This idea came to me after watching this week's episode of OUAT which was totally epic! It is centered on Emma and Henry where he is still mad at Emma.


Well I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind
I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time
But I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon
I feel there is nothing I can do, yeah

I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon
After all I knew it had to be something to do with you
I really don't mind what happens now and then
As long as you'll be my friend at the end

And if I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?
If I'm alive and well, will you be there holding my hand?
I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might

-3 Doors Down 'Kryptonite'

The door to the apartment was thrown open catching the two residents inside of it completely off guard. Henry had ran upstairs before Snow or James could say anything as Emma shuffled in holding one bag, "How is he?" Snow asked gently.

Emma looked at her mother, "He by mean Henry? Neal? Gold? Perhaps Hook?" Before Snow could say anything Emma started talking as the bag hit the floor, "Hook as far as I know of is still in New York, Gold is ok. He should be fine in a few days. Neal well he could go burn in hell for all I care; and Henry…" Emma walked over to the counter as James poured her a cup of hot chocolate which she looked at, "I am going to need more than hot chocolate to deal with this."

"Oh Emma, it will be fine." Snow said rubbing Emma's back as James took his daughter's hand and was making small circles on the back of it.

Emma rolled her eyes and pulled away from her father and mother as she got up, "Not this time," She placed hands on her hips and looked at the ceiling, "He compared me to Regina. He said I was just like her."

"He is just upset. We all say things we don't mean." James said gently.

"He meant it." Emma whispered giving him a heartbroken look which made his heartache for his daughter, "I know when people are lying. It is my superpower…my stupid superpower."

Snow got up but Emma was already walking out the door, "Wait!" Emma turned as Snow asked, "Where are you going?"

Emma sighed, "I need to get out of here for a bit. I will be back later." And with that she closed the door silently. Snow looked at James who shook his head, "No let her be. For now let's go talk with Henry." Sighing Snow nodded and took his bag off the floor then they went upstairs to talk with their Grandson.

Henry was staring at the ceiling. Since Neal decided to stay at Granny's for the moment, Emma had insisted that they go back to the apartment. He still was not talking to her nor was he looking at her. She had let him down and still no one would explain why she had lied. Neal had told him that it was not his story to tell…just that he had hurt his mother, but she was still not talking to him about it. Hearing a knock at the door he did not respond thinking that it was Emma, "Henry?" he sat up recognizing that it was his grandmother.

The door opened and Snow and James walked in. Henry refused to cry in New York when he found the truth, but seeing his grandparents concerned looks he broke down, "I know," Came Snow's soothing voice, "I know."

"She lied to me…" Henry stated, "She lied." Snow gave James a pleading look, but he was at a loss. So they sat there and held each other, trying to find that comfort.

Emma did not come home until later that night. Snow had made somewhat of a dinner, but the occupants were too involved in their thoughts to fully enjoy it. Henry was giving Emma the silent treatment, but Emma was not fully there either.

Her mind was trapped in a dark place…a place she thought she had long abandoned. Snow watched mother and son and was not liking this one bit. Once Henry went back upstairs and James went into their room for the night she figured she would try to talk to her daughter, "Emma please sweetheart. Talk to me," Snow said gently as Emma sat on the couch.

"What is there to discuss? Everyone was right about me." Emma stated her voice dead, "I am worthless."

"No!" Snow yelled just as James poked his head back in to see what got his wife upset. Henry unlocked the door and silently crept to the top of the stairs. He was still really mad at his mother, but now he was curious, maybe he would get his answers after all.

Emma sighed and got up, "What have I done right in my life? Nothing! Who am I? I am poor little fucked up Emma Swan! The orphan! The screw up!"

"Emma stop!" Snow shouted trying to calm her daughter down.

"Why?! It's true! I screwed up! I am the town screw up! Hell I cannot even do right by my son! Regina was right!" Emma yelled breathing heavily, "I do not deserve him." She paced for a few seconds and then she saw a mirror standing in the corner of the living room.

Snow watched as Emma went over to it. She had completely forgotten that she had left out from the day before…her birthday. She was on full alert as Emma went near it and continued talking, "All my life I have done nothing but lie, steal, cheat; granted we were doing that to survive. It was all I could do to survive…I thought I was protecting Henry, but I was selfish. I was protecting myself."

Henry's breath hitched in his throat as he listened to his mother talk. He did not realize that her pain was this deep, "I never wanted Henry to find out about Neal, because that would mean I would have to reveal my past…what was I suppose to do? The kid looked up to me like I was some kind of hero. But I wasn't…I'm not."

He had to stifle his sob as he heard how broken his mother sounded. He wanted to go to her and apologize, but he couldn't move. It was as if something was holding him back.

James took a step close to his daughter, "Emma, we all had visions that our parents are heroes. But we have to remember that they are human, Henry will forgive you. He loves you."

But Emma wasn't listening. She kept staring at herself in the mirror. When she stared at it, Henry's voice came to her, "You lied to me! You are no better than she is!" Then she found her reflection changing as Henry's voice again filled her head, "I trusted you! You are supposed to be on the side of good!" It was then that her reflection changed fully and she was staring at Regina, "I am no better than she is."

"Emma you are not Regina! Please listen to me. You would never intentionally hurt anyone." Snow said pleading.

Emma shook her head, "I should have never stayed. Henry was never better off because I stayed."

"Emma you do not know how wrong you are." Snow stated, "Henry was miserable before you came."

"Then why does he keep getting hurt?!" Emma yelled finally, "Ever since I stayed Henry kept getting hurt! Not just by Regina, but by me! He nearly died because of me!" Just at that moment Emma spun back around and again saw her reflection as Regina and she punched the mirror.

Henry had closed his eyes just as he heard the glass shatter and Snow's cries. He had tried to block everything out. He was in the wrong; he should have just let her explain instead of shutting her out. He opened his eyes and started to make his way down the stairs, but stopped just as he heard his grandmother say, "Emma stop please! We have to-"

"No! I deserve this and more! Until I know what I am going to do I am leaving, I cannot stay here."

"Emma wait!" But the door slammed and he ran down just as he heard the bug pull away.

Henry took tentative steps toward his grandparents, "This is my fault."

Snow placed a hand on her mouth to hold back the sobs that were threatening to reveal themselves as James knelt down, "No. This is not your fault."

"But I hurt her. I said awful things to her, now she is leaving." Henry said hugging his grandfather.

James sighed and looked at Snow as he said, "It'll be ok. I promise…it will be ok."