Jalmont: Drabbles 11-15
Elmont grinned wide as he led a blindfolded Jack down the cobblestone road, towards an unknown destination.
"Elmont..." Jack grumbled, frowning, annoyed though he was curious as hell. "Where are we going?"
"I told you it is to be a surprise." Elmont replied, smiling down at Jack and he kissed his cheek. "A surprise I know you'll love."
"But... Elmont...!" Jack whined. He couldn't stand not knowing anything. And it was worse since he didn't have a clue as to where he was, being blindfolded and what-not. "Can't you just tell me?"
"Nope," Elmont chuckled. "It'll ruin the surprise, if I did." Jack pouted, crossing his arms, and he then sighed.
"Fine." He mumbled before going silent.
"Cheer up, love." Elmont murmured softly, smiling and then grinning when he spotted his destination. "We're almost there." Jack perked up at that.
It was not even three minutes later when Elmont stopped, forcing Jack to stop walking as well. "Are we there? Why have we stopped? Elmont...?"
Elmont chuckled again and grinned. "Yes, we're there." He said before reaching up and removing the blindfold.
Jack was altogether pleased when Elmont removed the blindfold and was about to speak until he saw the sight before him. And he was speechless.
Before the two stood a small cottage. Around it was a place to plant a garden and beside it he could make out an animal pen and a horse barn. On the other side he saw a fenced garden that would no doubt be used for crops and tied to the cottage was Jack's white mule Arthur, his black horse Thunder, and Elmont's trusty white mare Elise.
"Wha...?" Jack's eyes watered when he realized immediately that this was his and Elmont's home. "You...?"
"Like it, Jack?" Elmont looked down at the smaller man with a hopeful expression and Jack all but jumped into Elmont's arms, kissing him.
"I love it." He said, smiling as he cried tears of joy. "Thank you, Elmont."
Elmont smiled softly at Jack, who was curled up against him. It was night and the two were laying in Elmont's chambers.
Elmont chuckled when he thought of exactly what they had been doing not an hour before, after Jack had snuck into his bed. He then frowned as he thought of why Jack had to sneak around to be with him.
He sighed softly and leaned back against the pillows, curling his arms around Jack in a tight embrace.
To the kingdom, Jack was with Isabelle. They knew that it could be no other way, but it was inevitable in the end. Jack wanted Elmont more than the princess, and Elmont wanted Jack just as much.
They had to hide their relationship from the kingdom, from Isabelle, though both suspected that she knew. And neither cared if she did. Because they knew she would be supportive of them.
But Jack didn't want her to know. And Elmont respected that, so he kept quiet. He didn't even tell his best friends, Christian or Newt.
It was only fair after all, since Elmont suspected something going on between the two knights, but he chose not to say anything out of respect.
Elmont smiled and laughed quietly. For now, he and Jack would have to remain a secret. But perhaps when the kingdom is ready, they will come out and maybe then, everyone will be happy.
But for now, Elmont was just fine how things were. Here, with Jack in his arms.
"I love you, Jackie." He murmured softly, kissing the top of Jack's head before finally falling asleep.
Jack's eyes went wide and he ran through the dark forest as fast as his little paws could carry him. His fur bristled and his ears were laying flat on his head as he weaved his way through the underbrush.
"You will pay, you vile little cat!" The wolf that had been chasing him snarled out, snapping his large jaws at Jack's long black tail.
"No! I'm so sorry!" Jack cried, his paws hurting and his flesh sore from thorns and twigs snapping at him, but he couldn't stop now. "Please! I didn't mean to!"
The wolf growled at him and he snapped again. "Come back here!"
Jack mewed pathetically and finally found a tree for him to climb, tall enough so the wolf couldn't jump up and grab him.
Scrambling up to the lowest branch, as high as his small body could carry him, he curled up into a ball, claws fastening into the branch as the wolf tried jumping up and snapping at him and the branch.
He had his eyes closed tightly in fright and he thought for sure he was dead, but when he heard a sharp whine in pain and terror, he opened his eyes wide in shock and fright.
The brown wolf that had been chasing him in anger was running away and where he had been standing stood a large white wolf that looked angry, but he smirked in triumph when the wolf was gone from his sight. "Brainless pup." The white wolf sneered and Jack stared, wide-eyed.
Finally, after a few heartbeats of silence, the wolf turned up to look at Jack and the black kitten flinched in fright. But he relaxed some when the wolf smiled at him.
"It's quite alright now, little kitten. You can come down, that big bad wolf won't scare you anymore." Jack blushed at the tone that the wolf used but loosened his grip on the branch before frowning as he realized one thing.
"I-I can't..." he squeaked out and the wolf chuckled before nodding in understanding.
"Alright, hold still, okay?" Jack nodded, somehow trusting the wolf. He mewed in shock when the white wolf jumped up, claws digging into the tree, though barely, and he was able to climb up to the branch that held Jack. Jack mewed in terror when strong jaws grabbed his fur, though it didn't hurt, and the wolf jumped down when he lost his hold on the tree. The wolf chuckled, setting the frightened kitten on the ground and he licked the kitten's head. "There, you're safe now."
Jack was finally able to get a hold of his self and he looked up at the wolf, smiling adorably and he mewed his thanks. "T-thank you..." he trailed when he realized he didn't know his saviors name.
"Elmont." The wolf replied and Jack smiled wider. "And you're welcome, kitten."
"Jack..." he said his own name in reply, when Elmont said 'kitten' and Elmont smiled, giving his head another lick.
"I like 'kitten' better." He smirked and Jack blushed.
Taking Jack's hand in his own, Elmont smirked. "Come on, Jackie, it's just one dance."
Jack blushed a bright red when Elmont said this and tried his best to glare at him before looking away. "N-no."
"And why not?" Elmont pouted, circling Jack, and he made Jack spin as he did. Jack's blush deepened and Elmont faked a frown. "Aw, love, do you really not like me that much?"
Jack's expression softened and Elmont mentally grinned. "It's not that, and you know it." He mumbled and Elmont frowned for real this time, letting go of Jack's hand in favor of cupping his cheeks with both.
"Then why won't you dance with me? What could be so bad about just one little dance, huh? It's our celebration, so... let's celebrate!" Elmont twirled Jack around again and Jack whined.
"But... Elmont..." he sighed softly and pulled away from Elmont, crossing his arms with a small frown. "I-I can't dance..." he whispered and Elmont blinked, before laughing, causing Jack to glare at him.
"Is that really the excuse you're giving me?" Elmont questioned with a smirk before blinking as he paused, realization dawning on him. "Oh..." he smiled then and took Jack's hands in his own once more. "Oh Jackie, you know I don't care if you know how or not. This is just for fun, you know."
"But..." Elmont cut Jack off with a small kiss and his smile softened.
"If you're really that worried, then... just follow my lead, okay? It's not that hard once you learn the steps." Elmont said softly and Jack let a small nervous smile grace his lips as Elmont led him onto the dance floor.
"O-okay, Elmont." He murmured softly. "But, just one dance."
Elmont grinned. "We'll see."
"Come on Elmont, is that really all you got?" Jack laughed, grinning wide as he swung his sword, metal clashing with metal as it met with Elmont's. The Captain laughed as well.
"Eh, Jackie, who taught you how to fight?" He questioned, trying to focus on the fight.
Jack grinned wider and spun around, hitting Elmont's sword twice before he spun back, jumping away and dodging a blow that would've been to his arm. "Christian and Newt taught me! They really are excellent fighters!"
"Yes, but they aren't nearly as good as yours truly, love." Elmont boasted as he made a move to block Jack's attack.
Jack smirked, eyes twinkling with mischief. "Perhaps, but not everything I know was taught from them." He said and before Elmont could speak, Jack swung his sword around before knocking it from Elmont's hands; the sword impaling the stone and sticking up from the hard ground.
Elmont's eyes went wide at that and even wider when Jack pointed his sword at Elmont, a wide pleased grin on his face. "Where in the world did you learn to do that!?" Elmont exclaimed before laughing and Jack lowered his sword, happy.
"From you." He answered with a fond smile. "I saw you use that move on Newt, so I tried practicing it with a dummy and I finally got it down. I wanted to show you so bad so I practiced really hard!"
Elmont let a smile grace his lips and his expression softened. "You practiced for me, love?" Jack nodded, blushing and Elmont didn't hesitate to pull him into a hug. "I'm proud of you, Jack. I really am." Jack smiled at that, purring happily as he hugged back.
That had been exactly what he wanted to hear.