Here we go, ladies and gentlemen, the last chapter. Enjoy!

Castle was standing in front of his chair, looking over his shoulder, when a very nearby voice murmured "Good morning." His head whipped around and he came face to face with Beckett. Startled, he tried to take a step back, but since the chair was already brushing the backs of his knees, he fell heavily into it. He winced with discomfort due to the tenderness generated by the previous night's activities and his gaze flew up to her face to see if she'd noticed. She smirked knowingly but made no comment. He made a mental note to get rid of the paddle as soon as possible. As for the rest of her outfit, well, that had the potential to really spice up their interactions. He was certain that the line between 'asking nicely' and 'begging' was going to be crossed many times in their future.

Later on that day, they were on the way to question a suspect. They spotted him entering his apartment building just as they approached. "Peter Walters," Beckett greeted. "We have some questions for you." Walters' eyes widened with fear and guilt. He spun on his heel and darted down an alley. He slipped through a gate and locked it behind him. Castle immediately dropped to a squat and cupped his hands for Beckett to step into. He boosted her over the gate then employed his new upper body strength to climb over after her. She was pursuing the suspect at a hard run. He began to give chase, reflecting on how, previously, such activity took a physical toll on him. Rich foods and a comfortable lifestyle had diminished the stamina of his youth, so that during his very first pursuit he was easily winded. His lungs and his legs had burned every time he gave chase. Now, however…with long strides he passed Beckett, grabbed the suspect by the collar, yanked him off balance and took him down. "It's not polite to turn your back on a lady who wishes to speak with you," he admonished Walters.

Beckett made the arrest and they walked him back to her patrol unit. She glanced sideways at Castle, who, despite the distance they'd covered, wasn't even out of breath. He met her look proudly, happy he'd done well when it counted. Once they handed the suspect over for processing, she beckoned him to the breakroom, where she fixed him a cappuccino with a smiley face in the foam.

When evening fell, they headed back to his loft. As they prepared dinner together, he used her as a sounding board to work out some plot details for his next chapter. Martha and Alexis came in to find them good-naturedly bickering in front of his smart board, half eaten meals cooling on the table. The partners were so absorbed in the discussion that the addition of two people in the apartment went unnoticed. Martha observed that the looks passing between them were growing increasingly heated. She dragged her grand-daughter back to the kitchen before she witnessed something that would scar her for years.

"How long do you suppose it will take for him to make it official?" Alexis asked the actress as they warmed the leftovers.

"Not long now. He already has a ring. I chanced upon it when I was gathering supplies for Katherine's injured foot," she confided. "Now, darling," she soothed over the younger woman's shocked gasp, "don't say anything. They'll find the right moment. After so many trials and tribulations, the universe owes them some calm seas."

So there you have it. I've told the story I set out to tell. I also *may* have left the door open to a sequel. I'd like to thank each and every one of you who took time to review or add me/the story to favorite or alert lists. I am honored. Stay tuned, I have some other little plot bunnies that I'm trying to nurture into full stories.