Author's Note

Hi everyone ! This is a spamano fic. It is rated M for a reason, there will be fluff and maybe an m-preg (not sure yet). I try to update as often as possible. The last fic I wrote I updated every single day (except one when I got sick). I would also like to note that any foreign words and dialogue in the story will have translations at the bottom of each me know what you think about the story. I love suggestions for plot, pairings etc. Please favorite, rate and review ! It is always appreciated!



Chapter 1 - New Job

Lovino sprinted down the street, he was going to be in trouble if he was late. His damn brother had taken his alarm clock yesterday without telling him. Lovino made a note to wring Feliciano's neck later. The huge red sign hanging above the shop was unmistakably recognisable. It was the Vargas family shop. Lovino went down the alley to the back door, kicking it open to reveal a bunch of burly and ugly looking men preening over that morning's newspaper. One of them looked up and just pointed to a black door.

"You just made it, any longer and he'll burst." the ugly man with the dark sunglasses said. Lovino knew very well what awaited him behind that black door, his angry father. Lovino turned the doorknob, his father sat in a black leather chair looking very serious.

"Lovino, sit down." the man ordered. Lovino sat, and silently he waited.

"You are now old enough to take over your mother's job." said. Lovino's eyes widened in surprise, his father never talked about his mother, and even less about the role she held in the particular business the Vargas family ran. Lovino, none the less said nothing at all.

"Now, you know that we work closely with the government right ?" asked.

"Yes." Lovino answered.

"What I wanted to tell you here today is about what exactly we do, and to give you a very important job." explained. "You see Lovino, when any government official, in any country, feels threatened by someone else, we go and get rid of them." paused allowing Lovino to process the new information. Lovino swallowed hard, so this was their true business, killing government officials, political leaders and the likes.

"I understand." Lovino said quietly.

"Good. The job you will have is the one your mother had. You will be the assassin in charge of getting rid of people for our clients. The ones I hired before always ended up getting killed or caught, so now it is your job."Mr. Vargas declared. Lovino did not need to know more to figure out that this post was permanent and that his mother's death was related to her job. He stood, thanked his father and as he headed out the door called out,

"Do not tell your brother about this. Do not tell anyone at all."

"Understood." Lovino said and closed the door. The men clad in ugly black suits and glasses looked at Lovino as he passed, Lovino opened the back door and walked away from the shop and out of the alley into the sunlit busy street. Lovino's mind was reeling, there were many questions he wanted answered, the biggest one was "Why me ?". His father had chosen him to do this job, not Feliciano, normally he would have been happy. Feliciano always got more attention from everyone than him, but this time he was far from being joyful,his job was to kill people. Lovino shook the thought from his mind and went back to thinking about how he planned on chewing out Feliciano for taking his alarm clock.

Lovino walked in the front door of the Sylvester Café and walked up to the bar counter where a waiter was wiping of glasses with a cloth.

"Hey Andrew, where's Feli ?" Lovino asked.

"He's in the kitchen." Andrew told Lovino. He made his past the empty tables and chairs and entered the steamy kitchen. Feliciano stood alone in front of a pan frying up some onions. Lovino grimaced a little, Feliciano always smelled like onions and garlic.

"Yo." Lovino greeted. Feliciano jumped in surprised and turned around.

"Lovi, what are you doing here ?" Feliciano asked.

"I came to steal some of your food as payment for what you did ! You idiot, why did you take my alarm clock !? I needed it today." Lovino yelled and then swore loudly in Italian. Feliciano cowered a bit.

"I'm sorry fratello, I had to get here early today, manager Ludwig would be angry if I arrived late." Feliciano explained. Lovino bitched a little, then cooled down. Feliciano sat his brother down in a chair next to the counter and handed him a plate of fresh pasta. Lovino, who hadn't eaten anything at all that day devoured the food, when he was done he stayed and talked to is brother a little longer before the manager, Ludwig, stormed in.

"Ah, Feliciano, I hope everything is almost ready." Ludwig said observing the prepared food.

"Where is the Alfredo sauce, we open in less than half an hour ! Get to it !" Ludwig panicked.

"Ve~ it's already done, don't worry manager." Feliciano said waggling a finger to a pot farther down of the counter. Ludwig exhaled relieved, then he noticed Lovino.

"Oh, hello Lovino. You should leave soon, can't have you around when the customers arrive. I do not want a repeat of last time." Ludwig said. Lovino just smirked. The last time he had been present during service hours the entire restaurant had turned into a battlefield. A customer had insulted Feliciano's cooking in front of Lovino, who that day had been in a fowl mood. He had taken the plate of food and slapped it into the rude customer's face. The man returned the favor and soon a massive food fight took place. At the end of it all, the walls of the restaurant were colored with different sauces, the floor with food and every single piece of cloth wrecked so badly that no amount of washing could ever get rid of the spots in them. Ludwig had banned Lovino from the café for three months for that. So now the huge blonde German was shoving Lovino out of the kitchen towards the front door of the café.

"Okay, okay, I'm going." Lovino said. "Ciao !" he said waving to his brother, who waved back. Lovino walked out onto the small winding streets bustling with people, each with a purpose. His purpose was now to be an assassin. Might as well embrace it.


: fratello - brother

: ciao - goodbye (that obvious though)