Hey guys, this isn't going to be an actual chapter, just an Author's Note to tell you what's up.
You're probably thinking right now, "This bitch, I thought there was a new chapter!" And I'm so, so, soooooo sorry about the incredibly long delay for the next chapter. However, my schedule has been extremely busy lately, and I do not have much time for updating. It was a miracle I even found time to upload this Author's Note!
Some of you might be thinking that I'm giving up this story, but don't worry! I am definitely not. This week and next week I have lots of testing going on, and June 3rd-5th I'm going to Washington D.C., where I won't have the luxury of WiFi and a laptop.
So, expect an update either late this month or early the next month. I will delete this A/N next time I update, so don't be confused when you still see the same amount of chapters. Also, if there are any questions you need to ask or anything, a good place to be would be my fanfiction site: aly208fanfiction . tumblr . com (remove the spaces). I can answer usually within a span of 24 hours, and you can receive a direct, prompt response!
I apologize for this inconvenience, and if you are still sticking with this story, I cannot express my gratitude enough to you. You are a truly awesome, incredibly kind reader. Thank you so much.
P.S. I am really, really, really, really, really sorry. Once again, thank you :)
P.P.S. Also, I have been daydreaming a lot more than usual and came up with an idea for another fic. However, I've barely touched it writing-wise, so if anyone wants to get in contact with me about it and possibly help...? It's a very, very dark and triggering idea, so please stay away if that doesn't suit you. I would sincerely appreciate the effort, though c: