Prologue: To Far, To Late.

It all started with a hidden camera. Watching video games after the arcade was closed. Litwak's Arcade had a right to have one. I mean, come on. If you owned a arcade full of games you'd have a camera to.

The kind man took out the tape every once in awhile to see what he got. But there was something on the tape one day that he found shocking and a bit confusing. There was a scene where it looked like King Candy was beating the hell out of another kart with what looked like one of the racers from the side of the game console.

Then the King Candy character changed. It showed Turbo from the old game Turbo Time. It was shocking to him. Then there was a cybug with odd colors that had devoured King Candy/Turbo.

Later it showed Ralph from Fix It Felix Jr with what looked like a cybug King Candy/Turbo mix. It made no sense. He just shrugs it off.

Well until some kids thought it was funny to break in and mess with the video feed. Taking the tips.

Later some men in black coats. Came and took a look at Sugar Rush. It was just a look inside. They didn't unplug it. They just checked the codes and wrote some things down and took out the game promising they'd return within a week with it safe and sound.

The Lab: Day 1

They messed with the code, taking some code out. Other games were there. But they were unplugged, damaged.

Hackers messed with the program. Taking out some code of Sugar Rush. They put it within a computer. "It looks like a virus mixed with a game character. Strange." One said as they tested it. "Putting it back together will be tough. But not impossible"

The game was given back good as new with some confused game characters in it. What had the men taken?

Day 10:

"Success with putting the pixels back together. It seems confused on why it is here. And tries to escape through the wires. It is however unable to escape."

The pixels had formed a strange creature that looked like the monster that Wreck It Ralph had fought on tape. "We shall call him King Cybug. Now the real work begins.."

Day 13:

"We are attempting to bring him out of the computer. I have my worries about this. Wish us luck to whoever listens to this..."

A agonized scream was in the background of the recording. The technology was limited. But they were really trying to bring the King Cybug out from the computer.

Later on. "Success! We have him out of the computer." The video turns to the strange creature that curled up tightly into a ball. "Beautiful isn't it. We found a great creature.

I added a species to him. Cybrid. He is of cybug and well human... a hybrid. Both and neither. A cybrid. King Cybug will be a new species.. perhaps we can make other characters come to life."

A loud cry was heard from the King as he uncurls. "S-sir. He's in pain. Very bad pain. I don't think he will make it-"

"He will make it! Won't you Cybrid? You will be a great weapon.."

"Sir he is smaller then he seemed to have been on that video. Wasn't Wreck It Ralph about nine feet tall"

"Yes.. we are planning on making him bigger of course."

This seemed like insanity. The cybrid living in the cage looks at the camera when they weren't looking and had a smirk on his face. The pained look was a fake wasn't it?

Day 21:

"We got a better and bigger cage. It seems he is more feral animal then human. He tore the bars with his teeth. He does have some human intelligence... I am worried though. We made him bigger.

We took some cybug eggs out of the Hero's Duty game. It was tough. We managed to get two to hatch. They are aggressive as soon as they are hatched and grow quickly. They listen to the cybrid though oddly. "

The camera skips ahead.

"You can talk... say something" The man said to the cybrid. "Tell me who you were."

"King Candy. Turbo the greatest racer ever.. why do you treat me like some animal?" He licks his lips. The wings coming out of his back and fluttered, showing a neon purple-like color like his circi tails.

"Seems the cybrid has a alluring tails and wings. You are probably meant to be a predator like your more.. feral cousins in the cage."


"The cybugs are able to have eggs of their own. They seem to be able to reproduce without having any intercourse. They become what they eat it seems to. Just like the game. It makes me wonder if the cybrid is able to have eggs."

Day -

The camera turned on. Claws moving past it. Screams and pleading was heard. The cages were torn up. A voice came in. "We learn not to mess with the program. But the gamers... the humans always mess with it and don't know until it is to late... right?" The large clawed fingers held up a shaking man.

"I programmed the cybugs to not become the people they devour. Unless I wish them to... I am the most powerful virus in the gamers world. No no hoo hoo~! It is my world now... isn't it. So to the ones that see this. You can only blame yourselves."

The man in the claws screamed as teeth showed in a grin and the jaws open and bit down, blood stained the camera and the camera statics and shuts off...

The rest was history...

End Prologue...

Note: This is what happens when I wonder what if King Candybug somehow was brought into the real world... yeah. Sounds great huh? Let's hope I don't ruin this insane/impossible idea...