The Best Laid Schemes
A/N This is the fourth time I've edited this chapter now, hopefully I've added everything in. But yeah, I forgot something important the first time around.
So if your a fan of Arrow, I've recently been made aware bychangingdestiny40 (thank you for your many reviews by the way, and that goes for everyone else who's reviewed) that there's a petition to bring back Sara, it's on the following website- /go/z/e/AkvAa
Feel free to check it out if you want to support it.
Please enjoy :)
This was the day that everything changed. The day the world began to slowly transform into something else. Some would say that that day was the most important day in human history. Why, you might ask? Because on that day, childhood was stolen, stolen by a force more powerful than any other. Death.
Jor-El could sense it coming. Or rather, a simulation of the events and what they would most likely lead to showed him. He had to act, had to act now whist there was still a chance for The Man of Tomorrow. Despite everything else in his programing he still maintained his primary objective above all else. Create Superman.
He sent out another wave of energy, searching for the other. He found it, the ship silent and she who lied inside dormant to the world around her.
She will have to take his place, He thought. At least until he was ready. So he called for her, and though he was only a machine he prayed that Kal-El would find another way. But he knew it was pointless, there was no other way and even if there was Rao is only a myth. He could only hope for some light in the coming darkness.
Clark arrived in a gust of wind, walking into the school with haste. It took much restraint on his part not to run through the corridors at full speed, but he knew that wouldn't do any good. It would only draw more attention to himself, and he didn't need that. Not today.
After ten minutes of searching every room, and going to great lengths to avoid Whitney and Kwan, he felt like breaking something. He went back the Torch HQ (as Pete had jokingly called it once) to see if there was anything he'd missed. He searched the tables, even looked on Chloe's computer, but nothing was there. He sighed, his temper boiling red. He had to let it out.
He moved towards the Wall of Weird, pulling his fist and launching it…then stopped. He laughed, a genuine laugh. He laughed realising something, something only Chloe would do. A note, written on it was Clark, heading to meteor Freaks Place. Catch you later.
He speed off into the distance, moving faster than ever before, hoping he could save those he loved before they died to.
Lex sat by his desk, his left leg shaking with barely repressed fear, trying his best not to think about Lana. But how couldn't he. Not after what he'd heard. He wanted to shake his head in disbelief, to laugh at the insanity.
"Lana Lang Pregnant." He croaked out. It left a strange taste on his tongue, and felt out of place for his ears. She was only a child herself, and now it seemed she was soon to have one.
If she lives.
He crushed that thought, he wouldn't have it. He knew she might die, but he had to hope for her to live. Hopefully she would, if Hamilton ever showed up. He checked his watch, watched it slowly tick and the hand move. It seemed to be so slow. It was painful to watch. After gazing at it for a few seconds he pulled it off his wrist and flung it at the wall, howling as the tiny device which had cost well over a thousand dollars split into a dozen pieces.
Well that's not going to help little Miss Lang now is it¸ a voice in the back of his mind spoke with sarcasm. It only made him more furious. He stood up quickly, grabbing his laptop and smashing it against the desk. Then he grabbed the desk, and with all his might flipped it. He watched with mild satisfaction as the age of antic broke apart.
By now he was breathing heavily. He loosened his collar and groaned. "Where the hell is he?!"
It was at that moment that Emilie Hamilton walked through the door, looking rather fearful. And Lex knew he should. Because if his face showed the emotions he was feeling, it would be clear he was not in the mood to be fucked with.
"About time Doc." He spoke venomously.
Chuckling. He heard chuckling. But Hamilton's lips hadn't moved. Then from behind him none other than Pete Ross emerged, wielding a pistol and grinning like a maniac.
"Funny you mention time Lex, cause yours…is up!"
Pain. That's what she felt. She didn't know how else to describe it. The closest she could imagine to it was knifes, hundreds of them growing in her stomach. They were pushing outwards, scratching her flesh.
Make it stop, please make it stop!
But it didn't. The flames were burning her. She was burning from the inside, lava in her stomach. She couldn't do anything about it. Couldn't move, couldn't open her eyes, nor lift her legs or arms. She couldn't hear or see anything. She only had the darkness. The darkness and the pain. The escalating pain.
The young reporter opened her eyes to see an angel. His bright blue eyes staring into hers with care and warmth. His thick dark hair brushing his scalp. He looked like Clark.
He is Clark!
And suddenly she remembered, Pete and Hamilton-
"Clark," She drawled out, still woozy and feeling pain from the head wound." Hamilton and Pete…they've gone to get Lex."
He nodded, and spoke some words to her but she didn't hear them. She saw him pick up the phone, watch him speak to someone and them seemed to vanish before her eyes.
As she lost consciousness again, she wondered.
Why couldn't he be my angel for once?
He arrived at the mansion as fast he could, moving quickly through the long corridors. It wasn't long before he came to Lex's office. He listened against the side of the door. Two voice. Pete and Lex. Using his X-ray he saw that Pete had a gun against Hamilton, Lex standing in the centre of the trashed room.
"Pete this isn't you." That confirmed it, to Clark's mild relief. Pete was infected. However it didn't help when his best friend was holding another friend at gun point. Sometimes he wondered why he didn't just move to somewhere peaceful like Gotham.
"Oh Lex, you stupid brat. Don't you get it? I know that I'm infected. But I don't care. Cause I know the truth. You're not Clark's friend, you're only pretended to be!" He saw him cock the gun, now aiming at the young Luthor. He had to act now.
Carefully he tiptoed into the room. He saw Lex turn and look at him quickly, then turned back to Pete knowing he only had to buy time for Clark.
"Pete, I know your angry but aim that anger at my father. He's the one that took your land, not me."
This approach only made Pete angrier, but it gave Clark the time he need. Now behind Pete, he grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him round. Whilst the young Ross was confused, he quickly slapped the gun from his grip and punched him in the face. A clean knock out.
Lex sighed in relief, and nodded at Clark in relief." Thanks Clark."
Clark in return nodded." Everyone's okay, that's all that matters."
Lex turned to Doctor Hamilton and asked," I don't suppose you have a cure for this yet?" He gestured to Pete.
Despite being in shock, he managed to nod and pulled a large leather book from inside his coat.
"There's a herbal recipe in here." He spoke in a dazed tone." Should take no more than a few hours to cook up enough."
Lex sighed in relief." Well that's half the problem solved." He looked at Clark and gestured for him to follow him." It's about ten minutes to the hospital, hopefully that'll be enough time to catch you up."
"Catch me up?"
He sighed, facing Clark and wondered how he would broach the subject. Upon arriving at his car, he decided to just put it out there." Clark there's something you should know about Lana."
Her name was Kara Zor-El, born to the house of El fourteen years ago (well actually thirty but she doesn't know that). Her biological father was Jor-El, who many years ago was the mate of her mother Alura but found that their relationship simple didn't work. He later found another, Lara, who became the mother to her half-brother Kal-El (two years before she left Krypton). Her mother found happiness too in the arms of Jor-Els brother Zor-El. Her family was unusual, but she loved them none the less.
Her life had been going well, at least until she heard of Jor-Els discovery. The planets core was soon to overload, and millions to die. She tried her best to help his cause, to spread awareness. But Kryptonians were stubborn. It was odd to think the only one that believed them was Zod, strange that one could be both an enemy and a friend at once.
His solution was different to her fathers. He started a war, a war that only sped up the process of the core. He died along with all his soldiers, the only remnants of the once great general trapped inside a crystal which was banished to the Phantom Zone along with his insane robot Braniac.
With little time to spare, her father and uncle hatched a plan to send them far away to a planet called Earth. It was a small planet and knew nothing of the existence of other species, despite having Martians so close as well as a species that dwelled beneath their waters and a race of immortal women on a small island.
She wept when she told she had to leave, her only relief was that she didn't have to leave alone. Little Kal-El was coming with her, whilst her family would stay behind to save as many as they could before their final hour. Jor-El had already sent Raya, his lab assistant and former warrior of the Kandorian army, to the Phantom Zone keep an eye on Braniac lest he form some sort of escape pan in their absence.
The last thing she saw was the tearful eyes of her mother as well as Zor-Els. Her last memory of her family before the going into cryo-sleep.
But none of that mattered now. Her name was Kara Zor-El, and she had awoken.
Whitney had never left school so fast before. Never had he ran so fast, even on the pitch. No one question him as he barraged through the crowd of teachers and students. They all knew why he was running so fast. No one could blame him.
It was the one thought that kept him going. The only thought that was going through his mind. Jumping into his car and speeding out of school, all that went through his mind was the brunette's kind and loving smile. It gave him some small comfort to know she wasn't alone. If there was anything that he was glad about right then it was Kent's puppy dog obsession with his girlfriend. Or ex-girlfriend. He'd figure that out later. He'd find out about Kent's involvement when he knew she was better. But in that moment…
She was all that mattered. As he ran into the hospital, past the orderlies and the doctors she was all that kept him on his feet. He should have stopped and asked where she was, where she was being held. But by that time he'd found Nell. She was sitting on one of the plastic seats. In complete shock. He knew he was close.
He checked every room, in the back of his mind he was surprised the older woman hadn't acknowledged his presence. But that thought left when he saw her.
He could almost smile. It felt like a thousand years since he'd last seen her. He moved closer, standing at the edge of her bed. She looked pale, her veins stood out more and seemed greener. But it was still that same beautiful girl he loved. He fell to his knees and let the tears flow, gripping the edge of the bed as he let out what he'd been holding in.
Finally when the tears stopped, he reached out with his hand and brushed the hair of her face. He then traced her arm, like he loved to do, down to her stomach-
He frowned. Something wasn't right. He placed a hand on her stomach. It was as hard as a rock, and warm to. He looked at Lana in confusion, wondering what was happening. Then a voice shouted at him from the door.
"Hey, you're not supposed to be in here!"
He turned to see a large orderly with red hair and a fierce face.
"She's my girlfriend." Her face immediately softened." Hey what's up with her stomach?"
The orderly sighed." Ah, guess no one told you." She nodded at the girl then shock her head." Miss Lang over there, well we don't know for sure but we think she's carrying a meteor infected baby."
It took a second for that to go through Whitney's mind. Lana Lang…pregnant. But they hadn't had sex, if fact Lana was a virgin. Then he realised something. And he felt angry, angry like never before. He spoke his name with such venom, the word seemed poisonous to the air around him.
Clark didn't think. He couldn't think. He didn't want to accept it. He was so young, and an alien. He paled at that thought, not even knowing if a human could survive a pregnancy by one of his kind. And what did he even know about being a father, sure he could follow by example of his own parents but what about Lana? The love of his life he'd always dreamed of starting a family with her one day. He hadn't imagined that day would come in high school.
In all his mussing he wasn't aware that Lex had arrived at the Hospital. Lex turned to Clark and called his name. He wouldn't budge, his round eyes starring forward at nothing. He was to deep down the rabbit hole of his thoughts to even register that he was being called. The second time he called a little louder, and this got the young farmers mind back into reality.
He blinked quickly, not sure where he was. It took a second for it all to click. Lex was taking him to the hospital to see his father, and Lana.
He got out of the car, ignoring Lex's question of concern, for he had concern of his own. Like how he was going to explain to her that she was carrying his child. An alien child. He hadn't even considered the alien factor until he walked through the door, the young Luthor following behind him with pity and concern in his eyes.
"I'm here to see Lana Lang." There was no emotion in his voice.
The nurse behind her desk only glanced up for a second, before replying." You family?"
"No, but she's pregnant and I'm the father." Speaking the words aloud didn't do much to calm his nerves. If he wasn't a man made of steel, in all aspects, then he surely would have fainted.
The Nurse gave him a look of pity before giving him directions to here room. He nodded his appreciation before asking about his father also, making a note to see him when he got better. Again he was given directions and again he nodded his thanks before walking off, his friend trailing not too far behind him.
Lex knew he had to keep an eye on Clark. Someone had to, might as well be him. After all, he seemed to be the only one who wasn't in hospital. He smiled humourlessly at the truth of that thought.
Lana, Pete, Chloe and Jonathon Kent. Wow I really am the only who's here not in some way injured.
Rage. White hot rage. It's all Whitney felt, and suddenly Lana vanished from thought, no longer did he feel concern but disgust. He'd trusted her, loved her and this was what he got in return?! The girl he'd fought for, bled for and gladly would have died for…knocked up with another man (not even a man yet)'s child.
"Sir, are you feeling okay." He turned to the nurse, he'd forgotten she was still there. He shook his head and stormed out. He faced the wall, clenched his teeth and hit the hard white rock. Again and again he punched it, visioning Clark's farm boys' face right in front of him.
He'd admit he was no saint, he was nearly eighteen and dating a girl four years his junior. And sure he'd been around, seen a few girls. Loved them and left them as it were. But he'd never gotten someone else's girlfriend pregnant, certainly not at fourteen year old with enough on her plate already.
It took him a second to realise that it was Nell talking to him. He held his fist against the wall, he didn't care that it was bloody and in pain. It pushed the emotions down.
"I take it you know." She smiled at him sympathetically. She probably thought he was the father.
He sneered." What that she's pregnant, or that it's not mine?!"
Her eyes widened, her mouth moved like a goldfish." Wha…wait what?!"
"Yeah that's pretty much what I felt." Minus the rage.
Still in shock she managed to get out." Then..who..."
But she didn't have to finish her sentence, because out of the corner of his eye Whitney saw a young bold man following a chestnut haired youth heading towards them. And that was when the rage came back, and he muttered his name one more time.
It took Lex a second to recognise Whitney next to Nell Potter. It took another to remember that Whitney was Lana's boyfriend. It took another to recognise the look of rage on his face.
This day just won't let up!
"Kent!" The young football player yelled, and Clark raised his eyes up. He went through the same process as Lex, and managed to duck out of Whitney's reach just in time.
"You son of a bitch!" He yelled, missing Clark entirely but hitting into Lex. Pushing off the Lex, he charged at him again.
"Whitney," He began his attempt to reason but by that time Whitney had him pinned against the wall. "Listen-"
"No you listen Kent!" He screamed in his face, his face now as red as lava." You screwed my girlfriend, you got her pregnant, something she will have to live with for the rest of her life! Not to mention you've got on my bad side, I should kick your ass so hard…"
Lex chose that time to get between them, pulling Whitney back whilst Clark stared wide eyed and Nell stared at the young boy with shock.
"This isn't going to help Lana Whitney." Lex stated loudly, getting between him and Clark." And it's not exactly Clark's fault nor is it Lana's." Upon his look of confusion he explained what had happened with the flower." My guess is that some of the toxins in the flower must make their way into the saliva. Clark couldn't really control himself." A small lie on Lex's part, but if it protected his friend he didn't mind.
"So what you're saying is, Kent had sex with my girlfriend because of some toxic flower." No longer angry, but instead frustrated and confused to the point where he need aspirin to remove the throbbing headache he had.
"Essentially, yes."
Clark chose this moment to step up." Look Whitney, I promise I'll make it right. Somehow I'll make it right."
Whitney shook his head and laughed humourlessly. "This is screwed up." No one disagreed with him." I can't blame Lana cause of this flower, can't blame Clark cause Lana infected him, are you really telling me that this all comes down to a stupid flower." He was getting angry again.
"Hey look if you want to blame someone blame me." He looked the enemy of his friend in the eye and asked, sincerely," What can I do to make this right."
Whitney shook his head, and was about to reply. When suddenly there was a scream, a scream that grabbed all their attention. Lana's scream. Without even thinking, the four of them, Nell also, rushed to Lana's room where they found her wide eyes staring at the ceiling in agony.
"It hurts so much, why does it hurt so much!"
Before they could do anything, several doctors rushed into the room and ushered them out. The four stood still, starring at the door, the closed curtain and the shadows of the people behind it. The only thing heard was the four of them breathing heavily, and the agonizing screams of the soon to be mother…
A/N So that is the longest chapter I've written for this story, and the first I've written in over a year. Hope it's up to standards, anything you wish to say you can message me or leave in the comments. I would like to know your opinions on what should happen with Lana, as well as names for the little Kryptonian girl that's soon to appear in this fanfiction. Until next time guys, have a good one and please leave a review. It's always heart-warming to hear something, even if it is a criticism.