(A/N) Hello everyone this is my first fanfiction. Meh, don't be mean to me. Rated T And M For Future Content. ^.^ Enjoy.

Even after

Chapter 1

Normal P.O.V

"I'm Back." The blonde celestial mage said not to loudly to avoid waking up the blue neko which was sleeping on the couch. "Natsu, are you awake?" she asked not really expecting an answer. Instead of an answer she heard a very soft moan but loud enough for the blonde mage to hear. Lucy looked down the corridor leading to her and Natsu's bedroom. Natsu is her beloved boyfriend, they started going out about 3 months ago. She loves the pink haired dragon slayer deeply and she's positive he feels the same way. She heard another soft moan and made her way quietly to the bedroom that she and Natsu shared. The door was closed. Just great. She saw movements from underneath the door. She also heard a familiar voice from the other side and yet she couldn't put her finger on who it was. Lucy tried opening the door as quietly as she could, she managed to open it ajar without making a sound. She peeked inside. She blinked once then twice then three times trying to register the scene before her.

Lucy's P.O.V

My Natsu was making out with his childhood friend, Lisanna. I stared in horror and tried hard not to scream. I felt hot tears streaming down my face. "Natsu?..." I gasped. Natsu pulled away from Lisanna's lips and turned towards me. He stared at me wide eyed. "L-Luce I thought you were gonna c-come home tomorrow." The pink haired moron stammered nervously at me. Lisanna looked at me as guilt, horror, regret and confusion crossed her face. "L-Lucy-san? I-I'm Sorry! Natsu never told me he was going out with anyone!" she gasped and struggled from Natsu's tight grasp. I looked towards Natsu. "No wonder you wanted our

relationship to be a secret." I said smiling weakly at the both of them. "L-Luce I-" I cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "Save It Natsu! Who do you think you are?! Playing with my heart like that! I believed in you so much and yet you took my trust for granted! I'm not something you can throw away after getting bored of!" I yelled at him crying uncontrollably now. I ran away not waiting for a response for two.

Natsu's P.O.V

"Save It Natsu! Who do you think you are?! Playing with my heart like that! I believed in you so much and yet you took my trust for granted! I'm not something you can throw away after getting bored of!" She yelled, crying uncontrollably because of me. She sprinted for the door not waiting for a response. I realized what a big mistake I made and how much I hurt her. What's wrong with me?! I ran after her as fast as I could. "Luce?! Luce?! Where are you?!" I yelled like a mad man. I ran through the entire Magnolia. There is only one place she could got at a time like this. The guild.

(A/N): Well there's the first chapter. :3 Don't mind the mistakes sorry! I Hope you liked it. Poor Poor Lucy. v,v