Notes: Birthday fic (that was written last summer, I'm behind on updating here) for the fabulous miss-meepette on Tumblr. Somewhat of a sequel to "Unraveling" and as such is in the same style of snarky chatlog and cybersex. The odd bits of gibberish near the end are text converted to base64 and can be translated back. Converters can be found on Google.
Orihara Izaya, reborn!
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Business or pleasure, Orihara?
Orihara Izaya
My, my. Someone's being extra blunt today.
Orihara Izaya
Not even a "hello"?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
I'm busy at the moment. If you're just here to be a pest you'll have to come back some other time.
Orihara Izaya
Orihara Izaya
You're honestly telling me a little "god in the machine" like yourself can't multitask?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Don't call me that, it's asinine.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
And I assure you I can.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
As much as I hate to say it, since you're bound to become intolerable once I do, you're almost worthy of my full attention.
Orihara Izaya
Only, "almost"~?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Nothing gets 100% of my attention at any moment in time, Orihara. Not even you.
Orihara Izaya
Not even when you have your cock down my throat?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
It's going to be one of *those* days, isn't it?
Orihara Izaya
It's always one of those days, Tsukumoya.
Orihara Izaya
I'm just more subtle about it sometimes. But not right now. I'm not in the mood for subtle~
Tsukumoya Shinichi
You're never in the mood for subtle and I'm not in the mood for you.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
I could tell you something *very* interesting at a discount if you leave me alone for today.
Orihara Izaya
Stooping to bribery? Shameful.
Orihara Izaya
How much of your attention do I have right now anyway?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Five percent.
Orihara Izaya
Only five? Well now I have a goal!
Tsukumoya Shinichi
You know I can kick you out.
Orihara Izaya
But you won't~
Tsukumoya Shinichi
You're really willing to test that?
Orihara Izaya
If you were going to do it you wouldn't warn me, I'd already be out and IP banned for the day.
Orihara Izaya
I always wondered how you managed to ban me no matter how many proxies I went through. It's kind of boring now that I know the answer is just because you're some kind of digital monster.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Are you going to continue to be this tedious? Because if so I won't even have to bother kicking you out, I'll just ignore you.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
You're down to 2%, Orihara. Care to see if you can manage to go any lower or are you just going to give up now?
Orihara Izaya
You know I don't give up that easily.
Orihara Izaya
Just like I know that no matter how much you complain and protest you're never as annoyed by me as you pretend to be. You likely get a cheap little thrill every time you see me log in.
Orihara Izaya
Is the sight of my name alone enough to get your metaphorical dick hard?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Blatant vulgarity. Yes, that will *definitely* captivate me. You really do know the absolute depths of my soul, Orihara. Why, I'm absolutely riveted. Whatever will you do next?
Orihara Izaya
Next I'll leave you choking on all that sarcasm. You haven't started ignoring me yet, after all~
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Only because the desperation is marginally entertaining. You might have crept back up to 3% for a second there.
Orihara Izaya
I wonder... have you ever considered what it would be like to have things out of your little iron grip of control for once?
Orihara Izaya
Or maybe you have. I haven't forgotten what you said about me not being the first one you cybered with, you know. Did ever you let any of them fuck you? Hold you down? Maybe talk about tying you up... not that you'd ever really be helpless in here but you're probably excellent at faking it. After all, anyone capable of tricking me into thinking that he's human when he very much isn't must be quite the actor.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Jealousy doesn't suit you at all, Orihara.
Orihara Izaya
It's simple curiosity, not jealousy. I don't particularly care if you had a virtual mob in here having a go at you... well, other than the fact that it would have been interesting to watch. What would be the logistics of a cyber-gangbang?...
Tsukumoya Shinichi
You're losing me again.
Orihara Izaya
Ah, really? What am I at?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
You almost made it to 7%.
Orihara Izaya
So I went up!
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Momentarily. Don't pat yourself on the back too much.
Orihara Izaya
I think you're just playing this little percentage game to distract me from taking this conversation places that you don't want to go.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Oh no! So much for my cunning plan, clearly you're too smart for me.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Although, for the record, you *are* the one who asked for a percentage this time.
Orihara Izaya
You still started it. I have something to aim for, after all. No less than 100%~
Tsukumoya Shinichi
It's nice to know that you're doomed to failure even before you begin.
Orihara Izaya
Ah, let's forget about that for now and go back to the idea of you giving up control for once.
Orihara Izaya
You giving up control and me fucking you until you scream.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Spare me.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
You're a power bottom, Orihara. You like the idea of getting your ass pounded on a nightly basis. You wouldn't even know what to do with yourself if you had the opportunity to top.
Orihara Izaya
Now who's being vulgar?
Orihara Izaya
Just admit it. I've intrigued you.
Orihara Izaya
And I assure you, I know *exactly* what I'd be doing with myself if I had you spread out underneath me.
Orihara Izaya
I know I've asked this before and am likely risking being called some degree of tedious, but just what do you get out of it? Have you programmed things in this little room of yours that it doles out the closest thing you can feel to sensation when certain phrases are used?
Orihara Izaya
Does talking about my hand wrapped around your dick give you a little jolt?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
What happened to being uninterested in monsters?
Orihara Izaya
Don't mistake a curiosity for how things work as being similar to the love I have for humanity. My wanting to understand you, or more your... well, "physiology" isn't really the right term but I suppose it will have to do. And that is nowhere *near* the kind of interest I have in people.
Orihara Izaya
Now stop dodging the question.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
I've answered it more than once, Orihara. I just like to watch you squirm.
Orihara Izaya
And I think you're lying. You must feel something.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Nothing you'd recognize.
Orihara Izaya
Orihara Izaya
So what would you feel if I wasn't squirming, then? If I was the one dominating? What would you feel then? Oh I'm sure I wouldn't "recognize" it either but indulge me. Would you still feel *something*?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Orihara Izaya
So then really the only thing preventing you from trying something new is pride. How boring.
Orihara Izaya
Don't you want to try something different for once? Things get so stale if we just keep going through the same motions over and over again. Don't you think?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
What do you suggest?
Orihara Izaya
What's the percentage now?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
You're honestly asking...
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Fine. Twenty.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Now what do you suggest?
Orihara Izaya
That sounds like a lot more than 20% of your attention, but I'll let you have your illusions for now.
Orihara Izaya
Just let me do what I please and don't interrupt.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
I really *am* busy, Orihara.
Orihara Izaya
Ah, but that's what makes it naughty, isn't it? Fooling around at the "office" so to speak. Maybe we should go for the whole setting, with you pushed up against a desk and my lips on your cock...
Tsukumoya Shinichi
This is familiar. I thought you said you were going to do something different.
Orihara Izaya
I also told you not to interrupt. Trust that I know what I'm doing, Tsukumoya. This is just foreplay.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Oral sex is foreplay now? Good to know.
Orihara Izaya
Ah, if only I could make it so you can't reply. It would be convenient to have you virtually gagged the way you did with me.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
I just don't think you're really creative enough for this.
Orihara Izaya
Maybe I'm going about it the wrong way.
Orihara Izaya
Just what is penetration for you, Tsukumoya?
Orihara Izaya
Is it like sex when you slide in past a system's security. Do you get a thrill from that, pushing in deep where you're not supposed to go? Taking what you please.
Orihara Izaya
Ah, what if someone pushed past all of your defences? What then?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
I know what you're up to. And it's not even worth the attempt. You're not going to be able to hack me.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Honestly, Orihara. I'm technically a free-floating consciousness. There's nothing *to* hack.
Orihara Izaya
You've purchased space on several servers in various countries, most of which you own flat out. You use them to run your chatroom, it rotates from server to server on a somewhat random basis.
Orihara Izaya
I *have* been keeping an eye on you, you know.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
And I know that you have. What's your point?
Orihara Izaya
Just that, for all intents and purposes if someone were to get into the server they would basically be... in you.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Charming. You're still not going to be able to accomplish anything. You're hardly a master hacker, Orihara.
Orihara Izaya
But you can feel it, can't you?
Orihara Izaya
What's the percentage now?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Orihara Izaya
So I'll have to try harder then~
Tsukumoya Shinichi
You're not going to be able to...
Orihara Izaya
Maybe you should just open yourself up, hmm~
Orihara Izaya
It feels better if you're not all tense and fighting it.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
You are aware that we're talking about letting you into a server full of highly sensitive information, right? No matter what kind of bizarre parallel for sex you're working up here I'd have to be insane to let you...
Orihara Izaya
How'd that feel?
Orihara Izaya
I'd have to be at... hmm... at least 50% by now. Wouldn't you say?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
You've got help. There's no way you could...
Orihara Izaya
Are you saying I've gone and turned this into a threesome? Never!
Orihara Izaya
I don't like the idea of sharing you. Maybe I'm a little bit jealous. But then I'm sure you get jealous too.
Orihara Izaya
What, no response? Do I have you too distracted now? What does it feel like, me finessing my way in through the tiniest hole? Pushing deeper and deeper ever so slowly...
Tsukumoya Shinichi
You've proved your point. But you're not getting any further.
Orihara Izaya
Aw, you're not going to let yourself get off. Come on now, just tell me. Does it feel good? Do I fill you up just right? Is the pressure enough to make you want to scream?
Orihara Izaya
It would probably be a relief if you'd just open up. You've stopped me but I'm just going to keep pushing.
Orihara Izaya
Maybe I'll just batter against your defences. Over and over and over again. It won't do any good, of course. But I'll just keep pounding and pounding and pounding away. Until it's too much. Until you find yourself thinking that maybe letting go would be best. Wouldn't it?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Orihara Izaya
Eh? What was that supposed to be?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
nothing...i said no
Orihara Izaya
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Orihara Izaya
Are you glitching or something? Ah, why don't you just let go. It's all right to not be in absolute control all the time after all. And I promise I won't peek at anything I shouldn't be in there.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Orihara Izaya
Do I have your full attention?
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Orihara Izaya
Tsukumoya Shinichi
you said you wouldn't rifle though things if i let you in
Orihara Izaya
I'm not. You should know that. Or are you so rattled still that you can't quite focus enough yet to realize it.
Orihara Izaya
No, seeing you undone like this is what's interesting. We should do it more often.
Tsukumoya Shinichi
Orihara Izaya
Just what I wanted to hear. Until next time, Tsukumoya~
Orihara Izaya, confirmed dead!
Tsukumoya Shinichi
you're intolerable orihara