Amber stared out the window at the semi-circle of sun, whose golden-orange rays were just becoming visible over the thick forest.

"When am I gonna get out of this prison?" She wondered aloud, but softly, not wanting to wake Jeanie, who was fast asleep in the bed next to hers. It was close to morning, but she hadn't slept at all during the night. She had wanted to, but the thought of the horrible nightmares kept her awake. The faceless girls in victorian dresses, the blood dripping from the trees... It was all just too much. So Amber had spent most of the eight hours she was supposed to be sleeping staring up at the sky. She hadn't even been sure of what she was looking for; possibly someone to come rescue her from the school and the nightmares, or maybe she just took comfort in the stars.

The sun was completely up by this point, and Jeanie was starting to toss under the covers. She must be waking up, Amber figured. Glancing back to the sun, she wondered how a forest could actually be as big as this one was, or if it was all in her head.

Jeanie opened her eyes, sat up, and rubbed them. "Good morning, Amber," she said sleepily.

"Good morning," Amber replied, still staring out at the bright sun.

"You shouldn't look at the sun too long, you know. You'll hurt your eyes." Jeanie waited for a response, but there was none. Geez, she's acting really weird today, she thought. Sometimes I can't believe we're even related at all, much less twins! She heard a unclear mumble from the other side of the room. "What?" she asked.

"I said, did they find Millie yet?" Amber was still speaking softly, but Jeanie actually heard her this time.

"No, not yet." Talking about Millie was hard for Jeanie. Her friend had been missing for two weeks, and no trace of her had been found as of yet.