
I had many ideas lately, spinning around in my head. And I promised my self that I would finish up this first..(that didn't go well) Damn it Doctor x Rose! :) So.. now I have a kind of big Doctor Who obsession… so.. sorry if it's really bad.. and short..blame it on the Doctor Who obsession! And that I don't really know how to write from Stings perspective. Ah.. I'm just tired.



To have anyone to look at your girlfriend can be seen

as a crime some times. Damn it. She could only smile at him like that!


To look at anyone with such love and compassion.. how she could love some one like him he didn't understand. But in her eyes he saw a picture of a man he was, or could be according to him.


She didn't understand his fascination with her hair. It was just.. hair she said. But to him.. it was gold that flowed down her back, the hair of an angel.


Expression. There. Pause. Rewind. Play. A smile, a pouty mouth. You could tell so much by just looking at her.


Hands, that never been soaked with blood. An innocent girl. That was his picture of her. He was afraid that he would drag her down in the darkness with him. And there she would be caged like a bird without wings slowly going mad…


The small thing could make a human happy, Sting concluded. Damn. He would do anything to make her smile at him.


" You're sick?" she laughing asked.

He grunted at her obvious joy in this. Well, he once said that dragon slayer's never got sick.. and she seemed to enjoy to toss it right back at him.

" Then move!"

" I heard that, I'm really good at taking care of people!"

She stomped in to his apartment. He looked at her amused.

" At who said that?"

She pouted at his amusement.

" Many people actually! For example Natsu when I took care of him!"

His amusement disappeared as fast as she named her best friends name. A disturbing picture formed in his head. It wasn't that he didn't trust his girlfriend. He didn't trust her best friend. Because he knew that the fire dragon slayer liked her more then a friend.

She was just to busy to notice, and he could just imagine what measure the fire dragon slayer would take to make her his. And he knew that the other dragon slayer wouldn't give up, hell he was a dragon slayer! With that thought he slopped down on his girlfriends lap.


When his girlfriend asked him what he thought about her dress he was busy with staring at her butt, that he just said:

" Your butt looks great"

Nakama power!

When they became a couple she had one request to him:

That he would try to get to know her guild and her friends. Well, he already looked up to Natsu, the ice guy was cool( get it?) as long as he didn't strip, the little girl Wendy was sweet and Erza really scared him, but he wouldn't admit that! So matter of fact he didn't have any problem with the guild.


When he first meet her, he thought she was weak. He saw that she would do anything for her friends and guild. And then was surprised him the most was, that he recognized the mask she put on. The mask of strength and happiness in front of everybody. Just like him. He just never thought that he would see anybody else with that fakeness.

And on topof that.. someone like her.He thought that she was all like "rainbows and flowers". Guess not. Then, he did something that he never thought he would do. Something that marked the start of a relationship. He walked over to her and asked:

" So.. how long have you been faking it?"


" Do you trust me?"

" Why are you asking that in a time like this?!"

" Just thought of it.."

" Well, this isn't the time for that!"

" . ?"

" Yes! Damn it, I do! Are you happy?"

"Yeah.. good. Because if you didn't you wouldn't like this" he said as he was tied together with her, threw them over the cliff edge.


" You're warm" he happily said as he nuzzled her cheek.

She giggled.

" What's with you today? You're like a cat!"

" What? Can't I cuddle with you?" he pouting said.

She tried to hold in her laughter at his face but failed miserly and ended up clutching her stomach as she laughed at him. He just smiled at her silliness and hugged her body close to him.


To be attached to something was a weakness. The one you liked or the one you loved became your weak point. But that weak point, could also become a strong point.


He would lie if he said that he didn't was jealous over some things in the relationship that his girlfriend and the fire dragon slayer had. The thing's he was jealous over was that fire dragon slayer was the one that took her to the guild –meaning: the reason she was there; she had ever right to "thank" him, and the main reason:that the fire dragon slayer knew her before him. They could joke over past missions and things that he hadn't been there for. But after some time he got over it.. with the exception that he got an eye on the dragon slayer..

Moi et Toi

" Don't you think that it is dumb?"

Realizing that he was talking to her she questioning looked at him.

He sighted at her and snickered.

" That..?"

" That some people don't take time being with each other"

She smiled at his thoughts and nodded.

" Yeah, ofcourse it is."

" I mean if you love each other shouldn't you have time?"

" Mm" she murmured. He laughed at her short answer.

" You're tired?"

She didn't answer and he realized that she had fallen asleep as he talked.

He smiled and at that time it didn't seem bad with forever with her.


Rogue had once said to him that according to him:

The consequences of falling in love were to give your heart to the one you loved. And that day when he trembling said "Take care of it". He had given his heart to her. To admit that she was his weak point. Well, no doubt about it. He couldn't handle seeing her cry and whenever she was in a fight he would always stand before her. And to love her with all his heart. Well, he had already given his heart..


" Okay! Sting, you take left I take right"

The mentioned male dragon slayer shocked looked on his girlfriend that decided to boss him around at the moment.

" So they are coming from the hill.." he shook his head and made a decision.

"..Hey what are you doing?!" he basically lifted her up and put her behind him.

" You and your independence.." he murmured irritated.

Lost without you

You could say that Lucy was his rescue float. His hand to hold. His all. And he would not let her go.

My missing puzzle piece

" Tsk.." he snarled at the passing village girls and Saber Tooth men.

" It seems like Ryuu* and the other got lucky tonight too, haha" a drunk fellow Saber Tooth man laughed. He clenched his fist. Rogue raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, he understood. The urge for a dragon slayer to "find" a mate was very.. big. Well, he couldn't stand being in the Saber Tooth guild for any longer. They dragon slayer raised a hand as farewell, as he went out into night. As he went down the street he caught sight of an old man with trouble with his carriage. Usually he wouldn't care the heck if a old man had a problem. But today was a weird day, and why not go against everything and help the old man? So he did.

" Thank you young man" the old man said with a toothy sighty smile.

" Whatever.." he murmured.

The old man seemed to stare at him because when Sting looked up he meet the old man's eyes.

" What you're looking at?" he irritated said

"You, know young shouldn't talk like that to you're elders. And I think that you will find your mate. It is just that it is a challenge to find your lifelong partner"

Chocked at the old mans words he stood for a couple of minutes just speechless before he humiliated yelled

" Hah, I am Sting Eucliffe! I can have any woman I want!" red in the face by his irritation, he turned around but there was no sight of the old man. Just the wind after that whispered: " We will see".

At that time he didn't think of it anymore, but later on he would think that the meeting was destiny.

Sting was mad. Okay.. he was furious. Since the meeting with the old man girls had avoided him like he was plague. It didn't matter in the beginning but now it was just..disturbing. It couldn't hurt if girl just said hey, could it?

" Oi, who is making that noise?!"

"Probably Fairy Tail.." Rogue said calmly.

" What? Let's beat them!"

A thought fight between Sting and the Fairy Tail's fire dragon slayer Natsu and the ice guy erupted. But suddenly a bottle made it's way against his head. Dizzy and pained, he went down for a moment before he collected him self.

" Hey! You there! Don't just come in here and hurt my friends!" a clear girly voice shouted.

" Way to go Luce! Nocked the Saber Tooth dragon slayer down!"

" What?.." the girl named Lucy now afraid asked.

The named dragon slayer cleared his head and what he got in his sight was the most beautiful girl he ever seen. Hah, he thought destiny.

To keep me from darkness

You are my light. My salvation. My everything and I love you.