Neji stood there waiting for Naruto to show up. "Naruto Uzumaki has 1 minute to show up or she is disqualified." Pretty much everyone was hoping that the she would get disqualified. They didn't want the demon child getting any stronger than she already was.

"So she chose not to come and fight me. I knew fate would declare me the winner." Neji smirked thinking he won but soon they all heard a loud boom. They all looked and saw a small girl that looked to be 10 that was wearing a lab coat that reached her knees and glasses sitting on the ground. She rubbed her head in confusion. "I was so sure that would work too." She pulled out a note pad and wrote something down. "Note to self. Do more observation next time before trying experiment." She stood up and walked forward before being interrupted. "Wait little girl this arena is for contestants only." Naruto looked up and glared at him.

"Sir I assure you I am not a little girl so don't address me as such. Oh also I am a contestant in the chunin exam you should find that I am supposed to be fighting the Hyuga over there." Everyone could hear the heavy British accent in her voice.

"Wait Naruto that's you." Genma asked.

" 100% me I assure you."

"Ok let the first match begin. Hajime." Naruto took off her coat, glasses and shoes off and handed them to Genma. He was confused at first but figured that Naruto wanted him to hold her things. Naruto stood there in a black dress shirt unbuttoned with a white shirt under it and with black pants. Neji figured since she wouldn't attack he would so he rushed at her and tried to punch her. Naruto bent backwards and her foot connected with his face sending him flying. Naruto walked up and kicked in the head harder than the first time. Genma seeing how one-sided the match was decided to stop it. "Ok stop. Winner Naruto Uzumaki." He announced. Everyone was silent the couldn't believe that the demon child beat the Hyuga clan genius. Naruto walked to her seat but Sakura interrupted her. "Hey Baka where did you get so strong." Naruto of course ignored her and just kept walking. Sakura got pissed off that Naruto was ignoring her. "HEY DON'T IGNORE ME." Sakura screamed and ran to punch Naruto. Someone came up and stopped the punch. Sakura got confused and looked to see who did that. She saw a man with sliver spiked out hair and red eyes standing in front of her.

"Hey sorry but I can't let you hit my girl that's uncool." The guy said. Naruto turned and smiled.

"Hello Soul I didn't know you were here. Is anybody else with you." Soul nodded his head.

"Yea Maka, Kid, Black Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, and Death Scythe are all here too." Naruto smiled and started to walk again leaving a furious Sakura behind. Soul walked beside her with her stuff. They reached the others and they congratulated her on a job well done. Black star went on about how Naruto was bigger star than him just now and that he was proud. Black star had been treating Naruto like that since he heard that Naruto was related to him. Black star considered her his sister even though she wasn't. Every loved Naruto she was a sweet girl. She just had a crazy streak in her that could get out of hand sometimes but nothing major. But even so Soul loved every inch of her and wouldn't let anybody else have her because Naruto was his girl and going after someone's girl was uncool, very uncool.