It had been a week since the two women under Minerva's tutelage had learned of her second form and they were nearly there as well. However, with each passing day Narcissa grew even more anxious about her only son. But today would hopefully change that. There was a raid to be directed by the order to retrieve him. The party had left two hours ago and should be returning any minute. Word had come back that all was well. Narcissa still paced, worried for her child, what condition would he be found in?

Hermione noticed this from the doorway and went over to the older witch, pulling her into a hug. Minerva had gone on the raid, leaving the two at Hogwarts to 'practice becoming animagi' because that process was supposed to take years, not a couple of weeks to get down. They had each already become domesticated cats as well and had studiously gotten both transformations down to a split second art that made Minerva proud to be their friend and mentor.

Narcissa leaned into the hug that Hermione was giving her and nodded, knowing what Hermione would have said. Hermione lead the older witch to the love seat and sat them both down before just cuddling the woman. Narcissa allowed the young witch to cuddle her as they waited. If all went well, then Minerva would apparate into her chambers at Hogwarts with Draco.

It was a few moments later when the worried witches heard the pop of apparition and two people were standing in the middle of the sitting room. Minerva smiled as Draco looked around for his mother. Narcissa flew to her son, hugging him tightly and Draco hugged her back just as hard.

"Mum, I am sorry." He cried Narcissa just shook her head and patted his shoulder.

"You are safe that is my only concern; anything else is not of concern at the moment, except for you to meet the young witch who actually came up with the plan," Narcissa said as she turned around to Hermione and was surprised to see that the couch was empty of her young companion. Narcissa turned to Minerva who smiled and pointed in the direction of their bedroom. "Draco, will you wait with Minerva while I go and get her?" she finished. Draco nodded and turned to the Transfiguration mistress.

Narcissa moved and walked into her shared bedroom to find Hermione in the window seat, hugging a book and staring out at the grounds. "Draco would like to thank you, Hermione, I know he wasn't the best to you, but I would like it if you would see him just this once." Narcissa said gently to the young animagus. Hermione looked away from the window at Narcissa and nodded she really should give him a chance. At her nod Narcissa smiled. Hermione followed her out of the room, to face her school enemy.

Draco was sitting on the couch holding a cup of tea when his mother and Hermione entered the room again. Minerva was in an arm chair with her feet curled under her. Draco's eyes widened and his cheeks flushed when he saw Hermione. "Thank you Miss Granger, Hermione. For helping to save me." Draco locked his gray eyes on his classmate and gave a dip of his head before standing and holding out his hand for her to take. Hermione smiled and took his hand before sitting down and grabbing a cup for her; watching as Narcissa did the same.

They all sat in silence for a while, thinking about the day. The plan had gone off without a hitch and Hermione felt good about that. Having talked with 'Cissa about Draco and why he acted the way he did when at school made Hermione feel a little guilty about being so mean back to him. They really were alike is so many ways that it was kind of amusing. They were both smart always holding the top two spots grade wise.