takes place in Season 1 episode 15 Nicodemus, you know the one with the flower. It's a different take on that episode and what might have happened. Be warned, this chapter contains an attempt at LEMON. My first attempt, so don't expect it to be any good

Clark watch intently at the brunette beauty that stood just meters, stip down to her red underwear..for him! Him, Clark Kent the farm boy with barely a cent to his name had the honour of being the first man to see the magnificent body of Lana Lang. A girl he had loved all his life, a girl he thought he had no chance with. A girl, with perfect breast that fit perfectly on her small body. Whose slim figure in water was more attractive than a greek godess.
He knew he shoudn't look, this after all was not entirely his Lana, but despite his big heart in the end teenage hormones won the battle raging in his mind.
"Don't you won't to come in?" Asked the temptress of his wild dreams. His mind was racing wild. Should he join her and let his true feelings show, or should he try to laugh off this awkward situation before he did somthing he might regret. In the end he chose the later.
"I don't think so." He told her smiling as politle as he could without letting his jaw drop to wide, and averting his eyes before his jean trousers were ripped. Lana mimicked his smile, but instead of backing off like she usually would she instead swam closer. As she reached the stairs, she paid care to make each step as seductive as possible. Why the hell not right? It wasn't like Clark was going to act on his feelings. She might aswell have a little fun. As she took the final step out of the pool, Clark took a look up and down her body. The Underwear she was wearing was clinging to her skin which made more of her body visble to Clark than he had ever been allowed to see (well without x-ray that is). He was suprised to find that he didn't feel the slightest bit guitly over oggling her. It wasn't like this was his first time oggling her (mostly) naked body. In fact first time he'd used x-ray vision he'd seen her bare tight ass. Yet somehow this was more intense. Probable because she was giving him permission to oggle her. Her neck words took him to the edge of what he bare.
"I know you want me Clark" he gulped hopping to suppress his urges with the saliva " Just stop holding back."
You don't need say that twice, he thought. Even so he let her put the palm of her hand to his face, and pull him in to a deep passionate kiss. It wasn't like Clark expected. It was a million times more intense than anything he could imagine.
Simiar thoughts had been going through Lana's head. She hadn't meant to kiss him so soon. But if she had to spend one more minute looking at those gergous lips and expect to hold back, then she was wrong. And she knew that it would be nothing like kissing Whitney. For all his good lips and charm he may have bad breath, or rough dry lips or just a terrible kisser. She had prepared and expected for all those outcomes. She just hadn't expected him to be so good. She even found herself surpressing a moan.
Clark, who mere minutes ago had been facing the stress that his lifevgave him, had pretty much forgotten everything since the moment his lips touched Lana's. For at that moment he was no longer Clark Kent, alien farmboy but Clark Kent man in love letting loose his most basic instinct. If the two of them weren't high school teenagers with ragging hormones, they might have been able to stop. Unfortunately that's what they were, and sometimes, you need to let the hormones rule. For in those few seconds there kiss had turned from slow and passionate to wild and needy. Clarks hands had found there way around Lana's waist. Lana's were tight around Clark's neck. There body's sensing here shared need they both began slowly slipping to the floor, where Clark lay over Lana who was now kissing her body as though it was somthing to be worshipped. This time she did moan.
Clark groaned into her neck. That groan only made him harder. He tried to shiffed his lower half away, but was suprised to find she had hooked her legs around his waist. He stopped kissing her, amd raised his head to look her in the eye.
"I want you Clark." She murmmered quietly but seductively. "I want you to be my first."
Clark wasn't quite sure he had heard right. It was confirmed when she began to use her small delicate fingers to unbutton his shirt. He briefly considered stopping this where this was now, put an end to it before they ended doing somthing they might regret. But the look in her eyes stopped him. The look of pure want. A want for him. And when Lana wanted somthing from him, especially somthing like this, who was he to refuse her. As he replanted his lips to hers he realised that she had completely unbuttoned his shirt and was now on the proccess of undoing his zip of his trousers.
"Lana!" He groaned loudly, pleasing her greatly that she had such and effect on him. She was begging to think it was inly one way with all the moaning and groaning he'd been doing. She was supried that he began to stand up. Then, as he threw his shirt from his body into a pile to join hers and let his jeans fall from his body to the floor she realised thatbhe was just moving things along. As he came back down to the floor, he sat down on the floor and removed his shoes and socks and palced them on the pile. Only then did she get her first real look at the man that was Clark Kent. She had always thought he had a great body under all his country wear, but damn it was just too good to be true. He was built up with more muscle than Mike Tyson. The man must've been able to lift a tractor.
"See anything you like!" He asked cheekly. She gave her most suductive smile and pounced on him, places reversed with her on top and him on the bottom. He quickly began kissing her again as her arms trailed his muscles and his her back. As they reached a her ass, he couldn't help but give a gentle sqeeze. Inztrad on sqeuelling like he thought she would Lana gabe a low moan of pleasure. She had never assumed such a move to be a turn on for her. Not that she wasn't already as wet as the water next to them, she just found this interesting. Eventually, after a few minutes of stroking her back Clarks fingers found the back of her bra. The moment he did there kissing stopped and she opened her eyes to meet his. He conveyed his silent request, and she nodded her approval. He quckly undid her bra and threw into the pile of clothing, allowing hid bear chest to touch her bare breast. He almost expeted her to shy away, after all this was the furthest they'd ever been with another person. But they'd gone to far now to stop but why should they.
Lana was suprised to find Clarks lips leave hers, but quickly found herself moaning again when he attached them... To her nipples! She groaned his name and began panting and her breathing getting faster. She noticed this got his alredy buldging manhood to increase even futher. And that for her was crossing the line. Right now she was feeling more desire than she had ever flet before in her life. She just couldn't take the suspense any more. So she grabbed Clarks head from her breasts, looked into his eyes, and spoke her mind.
"I want you inside of me Clark."
For a moment Clark was in shock, the next they were back in there original position with him on top and her underneath. In a moment of pure hormonal madness, Clark ripped Lana's panties form her body (he wasn't sure how he woukd explain that later) and quickly did the same to himself. And for the moment they bith eyed themselves, making observations. He was huge. She was so tight. He looks so strong. Her body is so perfect. I want this more than anything. I never wanted anything so badly.
Now it came down to the moment they'd been waitng for. The grand finale. They no longer had a reason to hold back. Even though every part of his body knew that she wanted it, his mind urged him to at least make sure that this was what she wanted.
It's sweet, she thought and smiled at him, even though I told him yes he still feels like he need my permission. Slowly, to emphasize her decision, she nodded nad took and deep breath and waited for Clark to enter her.
Clark, now know that this was what she wanted, lined himself up with her openning. He had her legs wide to make it easier for them. He wasn't sure what he'd do if his strenght got the best of him. Hell, in the next few minutes he coukd kill her. So he decided, even she was going to die making love to him, he had to tell her somthing.
"Lana" he began " I just want you to know that I've always loved you. And I always will."
And with that he entered into her small tight walls and gasped. It was more pleasureable than he expected. He looked down at Lana and his face fell when he realized that she was grimicing slightly. He looked worried but she motioned for them to continue but slowly. He oblidged and began to slowly move in and out of Lana. Each time he did she both hissed and groaned. After a few minutes though the groans began to come more often than hisses.
"Faster!" She panted, and he happily obligged. This was not a comfortable speed for him asche could move so much faster. Pretty soon he found that they were both groaning, and louder by the second since Lana apparnetly couldn't get enough. Perhaps what happened next woudln't have happened next wouldn't have happened if they hadn't climaxed at the exact same time. Clark found that he could just barely hold back from screaming her name. Lana clearly did not have his strenght of will and proceded to shout at the top of her voice: "OH GOD, CLARK!"
That was the moment Lana Lang ran out of energy and collapsed on the floor. Clark took to laying down breathlessly. Not from being tired, but the fact that HE had just had MIND BLOWING SEX with LANA LANG! He looked at her to confirm it. She appeared to be doing th same thing.
"That wad just...!?" For once Clark Kent was lost for words.
"Amazing?" Lana offered.
"Not even close."
They both burst out laughing, and for some reason, Lana found herself curling her body into Clark with her head and hand rested on his chest and her leg intwined with his. Not that Clark mined, in fact he barely even noticed. He was still trying to work his head around the fact that he had had sex. It was an unfortunate that a horrible thought just occured to him.
"What are you going to tell Whitney?" And for a moment she looked genuinely confused. "I mean, I don't like the guy but it's wrong for us to go behind his back and not tell him."
Lana thought this over. She had to admit thoughts of Whitney had left her head the moment Clark and her had kissed. So what would she do about her boyfriend?
"I can't tell him today, I don't habe any classes with him." This was jsut and excuse, she could and probably would see Whitney throughout the school day and in the hours after. But Clark seemed to buy it.
"What about tomorrow then?" He was supprised to hear a sigh, from behind them.
"Oh, I don't think wither of you will have the time tomorrow Mr Kent. Especially with you both serving detention."
Clark and Lana quikly hurred to make thenselves slightly decent before expaining their predicament to the Principal. When Clark had both his shirt on and his underwear and pants he turned to plead his innocence. Umfortunately, Kwan already knew what they were going to say.
"Save it both of you."They noticed he wasn't looking. "Are you both decent?" They quickly replied yes. He tuend to face the too guilty faces. "I hope you too both inderstand what you did was something that's suppose to be shared between to intimate adults, not high school children. So for the rest of the week, you'll be spending all lessons and free time you have in detention." He straightened his tigh and nodded. "Good day." And walked off.
Lana and Clark spend the rest of the day in detention thinking pretty much the same thing.
'My dad's/ aunts gonna kill me!'