AximiliThe ship maneuvered into a soft landing in the port.
We're down. One officer announced.
My brother Elfangor shut down the engines. Everyone else on the bridge was oblivious to me.
The Captain glanced at me, then turned to Elfangor. Okay, you two. You've got one week home. Then we leave for the Amorni system.
Both of us? I asked, surprised. It was unusual for family members to be sent into battle together, unless, of course, there was a significant lack of troops. They thought there would be a better chance of at least one member surviving if they were separated. It is a very tough blow to any female if both sons or a husband and a son are killed. I was only an aristh, and since Elfangor was my Prince, we would naturally be assigned together, but still...
The Captain glared at me for the interruption. You will go where you are assigned. His eyestalks wavered a bit when he looked at Elfangor. Everyone respected and loved Elfangor. You are brothers, and I understand your father passed away recently...he was a great friend, I knew him personally...and perhaps it would be best for your mother if one of you stayed... He hesitated, unsure what to say. Well, it's up to you. He saluted his tail at us and left.
You're not going. Elfangor said quietly.
WHAT? I demanded, then lowered my thought-speech when a few Andalites looked over. Why? I asked privately.
Mother needs you.
She may, but that's not why you want me to stay. Tell me the truth.
Elfangor sighed and looked away. I will explain when we get home.
Elfangor! Aximili! She took our hands in hers and touched blades with us. It's so good to see you again.
How have you been, Mother? Elfangor asked.
Oh, well, ever since your father... She stroked my face with her palm. It has been a bit lonely.
Elfangor placed his hand on her shoulder. But will you be alright, Mother? He asked with concern.
She patted his hand. Of course.
Mother smiled and tried to look happy. How long are you on leave?
One week, Mother.
I could see disappointment in her eyes. One week. I see. She sighed. And where then?
The Armoni system.
The Armoni system? She gasped. But the Yeerks...
Yes, Mother. I am going to stop them. Elfangor assured her.
You? She blinked. Aximili...
Aximili is not going, Mother.
I started to protest, but the look Elfangor sent me stopped me.
Why? I demanded later that night, after Mother had fallen asleep.
There is something that must be done, and if I cannot do it, I want you to.
What do you mean?
I want you to go to Earth.
Yes, Earth. If I die, Aximili, I want you to go there.
There is a boy. A human boy. His name is Tim. And I want you to find him.
What does a human boy have to do with anything?
He is my son.
What? Elfangor, you can't be serious!
I am very serious, Aximili. He is your nephew, and you will find him.
You are not going to die! You can go find him yourself.
I will die, Aximili. I can feel it.
Find him. And tell him. Tell him I loved his mother very much. And that I'm sorry for leaving. I never to leave him, but my people, my other people, needed me. I wanted to stay. I wanted to stay and love him and his mother and watch him grow up. I wanted to be there for my son, but I was not. And for that, I am sorry.
You will not die, Brother. You will not.
But if I do, will you go?
I stared at him for a long time. It was difficult to believe, but my brother had never lied to me before. I brought my tailblade to my throat. Upon my honor, and upon this family, I promise, my Prince, and my brother.
I never saw Elfangor again. That was many, many years ago. But I did what he asked. It took many years before I could find a way to go. I had to wait until my retirement from the military, but I did it. I went to the planet called Earth, to look for my brother's son.
And I found him.
I kept my vow to my brother.
In a way, he was the one who started it all...
My brother, Elfangor...
And so it ends
The way it started
With a hero named Elfangor
He touched many hearts
And changed many lives
But those he would have changed the most
Would never forget
Memories of a nonexistent past
Dreams of a future lost
She changed the world
She defied fate
But the memories stayed
The world would have thanked her
But five had to curse
They lived their lives
With feelings they did not know
Memories they did not understand
Could not control
But the truth would be told
And the past explained
And she would speak
Tell them why
The mask of their world will be shed
The truth will be revealed
And the faces
Of the would-be-heroes
Will be shown
The final story, of those who would have been, the saviors of the galaxy:
Okay, so, what do you think? Mask will explain pretty much all that can be explained. Do you really want me to write it, or do you want to be left hanging like that? Any questions? Confusions? Rotten tomatoes? Send them to me.