AN: This is going to be a multichaptered fic. It will follow the movie plotline a bit but will sometimes veer off.

Fee. Fye. Foe. Fumm. Ask not whence the thunder comes.

It was Jack's eighth birthday and he had gotten a King Erik doll and a Giant doll from his father. He was beyond excited, his father had been reading the Giants of Gantua , his favourite book to him since he was able to understand the story.

After he received his gift, his father needed to go the market to buy bread and he required that Jack come along for the journey. The market was a long way from their home and his father didn't want to leave him unattended.

Jack brought his dolls along to the market.

When they arrived, Jack was told by his father to stay close by him and not to wander off. But, Jack was the type of boy to get distracted easily.

He was making his dolls fight each other and was unconsciously moving backwards. What he didn't notice was an older boy having a wooden swordfight with another boy.

That older boy was also backing up and didn't notice little Jack.

They collided with each other and the older boy fell backwards onto Jack's backside.

Jack's dolls went flying a few feet away. The older boy's sword went flying as well.

"Elmont! Are you okay?" the older boy's friend asked, helping him up and then handing him his sword.

"I'm good, I don't know about that boy I crushed." Elmont replied.

They both turn around and see the little boy still flat on his face, clearly winded.

Elmont crouches down and gently turns Jack over. Elmont sees Jack slowly open his eyes.

"What happened?" says Jack.

"We bumped into each other and we both fell." Elmont replied, helping Jack up.

Jack was dusting himself off but stopped suddenly when he realized, "Where are my dolls!"

Elmont frowns in confusion. His friend speaks up, "Oh…there's one." He goes and picks up the Giant doll and hands it to Jack.

Elmont looks around for other dolls. He spots the King Erik doll and goes to get it.

"Here you go," Elmont hands back the doll to Jack. Elmont looks at the dolls in Jack's hands. "Cool dolls kid" Elmont states.

"Thanks," Jack says enthusiastically.

"Jack!" his father shouts, searching for him.

Jack is startled. "That's me."

Elmont and his friend chuckle slightly. "Crawe, we should go" His friend nods in agreement.

They depart ways.

Thanks for reading! Review please :)