Hello all you happy pups and kittens.(your choice on what you are) I'm back with another chapter for you. And I'm so sorry for the year long wait for this chapter. Alright now down to business. I want to say thank you to Kitamori for your review. But if you anyone has read my profile. I did put in there that I am dyslexic. And I know that I make grammar mistakes. But do to my dyslexia I don't always catch it. And it sounds right to me. I do thank you for your input. It was very nice and not mean like some other people would be to a dyslexic writing fanfiction. The only reason I know this is cause my twin brother writes to and some rude person totally bombed him for the grammar on his fic.


Stiles blinked a couple time to clear his hazy vision. Once he could see clearly Stiles' eyes widened at the sight of his Aunt standing over him."Genim you're awake." Anna said before engulf Stiles in a hug.

"Aunt Annabelle? What are you doing here?" Stiles asked in surprise. Trying to breath from his Aunt's bone crushing hug. "Shhh Genim. We'll explain everything to you. When we get out of here and away from these mutts." Anna said pulling out of the hug. Looking Stiles in the eye.

A look of confusion crossed Stiles' face at his Aunts words. Stiles opened his mouth to ask what she meant. But was cut off by a roar of pain before he could say a word. Turing his head to the source of the roar. He saw his Father and Derek fighting. Some how his Father was holding his own against Derek. Who was in full beta form.

But the Sheriff looks different as he dodges a swipe from Derek. "Dad?"


Derek let out a roar as the Sheriff made contact with his upper arm. Growling in fury Derek swiped his claws at the Sheriff. Only to miss as the Sheriff dodged out of the way. "I told you to protect him. I told you to keep him safe." The Sheriff roared as he struck Derek in the back with his claws.

Derek roared as the claws sunk in. Reaching back Derek grabbed hold of the Sheriff's head. Using all of his strength Derek through the other man over his shoulder. "So it was you who left me that note." Derek said as the Sheriff righted himself. Remembering the note that was left for him under his windshield wiper.

"Yes." The Sheriff said. Readying himself to attack again. Derek crouched down growling. Ready to take what ever the Sheriff was about to throw at him. "Dad?" Stiles quit voice rang out in the train station. Derek and the Sheriff both turned to look at the youngest Stilinski. Surprise and relief in equal measure ran across both weres faces. As they saw Stiles staring at them from his position on the couch.

"Stiles." "Son." John and Derek said at the same time. John moved towards the ring of fire. Before Derek could even get over his shock that Stiles was awake. But before John could cross the fire ring Scott stepped in front of him halting his movement.

"Scott move. I don't want to hurt you. I just want to see if my son is alright." The Sheriff said. Trying to get around Scott. "No. Not till you tell us what the hell is going on. What happened to you? And sense when have you been a werewolf?" John sighed. "Scott. I know you have a lot of questions right now. But I really need you to move so I can check on my son. So if you would kindly MOVE." The last word came out as a growl. Scott stiffened at the growl the Sheriff gave him with that command. John just leaned his head to the side in a move motion. Scott slowly moved out of the Sheriff's path to Stiles. For once being truly scared of the Sheriff for the first time after he was turned.


Stiles watched as his dad scared the living shit out of Scott. And proceeded to walk through the fire like it wasn't there. John knelt down by the couch. Relief fell over John face as he took Stiles in a big hug. "I thought I almost lost you." Stiles just patted his father's back. Worry and fear spreading across his face. "Yeah I thought I was going to die. Now can someone tell me what's happening please?."

"That's what I'd like to know." Derek said. Pacing back and forth in front of the circle. The others moving back and forth in the same fashion at other spots. John just glared at the wolf. "Dad." Stiles said. Drawing his fathers attention back to him. "What's happening here? What's happening to me? What's happened to you?" Stiles asked. Voice going a bit hysterical on the last question.

Stiles breath start coming short. The blood in his ears started to pound. The edges of his vision fading to black. As the panic he was feeling took over. "Stiles... Stiles... Stiles... STILES!..." Hearing his name being called by multiple voices. Stiles felt like he was at the far side of a tunnel. The voices getting louder as he tried to follow them out of his dark panic.

"Come on son. You can't fall into a panic attack right now." John said. Holding Stiles head with both oh his hands on ether side. "Come on Stiles. I can't lose you to. Come back son." Stiles vision came back into focus at the thought of leaving his father alone in the world. Without Stiles to care for him. And make sure he stays on his diet.

"That's it Genim. Come back." John smiled as Stiles breathing evened out. Stiles stared up at his father. He saw worry, concern, and relief flash through his father's eyes. Stiles grabbed John's wrists in a quick motion. Pulling his hands away from his face. Stiles saw the claws that still sprouted from his father's finger tips. John cut off any attempt Stiles had of talking. Before the thought even formed in his son's head.

"I know you have a lot of questions right now son. But we really need to get you home and in the safety of the Pride. Okay." Stiles just looked from his dad to Aunt Annabel. Who was trying to keep the more advantageous pack members out of the circle of fire. Derek stood right behind his dad. A look of worry and relief crossing over his face. Relief that Stiles was alright. But worried about the ring still burning around the couch.

"No." Stiles said. Squeezing his dad wrist tightly . "I'm not going anywhere. Until I start get some answers." John winced at the pressure his son was squeezing at. "Stiles I promise I'll tell you everything. But I really need to get you home and away from here." "No. You tell me NOW!" Stiles yelled. "Whats happening? When did you get turned into a Werewolf? Sense when can you fight like catwomen when she was played by Halle Barry? And when did Aunt Annabel get in town?"

"I thought those moves looked familiar." Erica whispered.

John just focused on Stiles questions. "Ok for one I'm not a Werewolf. I'm a Werecat. A Were-cougar to be more precise. I was turned by your Mother when I met her. So is Annabel. But she is a born cat. As are you. Your mother was the prides queen. I'm it's king. As to what's happening. Is that your in danger. And we need to get out of here and back to the pride. Where you can be safe." Stiles just looked at his dad like he was crazy. "What are you talking about? I'm not a werecat. If I was I would have shifted by now. Hell I would have shifted for the first time when I hit puberty." "Not necessarily Genim." Annabel said watching the pack of wolves around the circle.

Stiles winced at hearing his first name. John just sighed and stared at his son. "Werecats can hold the shift back from there children tell they're seventeenth birthday. It's customary for us to do this. It's so we can teach them how to control they're other half before they shift for the first time. It suppose to be done by both parents. But when your mother died it be came hard for me to hold your shift back. It's part of the reason you have panic attacks." Tears welled up in John's eyes at the memory of his wife.

Confusion crossed Stiles face at his fathers confession. "Wait. What do you mean mom's death is part of the reason I have panic attacks?" John just took Stiles in a tight hug and explained. "Well werecats form a bond with they're children. To hold off their shift. This bond also lets the parents know if their cubs are hurt or in danger as well. But it's hard for one parent to always be around the cub all the time so it's split between both parents. So one could pick up when the other can't be there. But when your mother died." John had to stop to collect himself and look Stiles in the eye when he said this.

"When your mom died. The full force of the bond and the duty of holding your shift back fell completely on me. I kind of fell apart at loosing her and feeling the pain that you were going through at her lose and me not being with you when it happened. I wasn't able to be strong enough to keep you calm and keep the beast inside you asleep. The two forces rubbing ageist each other like that. Caused you to be cut between humanity and instinct. That you forced your body to go into panic mode. And my drinking didn't help with any of it." John felt like the biggest failure ever. For letting down his son when he needed him most.

Stiles was completely flabbergasted. He couldn't understand how this was happening. How could he be a werecat and not ever know it. It just wasn't computing. None of it was falling under any of the things he learned about were-creatures over the year. He thought the born weres couldn't get sick. But Stiles could clearly remember when he caught the flu or got a cold.

"How? That can't be possible. Born weres can't ever get sick. Even when they are young. Their bodies would fight it off before they would even feel a symptom. But I remember getting sick when I was little." Stiles said. Still trying to wrap his head around what his dad has said.

John opened his mouth to answer. But was cut off by Anna. "I could explain that a bit better then you could John. And I think we best get it all out know then later." John just nodded his head. "Well you see. When a cub is born. The mother of the cub can control the level of the bond and how much of the beast with in is concealed. Your mother. Bast bless her soul. Wanted you to have as normal of a child hood as you could have. So she locked your feline side away to give you that. And made you father promise to not tell you what you are until your seventeenth birthday. But when your mom died the lock on your feline side started to come undone and sent you into a state of panic." Stiles flicked his eyes back and forth between his dad and aunt. Until he landed them on to Derek and the pack that had moved to stand beside him.

Stiles nodded to himself. It's a bit hard for him to believe. But he's believed stranger things. "Ok so I'm a werecat. And you and mom are born werecats. And dad is a bitten werecat. And I'm now apart of a pride of werecats." John and Annabel nodded. "To be more precise your next in line to take over the pride." Anna said. Taking a seat on the other side of stiles.

"Next in line you say. Cool. I can't see how that would work out but still cool." stiles said looking around at the fire ring. "Now how is there a burning blue ring of fire around us. And why hasn't someone put it out yet?"

Anna flicked her wrist and smiled. "That's my doing. It's called the hells fire. It's the magical defense for werecats." Stiles just nodded. Before smacking his Aunt in the arm. "Derek's family died in a fire. Put it out." Annabel's eyes went wide at that and put the fire out immediately. Before looking at the young alpha wolf. A slight apologetic look shown on her face.

Once the fire was out the pack surged forward to check they're one human pack mate. John growled at them as they came closer to Stiles. Scott shot John a hurt look. And John stopped growling. He couldn't hurt Scott. The boy was like a second son to him. "I'm sorry Scott. I didn't mean to growl at you." Scott just shook his head. "I get it. Stiles was just hurt by someone. And your trying to protect him."

John sighed and turned back to his son. Erica had taken the seat next to Stiles. She was winding her arms around him in a comforting embrace. "I guess I can't call you Batman anymore. Can I?" She said pulling back from the hug. Shooting a scathing look over Stiles shoulder. Catching sight of Anna as she finishes putting out the ring of fire.

John and Anna watched as the pack tried to touch Stiles at once. All trying to comfort they're friend. They're pack mate. Only Derek stood back. Waiting for the others and Stiles most of all to calm down a bit.

As the the betas and humans had done crowding Stiles. Derek took a step forward. Stiles sat rooted to his seat. Worried at what Derek was about to do. John and Anna stood back and tensed. Ready for anything that Derek might do. John knew that the betas and two humans wouldn't hurt Stiles. Not with him hear to watch them. But Derek was another story.

The Alpha could think that Stiles was a threat. And try to take him out before he could challenge Derek's authority. Which Stiles would have done either way you look at it. The last thing John thought would happen was Derek pulling Stiles up into a tight embrace. "Are you alright?" Derek whispered into Stiles hair. "Yeah." Derek hugged Stiles tighter. "I thought I was about to loose another family member." Stiles looked up at Derek. Shock plan on his face.


Derek jerked back from Stiles. Looking over at the Sheriff and Anna. John was Staring back at him. His eyes glowing a deep emerald. "The Pride is coming. We need to get back to the house. Now." John turned on his heel and walked out of the train deport.


I'm back.

So you can call off those hunting parties. I know you all have them out there looking for me. Y'all can stop being hunters now. Please. I'm tired of being shot at. The last one had leopards bane in it. That would have really hurt in it had hit. I hope the bit of Sterek in put in at the end helped with the long wait for this chapter. I really didn't mean to take this long to update. So I hope it will make up for my transgressions. So tell me how you like it. And I know that this chapter might not sound right when reading it. I'm just getting back into the swing of things. I hope that the next chapter doesn't take as long to write as this one did.

Tell next time.