember what you told me Sam? That day when I was being angry against Matt, because I was jealous? Jealous of the attention, jealous of your friendship, jealous because I didn't get Lew back. Do you remember how scared I was of losing you? What did you say to me? What did you tell me, Sam?'
Sam replied, but it was hardly a whisper.
'I'll never leave you, spike.' Sam spoke his exact words.
'Exactly, that's what you said. Are you going to break that promise? Are you going to leave me just like Lew did? Are you going to force to believe I've could have done more as well? Are you going to leave me all alone in my own misery. Even though you promised you would always be there? You are my best friend, mu closest family. Don't break that promise. Don't break us. Never leave me Sam? Promise to never leave me?'
Sam stayed silent again and turned his gaze back to Matt. His once lost brother.
'You are my brother Sam, my brother in arms and my brother in life. I need you. I can't go on without you. Neither can your team.' He breathed out softly. 'so Sam, are you going to leave our family? Will you let yourself be taken away from us? Won't you trust us? Will you leave all the innocents unprotected. Will you leave us unprotected? Won't you stay the amazing person you are? Will you break you promise and leave us? Will you let us down? Let us break, fall apart and die?' Matt used the words off the team.
Sam breathed harsh and shaking before shaking his head.
'I won't. I'll live.' He spoke as tears were falling from his eyes and he threw the gun to the other end of the room. Nobody went to grab it. They all went to Sam. As Sam broke down and fall on the ground. His adrenaline was done. He was hurting and he was broken but he was alive. And that was all that mattered. The team called for an ambulance. The told Sam to stay awake and hold on, and Sam did. Just like he promised.
He would live.
The team wouldn't lose a brother.
It had been three days. Three days since the found Sam. Three days since the team saw what Nathan had done to their friend en brother. Three days since Sam tried to kill Nathan right in front of them, Three days since they almost had to shoot their own best friend, three days since Sam wanted to die, three days since the talked him out of it.
Sam had been brought to the hospital. A place where the team had gave Sam to the doctors and nurses, to take care of him. By that time Sam had hardly been conscious anymore. But he had survived. That moment the doctor came out to tell them about their friend had ceased all the pain and fear that had been building inside their bodies and minds.
'Samuel is going to be alright.' The doctor told them. 'His wounds are pretty severe. He has an broken and dislocated arm. We've put it back in the place where it belongs en put a cast on it. His feet are badly burned. Fortunately this are only second degrees burns. They will go away. It might take a while an quite some training, but his feet will heal. The howl in his hands was thankfully not too big and hardly broke the bones. Some damage that has been made had been put back. The carvings on his arm unfortunately, won't go away. He will always see the scarves of it, but we believe that is liveable. HE was however dehydrated and a bit malnutrition. Thanks to the fluids and medicine we've got here, this as well will be alright. His blood did contain an drug, which we call Dianthirumus. It's highly illegal, but is known as used for torture in several African countries. It causes dreams, hallucinations, extreme delusions and sometimes even physical pain. As we speak the drugs are leaving his body. He will be back to normal in no time. The remaining scarves, bruises and wounds are thankfully minor and will go away over time. His body as I told you will be alright. His emotional state however gives us some doubts. I've heard he received them from torture? Well the fact that gives us worries is that he hardly been responding to anyone of the medical team. We think it might be good for him to talk to his friends in possibly to a shrink. Things like this don't go away overnight. I do know what your team does and therefor think it might be enough for him to see all of you. I certainly hope you can bring him back to the living.'
And they had. They had brought Sam back. The moment they had arrived at Sam's room, Sam had smiled and welcomed them. He hadn't really spoken yet, but he smiled and seemed happy and relieved that his team what with him. That Matt was with him. None of the members left that night. All staying to be there for Sam. To calm Sam the moment the nightmares begun. Unfortunately the nightmares didn't seem the stop of lesson much. Their heart broke once again of the pain Sam still felt every night. A pain that was hard to take away. But they would do it. They were his team. They were his family. And everything would be alright in the end.
Sam looked around Wordy's garden. It's been a week since he was saved. A week since the tortures he had to go through. Being in the Unfortunate pleasure of Nathan Tomingson. One who was spending his days now in one off the Military prisons. Hopefully feeling like hell.
Sam was feeling great. Well alright maybe not great, just fine. He had been allowed to leave the hospital two days ago. It had made him extremely happy. It wasn't that Sam hated hospitals, no. he just didn't like it when he couldn't decide when to leave or do something. No his freedom was back, partly. Because both Matt and Spike had been with him since he got out of the hospital. And the other members of the team had come by on a regular bases. He wasn't allowed to work for a while, thanks to his arm and his feet. He hated that at this moment he had troubles with walking and moving around. He had to use crutches for a while, to make sure there wasn't much pressure on his feet. He hated them, but what he hated even more were the nightmares. The darkness he had tried to leave behind came back during restless and sleepless nights. Matt and Spike were there. And wordy and Ed sometimes. But they could only do so much. Sam just hoped they would lesson soon.
The rest of the team were scrambled around the garden. Wordy and Ed work working on the barbeque. Jules was playing with one of Wordy's daughters and was talking with Shelly and Sophie. Leah, Spike and Matt were walking around, doing games and having fun. Sam was surprised they hadn't noticed he was sitting there. They had told him to get some sleep an hour or two ago. But he didn't want to sleep, he couldn't, because of the nightmares. So a few minutes ago he had decided to go back outside. Enjoy the sun and the day. He liked watching his friends and family. His real Family (except for Natalie of course) hadn't even came to se him. They simply called. But Sam didn't care anymore. He had a family over here. A family that protected him, a family that love him the way he was. Not the way he should be.
Suddenly someone was sitting next to him. He looked to the right into a young face. Innocent and questioning brown eyes looked back at him. Soft brown hair waving around here face.
'Hey uncle Sammy' Allie, Wordy's middlest, 5 year old daughter said.
'Hey ally.'
'What are you doing here?' she asked.
'Nothing' Sam spoke. Nothing. Nothing at all. Nathans words once again came through his head. But quickly he blocked them. Having it on his arm was already bad enough.
'Ow. Mommy said you were sleeping.'
Sam smiled. Busted. 'Well, I'm not.'
'Why not? Aren't you tired? Mommy says you were sick. Really really sick.'
Sam nodded. 'Yeah I was a bit sick. But I feel much better already. So I am not going to sleep.'
'I don't like Sleeping during the day neither.' Ally told him. 'But mommy and daddy say I fall asleep at dinner if I don't. I told them I disagree.'
Sam laughed at the fancy words, which made Ally smile bright.
'If you won't sleep now, will you than fall asleep during dinner?' She asked interested.
'I doubt it.' Sam started, but after seining Ally's sad face he said. 'You know I might. Will you promise to wake me? So nobody will see?'
Again the little girl smiled brightly and gave him a hug. Sam grinned a little when she touch his arm but did reply the hug. She was so innocent. So amazing. So sweet.
'I promise. But only if you will do the same?'
'Promise.' Sam told here.
Ally got up again and ran towards the swing to play. Sam watched her for a while before standing up and walking, with crutches, towards the Barbeque.
'Hey Sammo, hungry?' Ed asked.
Sam shook his head. He wasn't. somehow food wasn't really satisfying these days.
'You sleep well?' Wordy asked.
Sam nodded, but after a strict look from Ed and a questioned look from Wordy, he laughed softly and shook his head. 'Couldn't sleep.' He spoke.
'Couldn't or wouldn't?' Ed asked.
Sam simply shrugged. 'No difference.' This made them sigh.
'Something bothering you Sammy?' Matt asked him once he came walking towards him.
'No, Nothing.' Again that nothing. Just nothing. Nothing wrong. Nothing going on. Just nothing. Sam didn't like that word anymore. It hold so many memories. Painful and hurtful memories. Memories Sam didn't want to hear. Didn't want to know. Didn't want to remember at all.
Matt nodded an hold Sam's arm. 'It will be alright.' He told Sam, the rest nodded and smiled at him. Sam knew it was going to be alright. He just needed some time. Time and friends. That was the best remedy.
'I know. It will be alright.' He spoke and smiled.
The team continued talking and Matt was once again telling some embarrassing story about him and Sam. Sam didn't really care. He knew quite some stories about Matt and the team and he definitely would tell them soon enough. He smiled a bit at that, before looking around the garden once again. HE simply enjoyed the day and the happiness, the family and the love. Everything would be alright.
Sam knew he wasn't done yet. He still had to recover from what happened. Both physically and mentally. So did the team and so did Matt. Sam still wanted to be sure they were all save. Somehow he had a feeling it wouldn't end here. He had a feeling he wasn't freed of Nathan just yet. Sam also wanted to know why the military had made him believe he had killed Matt? Why didn't they just say it was an enemy attack, like they told Matt? Sam certainly was going to find that one out. At last Sam knew he still had to convince Matt of it, that all of this wasn't his fault. Sam lived with quilt for many years and didn't want his best friend to be swallowed by it.
Sam knew Matt didn't knew what to do with his life. Sam wondered if he would become a soldier again? He wasn't sure he'd survive it if Matt left again.
'Dinner' Ed screamed suddenly. Making everybody move towards the Barbeque. Spike ran hard, but had to make a quick stop when one of Wordy's daughter ran in front if him. He stopped, tripled and fall flat on his bud. Sam laughed, he laughed really hard and smiled towards the team, he were laughing to. Not long later they were all eating and sitting on the big table. Spike bickering about his painful but. Sam simply smiled and eat his plate, until there was nothing left.
Great again Nothing. Damn. He hated that word.
But when he looked around the table he suddenly had the feeling that word might not be so bad after all. Maybe he was nothing, just like Nathan had told him. Nothing without his friends and family. Nothing without a cause to live for. Nothing without a believe. Nothing without hope and care. Nothing without Matt and Spike. Nothing without all the good in the world.
Sam smiled brightly and the Team noticed the lights going on his eyes again.
And for the first time. The first time since this all started. Sam didn't feel fear, or pain, or hurt. He felt love, care, hope. But nothing of any of those bad thing. No darkness, or torture, or nightmares.
Nothing at all.
I really hoped you all liked it. And I would like to thank all of you for the reviews, the favourites and just for reading my story.
I hope you all still review for this chapter! I hoped you liked how this troy ended, because the journey aint done yet. A sequel will come. Such as many other stories.
You might want a little preview? Alright: here it is:
Found brothers.
Sam is trying to recover from everything he been trough. But it isn't so easy, to leave the pain and the nightmares behind him. He knows they are getting out of control, but doesn't want to ask for help, since they done so much already.
Matt doesn't know where his life is going. He doesn't know what his goal will be and he thinks it's hard to stop feeling quilt for what happened to Sam.
And when the team tries to find answers about the fact that the army told Sam he killed Matt, the end up in a much bigger, and much more dangerous cycle of betrayal, pain and darkness.
One that is not only a danger to himself, but for his entire team.
So that's the preview. I hoped you liked it!
Have a nice holiday, I will leave for Indonesia in a few hours.
Much love and thanks from me,