First, I would like to thank everyone on Tumblr who stuck with me through this process. I know it took a while to actually come to light (I said I'd do this back in late December, whoops), but I really appreciate you all for dealing with my inconsistencies. It means a lot.

Secondly, yes, I would like to mention that I am a girl and I wanted to put some of my own experiences into this. I tried to write about periods as well as I could from the different vantage points of the New Who companions, but I'm sure I messed up quite a few things as that subject isn't exactly usually mentioned on the show. So please bear with me through that, and if you have any roaring complaints I'd appreciate the time you could take to PM me about how I could have done something better instead of leaving flaming reviews.

Honestly, just please understand that I am in no way trying to offend anyone by this fic. Periods were just a subject I thought was not brought up a lot and would be fun to combine with the characters I love so much from this show. Thank you very much. And now we'll start with Nine and Rose, because come on, everyone wishes they could have been together for a little bit longer, right? Enjoy! Please read and review!

It was a morning after the crew had accidentally gotten themselves caught up in a Mayan human sacrifice. Having just narrowly escaped, they were all understandably exhausted, with only Rose and the Doctor feeling up in the morning to having breakfast. Jack was snoozing and claimed he wanted to do so all day long, and they knew that it was best to not disturb him unless they wanted to hear embarrassing sexual innuendos the whole entire day. So they left him alone, and after breakfast (where Rose had funnily eaten an entire chocolate bar, which the Doctor had thought was abnormal for her) the alien and his blonde friend had gone into the control room to brainstorm plans for the day.

"And I was thinking-" the ninth regeneration of the man in the leather jacket bounced and smiled, flitting around the controls of the brilliant yet maddening machine around him, "That today we would go see the diamond waterfalls of Adamas. It's absolutely beautiful there, one of the top tourist destinations in the Horsehead Nebula! Or, we could see a real live gladiator fight at the Flavian Ampitheatre. Titus always had a soft spot for me, you see." The Doctor looked for agreement and awe from his female companion, as the male one was doing who knows what. "What do you think Rose?"

Silence. And still, after seconds of waiting, he still received no answer. The man frowned and shook his head, searching for her around his area of the TARDIS console. This wasn't like her. She was always right next to him when they were planning an adventure. What was the matter? So he called again. "Rose Tyler! Does that sound alrigh'?"

However, amidst the cacophony of his rambling, the Time Lord had failed to realize that his blonde friend was sprawled over the captain's chair, looking very much in pain. Once he found her, he put his hands on his hips. "Rose, that's the captain's chair. As in, captains only?" He smiled at his own joke, only to be glared at by her. "Oh come on, you have to admit that was funny!"

Rose gave a scowl that could have scared a fleet of Daleks away, standing up and brushing off her pants. "No, it wasn't. And I have better things to do than go see the diamonds of whatever-not planet, if you don't mind." As she said her flippant comment, she walked up the stairs towards the other ends of the TARDIS. "I'll be in the bathroom if you need me, though I don't see why you would."

The Doctor charged up the stairs next to her, catching on to her pace. "What happened to all the adventures you said you wanted to have?" he commented, trying desperately to get her to look him in the eyes.

The girl shrugged. "That was yesterday, things change. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to be left alone." She grabbed the handle to the bathroom door.

Though he obviously felt uncomfortable with doing so, the man stepped in front of her, blocking Rose from getting a good grip on the handle and pulling it open. "And why do you need to go to the bathroom? You just went after breakfast!"

"I just do." She replied, trying to claw around the Doctor to reach the handle. "It's none of your business."

"Are you sick?"


"You do seem a bit flustered." He stated, staring at her face with concern.

"I'm fine! Now go away!" She again failed in getting to the door.

"Do you I need to take you to sickbay?"

"No! Doctor, go away!"

"Rose Tyler, I am not leaving until you tell me what is going on!" The Time Lord flew his hands up in the air. "Because obviously there's something!"

Rose sighed, stepping back from her position of trying to open the bathroom door, giving up. It was no use. The Doctor was much more physically stronger than her. Especially in this time in her life. "Alright, I'll tell you, but you have to swear to not make fun of me."

He cocked his head. "An' why would I make fun of you?"

The woman looked down at his feet. "You see… I'm on my period." She looked up to see his face, expecting an expression of horror or disgust. Instead, the man just looked confused. "Oh come on!" Rose smirked. "You have to know what that is, being a big scary time traveler."

The Doctor glanced at her, a confused look still on his face. "No, I don't. Your period? A little vague, to be honest, don't you think?" he questioned.

Rose tried again. "Okay… well, I'll find another name." She twisted nervously on the balls of her feet. "A menstrual cycle. You know what that is, right?"

The Time Lord still looked dumbfounded. "Your what cycle?"

"Oh, come on, you're not going to make me go into more detail! You're just mocking me now!" the companion cried, exasperated.

The Doctor was getting annoyed too. Why did Rose know something he didn't? Why did a stupid ape know more than he did? Why? "WHAT IN THE NAME OF SANITY IS A MENSTRUAL CYCLE?" he shouted for the entire TARDIS to hear in a fit of anger.

That was it for Rose. Her cramps were feeling even worse, she felt like she was going to bloody bleed her pants off, everything around her felt like an emotional rollercoaster, and she was stranded on a sentient time machine with an alien that didn't even know what a period was. "I DON'T HAVE A BABY SO MY UTERUS HAS SHED IT'S BLOODY, AND YES I MEAN LITERALLY, BLOODY LINING A FETUS AND I AM NOW BLEEDING FROM MY BLOODY VAGINA AND I NEED TO GET INTO THE BLOODY BATHROOM RIGHT NOW, DOCTOR!" she screamed, instantly regretting what she'd said.

The man's face was now in the utter look of horror that she had expected all along. He turned toward her, his mouth open agape like a flounder. "You bleed… where?"

"My vagina. Come on, don't tell me that "Time Ladies" or whatever never did that," Rose sighed, hoping that soon this embarrassing questioning would be done and she could head off and relieve her pain.

"No, of course not, we didn't evolve from stupid apes! We're much more clean than… that," the Doctor cried, still looking astonished. He twitched around nervously, but he was obviously still furious.

"Well," the girl screamed, her own fury suddenly coursing through her at this accusation like never before, "Maybe, if you wanted a Time Lady to be with you so badly, you should have thought a bit more when you decided to kill your own race!"

The Doctor's features froze in shock, and Rose immediately regretted what she had just sad. His mouth opened and closed, as if the man at the same time wanted to throw back another hurtful comment, but yet couldn't disagree with what had just been told to him.

But the worse part of looking at him were his eyes. The human shuddered at the sight of them. They seemed so deep and full of sadness- a vulnerability that Rose had hardly had a glimpse of from this rough-and-tumble man. She couldn't look at them.

And yet she couldn't apologise, some stupid bit of pride preventing her from taking back the harsh words she had said to one of her best friends. So, instead of confronting him, Rose quickly pointed over her left shoulder. "I'll- I'll be in my room if you need me. Though I don't see why you would," she stammered, as the girl quickly lef the scene, not wanting to look at the saddened man behind her.

When Jack sat up in bed later that day, the main thing that struck him was the lack of noise around the place. Sure, it was nice not to wake to the threatening voice of someone about to kill him, or one of his friends screaming, But to hear no shrieks of laughter as the TARDIS jostled about, nos whispers of exciting plans for the day, was just as worrisome. As quickly as he could, Jack Harkness put on a simple t-shirt and sweats and made his way to the console room.

The surprisingly empty room caused the ex-Time Agent to worry even more. Instead of the usual sight of Rose and the Doctor laughing and teasing the other, there was just the Doctor hovering over the TARDIS controls, looking like a shadow of his former self.

"Hey Doc," Jack started as he walked towards the man from a side entrance. "Where' Rose? I thought you two were thinking of going to Adamas, correct?" the man stated, glancing at the Doctor, yet seeing no change in his expression.

He moved closer to the Time Lord in order to be nearer to him. Though he usually would have made this act seem flirtatious to fluster and annoy the man, he made no effort of that now. Though maybe he had only known the Doctor for a short while, eh was still his friend, and Jack wanted to help him. "Doctor, he pressed gently again. "Where's Rose? Is she alright?"

Finally, the Doctor moved, the alien sighing as he pushed himself off the controls. "She's fine. But mad at me. Got all upset about me not knowing what a-" He gulped, not knowing if such a private, woman, human thing could be mentioned now. But he decided to go ahead, yet stammering over his words. "A-a period was."

And though Jack felt the need to comfort the Time Lord, he couldn't help but laughing. Almost wheezing, the human got out, "You didn't- what?" as he chuckled, doubling over even more.

The Doctor, however, did not find this as amusing. "What's so funny, Harkness?" he demanded.

The ex-Time Agent quickly regained his composure, patting the baffled alien on the shoulder. "A girl can be difficult on her period, Doctor. It's not unusual. I mean, how'd you feel if you had cramps and blood coming out of your privates just because you didn't have a baby?"

The Doctor shook his head in response. "I'd hate it. But Jack, she said-" he continued, still visibly upset, that vulnerability back again which the human didn't see from this gruff miser most of the time.

"I'm sure anything Rose said to she but meant in the heat of the moment. Emotions are tricky for everyone, especially girls, and even more so when your hormones are wacked out." He looked the alien in the eyes. "But Rose is your friend, Doctor, and I know for a fact that she'd hate to see you upset by something she didn't really mean to say long term." He stepped away from the man. "I'm sure if you just go talk to her, you two will work something out." Jack shoved the Time Lord playfully towards the edge of the console room. "Go get 'em, tiger."

The Doctor walked a few steps, obviously nervous but still determined. He glanced back at the human. "You know Captain, you might not be so bad."

"Buy me a drink first, then we'll talk," Jack replied as he silently chuckled and went back to his room.

Rose groaned in agony. These cramps seemed to be tearing every part of her body apart. And the pain of seeing her friend hurt- by her own stinging statements- made her not feel much better.

Why had she been so utterly stupid? She knew how much mention of the Time War bothered him. So why hadn't she just kept her thoughts to herself. Rose sighed for what seemed like the hundred-thousandth time. This mental inner turmoil sure wasn't helping her physical pain.

But then she heard a knock at the door.

At first Rose ignored it, not wanting anyone to see her in this present state. But as the rapping became louder, she picked herself up and opened the entryway. And there stood the Doctor.

An immediate slew of words wanted to fly from the human girl's mouth as she tried to apologise. "Doctor, I-"

He shushed her. "No, Rose. Don't talk." The alien exhaled nervously, jittery. "I'm sorry if I humiliated you. I didn't want or mean to."

Rose smiled despite the agony at this sweet gesture. "And I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have mentioned anything about-"

"It's okay. You didn't mean it. I'd be cranky and snappish too if my bloody vagina was bleeding," he cracked a grin. She giggled at this, the laughter obviously brightening up the Time Lord's face.

"Oh," the man continued, pulling something out of his jacket- a Hershey milk chocolate bar. "I wanted to give this to you."

And then something happened that was just as surprising as the gift he had given to her. The alien was embraced in a huge hug, blonde, wonderful hair falling in his face. Smiling, the old traveller heard a beautiful whisper- "Thank you, Doctor."

And giving a "your welcome" back, the Doctor squeezed the girl even harder.

Cause this was the Doctor and Rose Tyler. As it should be. And he never, ever wanted to let go.